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From the Perspective of Industrial Clusters in Research on Automobile Industry Strategic of Liuzhou /(1978-2012/)

导  师: 张坚

学科专业: 060105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广西师范大学

摘  要: 柳州市是广西壮族自治区最大的工业城市,也是中国汽车制造的五强城市之一。汽车产业作为柳州市三大支柱产业之首及广西重点发展的千亿产业之一,在柳州、全区经济发展及西南地区汽车产业发展中占重要战略地位。 随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,产业集群作为一种空间经济组织形式,因其带来创新激励及产业成本降低的集聚效应而成为产业保持强劲、持续竞争优势的不二选择,是中西部地区促进区域创新和加速产业结构优化与升级的有效组织形式。柳州汽车产业经半个世纪的发展已具深厚产业集群基础及特色,在全球汽车产业中心东移及全国汽车产业格局加速向中西部转移的战略背景下,在对西部大开发仅以效益和速度为圭臬的经济发展模式的质疑中,以产业集群的视角客观、全面评价柳州汽车产业的发展状况,对促进产业结构优化升级及经济生产方式转型,有重要理论意义和现实指导意义。评价的核心在于构建全方位、多角度的评价系统。通过打破以往以现实状况为主而忽略历史脉络梳理、以企业为主体而忽略政府政策作用的研究框架,关注企业同时关注政府政策作用,关注高层次人才同时也关注普通工人,以向创新型产业集群发展为目标,从社会、政府、企业、职工四个层面构建了产业集群竞争力评价系统。 文章分四阶段对柳州汽车产业集群形成过程进行系统梳理,得出其已形成具深厚产业基础和特色的产业集群并快速向成熟产业集群发展的结论,为评价系统更客观地发挥效用打下历史基础;继而通过所构建的评价系统对集群发展质量进行客观、综合评价,分析集群自我发展成功经验与存在问题,实现理论与实证分析相结合;最后依据评价结果有针对性地对各关键要素提出产业集群战略,即社会层面需调整集群内企业和相关机构以建立完整产业链和健全产业间联系,充分发挥激励机制、产业发展载体与人文力量的作用以营造产业良好发展氛围;政府层面以可持续发展观统领产业政策并争取更高层面的政策支持;企业层面应以长远眼光看待自主品牌建设,重视开发新能源汽车,实现服务网络“下移”;职工层面,高层次人才培养应与引进同重,关注普通工人以建立产业未来资源。以求在经济全球化和区域经济一体化浪潮中,促进柳州汽车产业集群结构优化升级及实现外推转向内生、粗放型转向集约型的经济生产方式转型,契合自身良性可持续发展需求向成熟的创新型产业集群发展,实现与广西北部湾经济区的共同发展与繁荣,更好地承接国内外产业转移,成为西南地区工业经济强有力的发动机。 Liuzhou is the largest industrial city in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it is also one of base of most important car production in China. Automobile industry is top of the main industry of Liuzhou and one of industry which focus on form the region, it has important strategic position in the economic development of the Liuzhou, the region and development of automobile industry in the southwest. With the acceleration of global economic integration, industrial clusters can stimulate innovation and cut down the cost of industry, industry cluster is an effective organization to accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, so industry select it to maintain a competitive advantage.Liuzhou automobile industry has profound foundation and characteristics, from the perspective of industrial cluster in research on the development of Liuzhou automobile industry from the background of the transfer of automobile industry center, to make a evaluation objectively and comprehensively, to find out the key factors of competitiveness, to proposes strategic suggsetions, has an important theory and the practical significance.To constructs an evaluation system of competitiveness of industrial clusters from four aspects of society, government, enterprise, individual form break the old research framework. First of all,In order to make the evaluation system more objective function,to research the industrial history from four stages;Secondly,make a evaluation objectively and comprehensively to the development quality of automobile industry cluster from the evaluation sytem,attention to enterprises and government, attention to ordinary workers and high-level talents, analysis the successful experiences and existing problems in the industrial clusters;Finally, to proposes strategic suggsetions according to the results of the assessment, In order to promote upgrading of Liuzhou automobile industry cluster and to achieve transformation of economic mode of production,to make sustainable development of innovative industry cluster,into the development of Pan-Beibu Gulf Region,to undertake domestic and international industrial transfer, become the powerful industry engines of the southwest region.

关 键 词: 柳州 汽车产业 战略研究 产业集群

分 类 号: [F426.471 F279.2]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 张忧怀
作者 谢智敏
作者 张金囡
作者 聂靓
作者 程杨


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟