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Lex Fori in the Law Applicable to Foreign-related Civil Relations Research in China

导  师: 黄亚英

学科专业: 030109

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

摘  要: 晚近以来,随着法院地法出现扩大化的趋势,随之而来的是以国际社会本位理念、促进国际民商事交往与合作等为理由合理限制法院地法扩大适用的呼声。改革开放以来,随着我国涉外民商事法律制度的不断完善,法院地法在我国涉外民商事法律关系领域的适用也在逐步的扩大,特别是在我国《涉外民事关系法律适用法》及《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法>若干问题的解释(一)》颁布实施后,这种趋势表现的更为明显。 绪论部分主要介绍本文的研究范围、选题意义、研究现状、研究方法及不足之处。 第一章分为三部分,第一部分介绍法院地法规则,第二部分分析法院地法的发展趋势,第三部分研究法院地法在我国的适用情形。其中第三部分将法院地法在我国的适用情形总结为直接适用、约定适用和间接适用三种。 第二章分为三部分,分别研究法院地法在我国涉外民事关系定性、涉外离婚、涉外收养的适用情况,具体包含立法和司法两个方面,并对我国现行立法做出评价及对完善我国立法提出建议。 第三章研究法院地法在我国民事领域的约定适用和间接适用,即在涉外知识产权侵权领域的约定适用、在公共秩序保留和外国法查明中的间接适用,并对我国立法和国外立法进行比较研究,在肯定我国立法进步的前提下分析我国立法中存在的问题。 第四章为法院地法在我国适用的发展评析。通过前三章研究,可以认定法院地法在我国存在扩大化的发展动向,具体包括立法的扩大化和司法的扩大化。法院地法在我国的扩大化在一定程度上是随着我国社会主义法治不断发展完善产生的,是一种进步,并且是不可避免的。法院地法在我国扩大化的合理限制的标准的确定应当是在保证“个案正义”的前提下,充分考虑国际社会本位理念及维护我国法律正当的“属地权威”后,审慎的做出。 Recently,as the court method appears the trend of escalation,the resultingconcepts is based on international standard,and promote the international civil andcommercial exchanges and cooperation and so on as the reason for the reasonablelimit method of expanding the applicable court. Since China's reform and opening up,with the constant improvement of China's foreign-related civil and commercial legalsystem,Lex fori in foreign-related civil and commercial legal relations in the field ofour country is also gradually expanded,especially in Law of the application of law forforeign-related civil relations of the people’s republic of China and The supremepeople’s court about applicable law of the application of law for foreign-related civilrelations of the people’s republic of China /(1/),the explanation of some issues afterissued and implemented,this trend is more obvious. The introduction part mainly introduced this article research scope, the selectedtopic significance, research status, research methods and shortcomings. The first chapter is divided into three parts, the first part introduces Lex fori, thesecond part analyzes the development trend of Lex fori, the third part study Lex foriin the applicable situation in our country. The third part will summarize Lex fori inour country for direct apply and indirect apply, conventions apply. The second chapter is divided into three parts, respectively study Lex fori inqualitative, foreign-related divorce in China's foreign-related civil relations, foreignadoption of applicable conditions, concrete contains two aspects of legislation andjudicature, and comment to the current legislation of our country and the advice toperfect our legislation. The third chapter study Lex fori in civil areas in our country the provisions of theapplicable and indirect applicable, namely convention applicable in the field offoreign-related intellectual property infringement, the reservation of public order andfind out the foreign law applicable indirectly, and a comparative study on China's legislation and foreign legislation, the legislation in our country certainly progressunder the premise of analyzing the problems existing in the legislation of our country. The fourth chapter evaluates the development of Lex fori in our country.Through the first three chapters study, can be decided in Lex fori exists in our country,the development trend of the spread, including legislative and judicial failureexpansion. Lex fori in our country is expanded to a certain extent,along with theconstant development of the socialist rule of law in our country to perfect,is a kind ofprogress,and is inevitable. Court method in the determination of the reasonable limitstandard of expansion in China should be in guarantee under the premise of“individual justice”,give full consideration to the social standard principle andmaintenance our country law as “earthly authority”.

关 键 词: 法院地法 中国 扩大化 合理限制 限制标准

分 类 号: [D997 D925.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 颜鹏飞
作者 廖培宇
作者 王立志
作者 强锋
作者 李蒙蒙


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东海洋大学法学院
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院
机构 中山大学地球与环境科学学院城市与资源规划系
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚