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A Study on Legal Issues of Post-retirement Employment

导  师: 冯彦君

学科专业: 030107

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 随着我国市场经济的发展和社会老龄化程度的加剧,退休再就业作为新型劳动用工形式广泛地应用于当代劳动生活领域,并呈现蓬勃发展之势。但现行立法对这一特殊就业群体并未予以明确的法律规制,实践中关于退休再就业人员的法律身份,用工关系属性、法律适用等问题均存在着较大的分歧,直接影响着退休再就业人员劳动权益保障的实现。基于此,本文以退休再就业法律问题为研究题域,就退休再就业的相关法律问题进行了比较深入和系统的研究。全文共分为五章,基本内容如下: 第一章导论。本章主要包括四部分内容。首先,介绍本文的研究背景与研究意义。其次,明确本文的研究对象及研究目的。再次,总结学界关于退休再就业问题的研究现状并进行评价。最后,交代本文的研究思路及研究方法。 第二章论述了退休再就业及其法律规制的一般理论问题。首先,厘定退休与退休再就业的基本内涵。对于退休再就业概念的界定选择采用要素分解的方式,即通过分别对退休和再就业进行界定获得退休再就业的内涵。为进一步明确研究对象的范围,本文还对退休再就业与老年人就业、超龄者再就业、退休返聘、非正规就业等近似概念进行了辨析,并在此基础上结合实践对退休再就业的类型进行了剖析。其次,探究退休再就业法律规制的理论基础。作为有别于传统的新型用工形式,退休再就业的法律规制应当如何选择?对此本文立足于劳动者分层理论和劳动权保障理论进行了剖析和论证。本文认为,退休再就业人员作为新时期劳动者分层发展的典型代表,对其劳动权的保障是正视我国劳动力市场多元化发展现状的必然选择。再次,分析退休再就业及其法律规制的社会基础。法律规制的出现和发展往往以现实的需要为动力,退休再就业问题也不例外。退休再就业的蓬勃发展不仅满足了用人单位的用工需求同时也实现了退休人员的生存发展权。但立法的缺失却使退休再就业纠纷频频发生而不得解决,因此对该问题进行法律规制迫在眉睫。最后,通过对国外退休再就业法律规制的立法例考察,以及我国退休再就业法律规制历史演变的梳理和评价,为新时期退休再就业主体资格认定和用工关系属性的确定提供参考和借鉴。 第三章论述了退休再就业主体资格认定问题。本章首先论述主体资格认定问题在退休再就业法律问题研究中的意义。劳动者身份的确认是劳动者获得劳动法倾斜保护的前提,由此,退休再就业人员身份的确定关系到其受法律保护的程度。但退休再就业人员在年龄和社会保险方面的特殊性导致其主体资格的认定存在劳动者与非劳动者之争。本章基于实质平等和发展权保障等理论对该争议进行了分析和探索,并通过比较研究的方法,对比国内外劳动立法对于劳动者的界定,指出我国现行劳动立法中劳动者概念的缺失和判定标准的僵化是退休再就业主体资格认定困难的根源。最后,基于我国劳动法关于劳动者界定的不足,以退休再就业主体资格认定为契机,提出完善措施,即在厘定劳动者概念的基础上重构劳动者判定标准,包括基于从属性标准的考量,基于劳动者分层保护理论的考量,基于方法论改革的考量。 第四章论述了退休再就业用工关系的法律属性。本章首先梳理了关于退休再就业用工关系法律属性的学理见解,并进行归纳和分析。其次,对退休再就业用工关系法律属性的司法解释进行了介绍和解析。该司法解释是迄今为止我国唯一对这一问题予以明确规定的法律文件,其根据退休人员是否享受养老保险待遇对其再就业用工关系属性给予不同的规定。本文基于该司法解释的出台背景对其进行了详细的评述。最后,在对劳动关系与劳务关系进行界分的基础上,肯定退休再就业用工关系的劳动关系属性,并进一步论证退休再就业与适龄劳动者就业压力之间的可协调性,及劳动法调整机制弹性化的势在必行。 第五章论述了退休再就业之权益保护。权益保护既是退休再就业法律问题研究的起点,也是最终的落脚点。本章首先对退休再就业权益保护的必要性、保护现状和存在的问题进行了概述。退休再就业之所以能够走进人们的视野原因即在于对这一特殊劳动者群体的权益保护存在必要性与正当性,但立法的缺失导致退休再就业权益保护研究处于理论与实务相分离的状态,非体系化及过度分散是制约实施退休再就业权益保护的致命硬伤。面对劳动者权益保护内容的广泛性和多元化,本文选择其中存在较大争议,并与适龄劳动者应当区别对待的权利内容进行专门研究,包括同工同酬权益、养老保险权益及工伤保险权益三个方面。在突出退休再就业人员特殊劳动者身份的前提下,结合实践中退休再就业人员劳动权益保护的困境与现状,提出进行保护的思路设想。 通过上面相关法律问题的解析,本文得出结论,即退休再就业应当纳入劳动法调整范围,并予以法律规制上的完善。这既是劳动法学研究发展的需要,也是当前我国适应新时期市场经济变革,劳动用工形式多元化趋势,促进劳动关系和谐发展的必然选择。 Along with the deepening of the market economic system reform andemployment structure changes, a large number of retirees choose to re-employment.But the current legislation on this particular employment groups not be a clear legalregulation, in practice there are considerable disagreement on the legal status of thepost-retirement employment laborers and the property of employment relationship. Sothe paper chooses the legal issues of post-retirement employment as the theme. Thepaper is divided into five chapters; the basic contents are as follows. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter first determines the object of studyof this paper is the legal issues of post-retirement employment. Define the connotationof 'retirement'、' post-retirement employment'、'legal issues', and analyze theinevitability and development of its existence. Secondly, according to the needs ofstudy, the paper pointed out the method of semantic analysis and comparison to study.Finally, this paper pointed out the theoretical significance and practical value. Chapter two discusses the general concept of post-retirement employment and itslegal regulation. Firstly, it clarifies the basic connotation of retirement andpost-retirement employment, and analyzes approximation concepts, and types. Secondly, explores the theoretical basis the legal regulation of post-retirementemployment, namely the layered labor theory and labor rights protection theory.Thirdly, analyzes the social foundation of post-retirement employment and its legalregulation. Finally, through the comparative study, analyzes and evaluates thehistorical evolution of China's post-retirement employment legal regulation, providinga reference for the cognizance of the subject of post-retirement employment and theattribute of employment relationship. The third chapter discusses the legal status of the post-retirement employmentlaborers. Firstly, the paper discusses the significance of the legal status, and face up tothe existence of disagreements and disputes. Secondly, writer bases on substantiveequality and the right to development to reflect and explore, and explicates thedrawbacks of the current legislation. Finally, proposed improvement of measures thatin determine the laborers concept based on reconfigurable laborers judgment standard. The fourth chapter discusses the property of post-retirement employmentrelationship. It firstly introduces and makes a critical analysis of the theoretical insightsand judicial interpretation. Then basing on the sub-sector of the labor relations andlabor service relations, it affirms the property of post-retirement employmentrelationship is employment relations, demonstrates the coordinated developmentbetween post-retirement employment laborers and standard laborers, and indicates theimperative flexibility of the adjustment mechanism of the labor law. The fifth chapter discusses the protection of post-retirement employment laborers’rights. It firstly points out the necessity、current situation and the problems, then itproposes the envisages of protection on equal pay for equal work, the pensioninsurance interests and injury insurance interests. After the above analysis, we will come to a conclusion that the post-retirementemployment should be the adjustment object of labor law, which is not only the needof labor law development, but also the inevitable choice to adapt to the marketeconomy changes in the new period, as well as to promote the harmoniousdevelopment of labor relations.

关 键 词: 退休再就业 法律问题 劳动者 劳动关系 权益保护

分 类 号: [D922.5]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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