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导  师: 王家远

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学

摘  要: 随着中国城市人口的不断增加和城市化进程的日益推进,城市建设与旧城拆迁产生的建筑废弃物量逐年递增,如何加强建筑废弃物减量化管理,提高建筑废弃物的减量化水平成为嗜待解决的难题。在诸多的建筑废弃物减量化措施当中,在设计阶段实施建筑废弃物减量化被广泛认为是最有效的,因为设计阶段是建筑废弃物产生源头,相关设计规划人员可以通过充分考虑整个项目设计规划的每一个细节,采用低废弃率建筑材料,合理进行施工设计规划等一系列措施来降低施工过程建筑废弃物的产生。 然而,通过大量文献回顾发现,关于如何评估这些设计措施在建筑废弃物减量化方面的效果,会产生多大的经济、环境效益,会以何种方式在何种程度上对建筑废弃物整个管理过程产生作用的研究还相对匮乏。同时,国内建筑师们大多也尚未针对建筑废弃物的减量化进行相应的设计规划,他们普遍认为建筑废弃物主要是在建设施工阶段产生,无法清晰理解建筑设计对建筑废弃物产生所带来的重要影响。政府也缺乏合理评估待建项目在建筑废弃物方面影响的方法,难以有效地在规划阶段合理评估待建项目的环境影响。 本文在总结国内外文献的基础上,首先从建筑技术、设计师行为态度、设计师能力、外部制度五个方面识别了设计阶段影响建筑废弃物减量化水平的主要因素,继而基于系统动力学理论及方法构建了包括减量化设计、废弃物管理、经济效益评估,环境效益评估四个子系统在内的建筑废弃物减量化设计评估模型,最后借助VENSIM系统动力学软件对深圳市的待建住宅项目进行了建筑废弃物减量化效果的模拟评估。 研究结果表明,基于系统动力学理论所建立的减量化设计评估模型可以有效地评估在设计阶段实施建筑废弃物减量化后建筑废弃物的产生量、处理量、经济效益、及环境效益等多项指标:模拟结果显示案例现行的设计阶段建筑废弃物减量化实践可以减少391t建筑废弃物,减少填埋121t建筑废弃物,获得365万经济效益,减少1740kg二氧化碳排放以及节省164m2土地耗用。本研究所识别的设计阶段影响建筑废弃物减量化的至关重要因素可以为管理人员制订建筑废弃物管理规则提供参考,所建立的模型一方面为建筑设计师提供了一个评估平台,用以评估设计措施在建筑废弃物处理上的效果;另一方面,模型模拟结果可以为政府建设部门的项目批建提供建筑废弃物产生和环境影响方面有价值的参考信息。 Construction waste reduction is considered as the most effective and efficientmethod for waste management, as it cannot only minimize waste generation andeliminate waste disposal and environmental problems, but also lessen constructioncost on waste sorting, transportation and disposal.Among the solutions of reduction,implementing waste-minimization-design is commonly identified as a key strategy todrive waste minimization in an effective manner, as design could efficiently avoidunnecessary material waste through taking full consideration of every single detail ofthe overall construction project ahead of operation, such as taking full considerationinto every single detail of project design in relation to waste generation, adoptinglow-waste architectural technologies, designing reasonable construction planning andso forth. Nevertheless, it has been confirmed by existing literatures that limited attentionhas been paid to the investigation of significant variables affecting the performance ofwaste reduction at the design stage, especially, their impacts on economic andenvironmental performance. Meanwhile, most of Chinese architects tend to have littlework experience in relation to conducting design for minimizing the generation ofconstruction waste, and cannot clearly understand the significant influence of theirdesign on construction waste generation as they generally suggest that constructionwaste mainly generates in construction process rather than design stage. Last but notthe least, construction related sectors also indicate lack of method for evaluating theimpacts of construction waste generation of proposed construction project, with aresult of failing to assess environmental influences of proposed construction projectsahead of operation. On the basis of intensive literature review, this paper investigates the factors thataffect the implementation of construction waste minimization at the design stage from five aspects, namely the construction techniques, materials planning and management,designer’s behavior and attitude, designer’s ability and external regimes. Thereafter,this study formulates the waste-minimization-design evaluation model for assessingthe overall influence of various design strategies employing system dynamics theoryby a vensim software package. The model comprises four sub-systems, namely wasteminimization design, waste management, economic performance evaluation, andenvironmental performance evaluation. Finally, the resulting model was validatedusing data collected from a construction project in Shenzhen, China. The simulation results demonstrate that application of prefabricated componentis expected to have the largest influence on construction waste reduction and thecombined impact of multi-design strategies is inclined to be larger than the simplesum of the impact on each single design strategy. This paper is of value in serving asan utility tool for dynamically assessing the effect of design strategies on constructionwaste minimization by comparing different simulation results generated under variousscenarios, the best practice could thus be identified ahead of implementation.

关 键 词: 设计阶段 建筑废弃物减量化 效果评估 系统动力学

分 类 号: [X799.1 TU201.5]

领  域: [环境科学与工程] [建筑科学]


作者 王淑苹
作者 苏洁英
作者 何海梅
作者 张晓芹
作者 林广振


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 韩书成
作者 刘小玲
作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼