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Empirical Research on Forensic Psychiatry in the Criminal Investigation

导  师: 何恬

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南政法大学

摘  要: 精神病人违法已日益演变为一个全球性的问题,有资料显示,在西欧法治国家的杀人案件中,有10/%的刑事案件是精神病人所为,而精神病人的数量还不及国家总人口数的1/%。目前,对于违法精神病人的假释、治疗、处罚等问题仍然是各国司法领域面临的严峻课题之一。上个世纪80年代初,我国开始全面开展司法精神病鉴定,然而在司法鉴定制度不断完善的同时,另一问题也亟待解决,那就是对那部分“有病无罪”的精神病人如何防控其再产生危害行为的问题。警方对司法精神病鉴定所起的积极作用表现在哪儿?作为鉴定委托方的警方,得到鉴定意见后该如何筛选其中所提供的正确意见以协助侦查等。纵观国内相关研究,针对上述疑问能从中找到答案的文献资料可谓凤毛麟角,而上述问题的解决不仅关系到案子的水落石出,还关系着法治进程中各种利益的平衡与兼顾。本文正是以此为契机,主要分四个部分,从侦查人员的视角出发,对目前刑事侦查中较为敏感的司法精神病学问题展开实证研究。 由于司法精神病鉴定本身所涉及的知识专业性较强,因此本文第一部分简单介绍了法律精神病的概念及其与医学精神病的区别、司法精神病鉴定中委托鉴定的要求、如何启动鉴定以及如何评断司法鉴定意见等相关内容,以便侦查人员对司法精神病鉴定有些初步的了解。 第二部分主要阐述了警察掌握司法精神病学知识的必要性。由于国内警务现实的需要,警察掌握必要的司法精神病学知识可以推动对违法精神病人进行受审能力鉴定与危险性防控的进程,以此最大限度地节约警力资源、保护精神病人的合法权益以及社会的和谐秩序。同时,警察掌握必要的司法精神病学知识还有助于在实践中正确处理精神病患者涉及的如挟持人质案件、性自卫能力案件、醉酒案件、精神损害赔偿纠纷案件等案件。 第三部分主要是关于警察如何筛选司法精神病鉴定意见的建议。为了使鉴定意见公正、客观,办案警察应参与到对被鉴定人的鉴定过程中,解答专家疑惑并充分了解其工作,观察被鉴定人;同时要明确精神病人刑事责任能力的评定主体是法官而非鉴定人,应推动大要刑事案件进入审判程序;了解辨认能力与控制能力的评定标准并充分行使警察对鉴定意见的知情权与审查权等。 本文最后一个部分分析了警察该怎样推动司法精神病鉴定的顺利进行。本部分从目前司法精神病鉴定存在的问题出发,针对问题提出了对策,并提醒警察在处理此类疑患精神病人违法案件时应注意的禁忌事项,凸显了警察对于司法精神病鉴定顺利进行所起到的巨大推动作用。 Mental patients offense has increasingly evolved into a global problem, the data showthat the murder cases happened in the Western Europe countries under the rule of law,10/%of criminal cases by mental patients, but the number of mental patients is less than the total1/%population. At present,the parole,treatment, punishment of the mental patients is still oneof the grimmest task facing in the field of justice in these countries. The last century, in theearly1980s, China began to carry out a comprehensive identification of forensic psychiatry,however, at the same time of the forensic system is continuous improvement, anotherproblem need to be solved, that is, since the police treat with these cases which illegal mentalpatients have did in the investigation stage autonomy, why such cases are often taken longtime and finally is not broken?Where you can see the positive role played by Police in theidentification of forensic psychiatry? Commissioned as an identification side of the police,after obtaining the expert opinion how to filter the information provided to assist in theinvestigation. Throughout the relevant research literature to find answers for the above queriescan be described as rare, and the solution to the problem is not only related to the bottom ofthe case, but also the relationship between balance and take into account the various interestsin the process of the rule of law. This article is an opportunity mainly divided into four parts,from the perspective of the investigators to expand the empirical research on the sensitiveforensic psychiatry problems in criminal investigation. Because the knowledge of the forensic psychiatry identification is so professional, thefirst part of this paper provide a brief distinction between the concept of legal mental illnessand medical mental illness, how to start the identification and how to judge forensic expertopinion, so that the investigators can get some preliminary understanding about forensicpsychiatry identification. The second part described the need for police to master the knowledge of forensicpsychiatry. Due to the real needs for the domestic police, the police acquire the necessaryjudicial knowledge of psychiatry can promote the process of competence to stand trial identification and risk prevention and control of illegal mental patients, in order to maximizethe savings of police resources, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the mentalpatients and social harmony,also about order. Meanwhile, the police acquire the necessaryjudicial knowledge of psychiatry in practice also helps them to handle the mental patientsinvolved in cases correctlysuch as hostage-taking, self-defense capability cases, drunkennesscases, the bother of compensation for the Damage to the spirit. The third part is on the police how to filter the expert opinion of forensic psychiatry. Inorder to make the expert opinion fair, objective, the police should take apart in theidentification process, answer expert doubts and supervise their work, observe the person whohave been identified; At the same time we must understand that the main body who can assessthe spirit of criminal patient's responsibility ability is the judge rather than the identificationexpert, the police should promote major criminal cases go to trial; understand the assessmentcriteria to identify and control capability, and exercise the full of the police's right such as theright to know and to review on the expert opinion. The last part of the paper is about the police how to promote the identification of forensicpsychiatry smoothly. This section is starting from the problems of identification of forensicpsychiatry, contraposethe main problems existing and put forward the countermeasure andsuggestion, and to remind the police should pay attention to taboo issues in dealing with suchsuspected risk of illegal cases which mental patients have did, highlighting a huge role whichthe police played in promoting the identification of forensic psychiatry smoothly.

关 键 词: 侦查 鉴定意见 违法精神病人 评断 防控

分 类 号: [D918]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 贺江枫
作者 牛翠波
作者 陈德良
作者 梁惠萍
作者 韩登池


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚