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Empirical Research on China Shareholders' Right to Inspect

导  师: 李建伟

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国政法大学

摘  要: 股权是股东基于股东资格而享有的、从公司获取经济利益并参与公司经营管理的权利,它包含诸多内容,其中最基础的是股东知情权,亦即股东知悉公司经营与财务信息的权利。股东查阅权是股东知情权积极权能的重要组成部分,使股东通过查阅会计账簿等公司资料了解公司相关信息,进而判断其投资价值并作出相应决策。股东查阅权纠纷已经成为当前法院受理的公司类纠纷的主要类型。我国2005年修订《中华人民共和国公司法》时对该制度进行了较大程度的完善,但遗憾的是仍存在诸多问题留待立法的进一步完善。因此,笔者选择了股东查阅权制度作为研究对象,通过对该制度进行实证研究,检讨该制度的运行现状,分析在立法较为原则的背景下司法机关所作的努力,并提出具体的完善建议。本文正文部分由四章组成。 第一章运用统计学的方法对本文选取的192个裁判样本进行实证研究,包括描述统计和定量分析两个部分。首先,通过描述统计的方法分析了样本的总体情况,包括股东、公司以及案件本身等三个方面。其次,对可能影响股东查阅权诉讼结果的四个因素进行定量分析,以求发现其中可能存在的规律性。 第二章对股东查阅权诉讼的审理焦点问题进行细致的剖析。以2006年修订后的公司法施行为界限,本章首先介绍了2006年以前股东查阅权诉讼的审理难点。然后,从股东查阅权制度的法律要件出发,结合样本中的经典案例,分析法院在裁判理由部分的说理,对2006年以来股东查阅权诉讼的审理焦点进行了详尽的探讨,包括行权主体的股东资格、前置程序、查阅对象及查阅目的等问题。最后,本章比较了2006年前后股东查阅权诉讼方面的审理焦点,发现法院在审理此类诉讼时所面临的难题并没有因为2006年新公司法� Shareholders' right is based on the eligibility of shareholders, entitledshareholders to obtain economic benefits from the company andparticipate in the management of company. It contains a lot of contents,the most basic of which is the shareholders' right to know, which is theright of shareholders to be aware of the company's operating and financialinformation. Shareholders' right to inspect is an important component ofshareholders' right to know, which makes shareholders understand thecompany's relevant information and then judge the value of theirinvestment and make the appropriate decision-making. The dispute ofshareholders' right to inspect has become the main type of corporatedisputes before the court. The amendments to the company law of P.R.Chave made greater perfection in2005, but unfortunately there are stillmany problems left to further improvement. So, the author chooses it asthe object of study and makes empirical research on it in order to discussthe current situation of it, analyze the efforts made by judicial bodies andput forward suggestions for the improvement of it. The thesis is dividedinto four chapters. Chapter one makes empirical research on the selected192sampleswhich employs statistical methods, including descriptive statistics andquantitative analysis. First, the author analyzes the overall situation, suchas the shareholders, the company and the case itself. Then, the authorquantitatively analyzes four factors that may affect the result of the actionof shareholders' right to inspect so as to find out the rule which probablyexists. Chapter two elaborately analyzes the trial focus of the action of theshareholders' right to inspect. Using the enforcement of the revisedcompany law in2006as a boundary, the author firstly outlines the trial focus before2006. Then, based on the legal elements and in connection tothe typical cases in the samples, the author analyzes the reasoning parts inthe judgment and makes an exhaustive study on the trial focus after2006,including the eligibility o

关 键 词: 股东查阅权 正当目的 利益平衡 代理问题 实证研究

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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