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On the Origin and Development of the System of English Property Rights

导  师: 李开国

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南政法大学

摘  要: 本文的研究对象是英国财产权体系,目前我国民法学界对英国法财产权体系的理论研究相对薄弱,而英国财产权体系的研究可以为我国财产权体系的优化与改良提供制度性参考,其意义不言而喻。 文章共分为六章,共计十八万余字,分别从历史与制度本体对英国财产权体系的形成、发展及其构建进行了阐述。第一章探讨不动产之历史沿革,本章共分三个小节,分别阐述土地保有制度、地产权益以及无形不动产的历史沿革。不动产权益与动产权益的区分是现代英国财产权体系的重要特色之一,因此,文章在探寻英国不动产权益形成之历史原因时不惜笔墨,意图清晰地勾勒出英国不动产权益演化之路;本章先从英国土地保有制度之历史变迁入手,对英国土地保有制度之形成与发展以及其对不动产形成与发展之影响进行了深入分析,指出土地保有制度对有形不动产与无形不动产二元不动产结构形成的基础性作用;文章对最重要的不动产——地产进行了解构与分析,对各种地产形态之形成与发展展开论述,以求全方位的把握地产的历史发展脉络,鉴于无形不动产在英国不动产中的特殊地位,文章专节分析了各种无形不动产的历史发展,通过对地产与无形不动产的演化过程的分析,文章勾画了英国不动产演化的全景图。 第二章探讨了动产之历史沿革。动产是与不动产相对应的法律概念,英国法上的动产是一个拾遗补缺的财产概念,凡不属于不动产的财产,均属于动产。不动产是基于土地保有关系之上的财产权益,不动产应当适用封建保有的相关法律制度,而动产的相关法律规制则完全不同,动产与不动产有许多方面的不同,动产权益具有普通法上的非分割与非裂化性,动产权益保护的诉讼程序与不动产保护的诉讼程序完全不同� This article researches on the system of English property rights; up to now there is nomuch civil law scholarship on research on the system of English property rights in China,butsuch kind of research will be meaningful to the refinement of the system of Chinese propertyrights. This article includes six chapters, it expounds upon the formation, development andconstruction of system of English property rights from the angles of history and Ontology.Chapter1focuses on the historical development of real property; and it is divided into3partsto discuss tenure, estate and incorporeal hereditaments respectively. The distinction betweenreal property and personal property is characteristic of modern system of English propertyrights and the author tries his best to trace the history of real property to make clear thedevelopment of real property; the article first discusses the historical evolution of tenure inEngland and then it further expounds upon the formation and development of tenure and itsinfluence on real property; it points out the fundamental function of tenure in the formation ofthe structure of dual system of real property rights and goes on to analyze estates---the mostimportant kind of real property; it discusses the development of different kinds of estates inorder to make clear the development of estates from a general view. The article also discussesthe development of different kinds of incorporeal hereditaments thus to make clear theevolution of English real property. Chapter2discusses the historical development of personal property. The concept ofpersonal property is a concept related to real property and it is such a concept as to include allthe properties that are not real property. Real property is based on tenure and the tenurial rulesare applied to it; personal property is different in this aspect and other aspects; personalproperty interests cannot be disintegrated and separated and the personal actions and realactions are totally different; the rules of succession applied to personal pro

关 键 词: 英国财产权体系 土地保有关系 不动产 动产 产权 负担

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 向凌
作者 杨瑾
作者 张海燕
作者 徐欢
作者 刘生国


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚