导 师: 李育民
学科专业: 0451
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 湖南师范大学
摘 要: 21世纪是以知识创新和应用为重要特征的知识经济时代,学会学习是新时期对每位中学生的基本要求。根据我国教育改革的基本精神,历史学科教育也要适应现代化建设的需要,为社会培养高素质、厚基础、宽口径的人才。这就意味着历史学科教育无论从教学方式、教学观念、师生关系以及教学思维模式上都将进行一场深刻的改革。在中学历史教学中实施研究性学习,无论是针对学生学习的方式、还是教师的教学方式,都将提供极好的借鉴,是适应这一要求的重要途径。 本论文致力于通过分析中国近代史的特点,用具体的案例,分初中、高中两个阶段来探讨如何在中学历史教学中实施研究性学习,包括研究性学习的特点、要求、指导思想、目标等基本概况,对中国近代史进行研究性学习的相关问题进行系统论述。 本文分为五章。第一章简单介绍了对历史学科研究性学习的认识;第二章、第三章和第四章是本论文的主体部分,围绕着在初高中两个阶段实施研究性学习应达到的目标和特点,具体论述了中国近代史实施研究性学习的可能性、必要性和指导思想,并指出了基本的要求和方法。以人教版为例,分别阐述了中国近代史在初中和高中的基本概况,结合内容归纳了中国近代史的特点,指出如何根据这些特点提出具体的、可供操作的研究性学习的课题,以及在这其中存在着的问题。在这些理论的指导下,重点阐述了中学阶段开展研究性学习的实践探究,以及在中国近代史阶段实施研究性学习的积极作用。文章最后一章结合理论和实践探究,分别以小论文、人物评价和社会调查三种形式以具体的实例进行说明,以期对中学历史开展研究性学习有所帮助。 The twenty-first Century is the era of knowledge economy to knowledge innovation and application, learning is a basic requirement for all students in the new period. According to the basic spirit of education reform of our country, the history education has to adapt to the needs of modernization, cultivating high-quality, thick foundation, wide caliber talents for the society. This means that the history education in terms of teaching mode, teaching idea, teacher-student relationship and teaching mode of thinking will be a profound reform. Implement research learning in middle school history teaching, is an important approach suitable for this request. This paper is devoted to the analysis of the characteristics of Chinese modern history, discussing how to carry out the research study in history teaching in middle school /(junior high school and high school/) with the concrete case, including the basic situation of study characteristics, learning requirements, guiding ideology and target, to expound the Chinese modern history of issues related to research study systematically This paper discusses the possibility of implementation of modern Chinese history, studies the necessity and guiding ideology, and points out the basic requirements and methods. Divided into junior and senior high school in two stages, it describes the target and characteristics of the research study. Under the guidance of the theory, it focuses on the study of practical learning in middle school and the implementation of the positive role of research study in the stage of Chinese modern history. Finally, combining the theory and practice, it describes respectively in a small paper, interest group and social survey in three forms with specific examples, in order to help carry out the research on the middle school history study.
分 类 号: [G633.51]
领 域: [文化科学]