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Thoughts on Television of Birmingham School

导  师: 贾磊磊

学科专业: 050407

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国艺术研究院

摘  要: 伯明翰学派将电视放在了历史的、社会的、文化的语境来研究,并纳入了符号学、意识形态等理论资源以及民族志等研究方法,形成了从电视技术到电视形式、从电视符号到电视文本、从电视制作者到电视受众等涉及电视方方面面的一个庞杂体系。它的电视观念是进入伯明翰大学当代文化研究中心的学者在几十年中各自的研究成果逐渐累积中构成,这些研究成果相互独立、各有偏重,但也有承继性和相关性。因此,本文根据伯明翰学派的成员对电视研究理论的贡献程度和影响程度,按照他们进入伯明翰大学当代文化研究中心的时间作为历时轴线,选择了雷蒙·威廉斯、斯图亚特·霍尔、戴维·莫利、约翰·费斯克等四位学者的电视研究理论分别进行个案研究。在个案研究的同时,本文也关注他们彼此之间的理论联系,并从中寻找出他们的共性。从个性和共性两个角度,达到理论创新。 雷蒙·威廉斯将社会的、历史的分析引入电视研究,使其遏制了技术决定论的泛滥。本文从电视的历史观、电视的效果观、电视的形式观对其电视理论做了梳理分析,指出威廉斯以政治分析学为基础,建构和发展了一个完整的、具有批判意识的电视研究框架。霍尔的“编码//解码”不仅超越传播学在传统实证主义影响下,将电视研究置于“发送”到“接收”的线性传播模式,也颠覆了自法兰克福学派以来对受众评价的消极倾向,符号、话语、权力等一系列社会学语汇被引入了电视研究。莫利引入民族志研究方法,将讯息的符号学分析和对受众的社会学分析结合起来,并且将传统的“文本化分析”转到了“受众的接受分析”,重新解释了讯息的解码过程,并重构了受众的概念,被认为是新受众研究的起点。约翰·费斯克的电视理论不是结论性的理论成果而是方法论和研究对象、重� Birmingham school put television research into a historical, social, cultural context to study, absorbed widely from range of semiotics, ideological hegemony theory to ethnographic and other theories and research methods, formed from the television symbol to the television text, from the television technology to television form, from television producers to the television audience in all aspects of a complex system of television studies. Its television concept gradually formed after the scholars of CCCS accumulated their research achievements for decades, and these research were independent of each other, with focused differently, but also they were inheritance and correlation. Therefore, according to the members of Birmingham school in the theory of television research contribution degree and effect degree, the paper put the time when they entered the CCCS as the diachronic axis, and chose Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall, David Morley, John Fiske, the four scholars as case studies. Meanwhile, this paper is also concern about the theory of contact between them, and tries to find out their common. From two angles of individuality and generality, the paper tries to achieve the theoretical innovation. Raymond Williams introduced the historical and society viewpoint into television research, curbed the spreading of technological determinism. This paper cards Williams's television view from the television history view, the effect of television, television form view, points out Williams put political analysis as the foundation, construct and develop a complete and critical consciousness of television research framework. Hall's'"encoding//decoding" model surpassed positivism research for the television communication "sender--information-recipient" linear propagation models, at the same time, it subverted the Frankfurt school's negative audience theory, introduced discourse, symbol, power, social relations into television research. Molly introduced the methods of ethnographic research, combined the message to the audie

关 键 词: 伯明翰学派 文化研究 电视研究

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 陆道夫
作者 杨炯斌
作者 潘忠党
作者 黄伟德
作者 陈媛


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟