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The Study of Building a Study-Oirented Marxist Party

导  师: 杜鸿林

学科专业: 030203

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南开大学

摘  要: 学习是文明传承之途、人生成长之梯、政党巩固之基和国家兴盛之要。中国共产党高擎学习的旗帜,在学习中立党,在学习中兴党,以学习为强大的引擎,推动党和民族事业的繁荣发展。90余年来,中国共产党始终致力于把自身建设成为马克思主义学习型政党。党的十七届四中全会明确提出,要把建设马克思主义学习型政党作为重大而紧迫的战略任务抓紧抓好。这是中国共产党基于形势变化而作出的重大战略决策,体现了新形势下党的建设的高度自觉。本文对马克思主义学习型政党的时代背景、理论意义、科学内涵、基本特征、思想来源、哲学基础、内在机制、路径选择、历史考察、基本经验、建设方略等方面进行深入探究,力求对党建理论尤其是对党的学习理论发展作出一份贡献。 第一章探讨了建设马克思主义学习型政党的时代背景和重要意义。建设马克思主义学习型政党是中国共产党在新世纪新阶段,基于世情、国情和党情的变化而提出来的,它的提出具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。建设马克思主义学习型政党是革命、建设和改革经验的理论结晶,是对共产党执政规律认识的深化和升华,是提高党的建设的科学化水平的重要举措和马克思主义党建理论的重大创新。建设马克思主义学习型政党有利于提高党的执政能力、为创建学习型社会提供支撑、解决党内现实问题和为世界推动可持续发展树立榜样。 第二章分析了马克思主义学习型政党的科学内涵和基本特征。首先在探讨“学习”、“学习型政党”等范畴的基础上,阐明“马克思主义学习型政党”的内涵。其次,概括出马克思主义学习型政党的六个基本特征:马克思主义学习型政党是用科学理论武装的政党,马克思主义学习型政党是具有科学学习理念的政党,马克思主义学习型政党是具有开拓创新能力的政党,马克思主义学习型政党是具有马克思主义学风的政党,马克思主义学习型政党是具有健全学习机制的政党,马克思主义学习型政党是能够在学习中反省和自我完善的政党。再次,建设马克思主义学习型政党是一项系统工程,必须从实践、群众和历史三个维度来检验其建设的成效。 第三章分析了建设马克思主义学习型政党的思想来源和哲学基础。马克思主义学习型政党主要有四个方面的思想来源,即马克思主义关于政党学习的世界观和方法论,中共三代领导人有关政党学习的重要论述,中国古人有关学习的经验总结,国外学习型社会和学习型组织理论。马克思主义学习型政党以一切从实际出发为历史起点、以科学的实践观为认识工具、以促进人的全面发展为价值取向,具有深厚的哲学基础。 第四章探究了马克思主义学习型政党生成的内在机制与路径选择。解放思想、实事求是和与时俱进的思想路线是马克思主义学习型政党生成的内在逻辑起点。马克思主义学习型政党生成的内在动力机制可以分为主体动力、客体动力和根本动力三个组成部分。这三个部分不可分割,是有机统一的整体,共同促进马克思主义学习型政党的内在生成。党的历史发展表明,政治领袖的学习自觉和强力推动,以及党员学习全员化是马克思主义学习型政党生成的基本路径。 第五章考察了中国共产党建设马克思主义学习型政党的历史。中国共产党90多年的发展史、奋斗史,亦是一部在实践中不断开拓进取、逐步推进马克思主义学习型政党建设的学习史、探索史。从总体上看,这一历史的演进历程可分为“迷惘彷徨的岁月”、“革命战争时期”、“新中国成立前后”、“改革开放初期”、“世纪之交”、“战略机遇期”六个阶段。通过对这一历史演进脉络的深入思考,得出几点启示:第一,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须与世情、国情、党情、社情、民情紧密结合;第二,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须与革命、建设和改革的伟大事业紧密结合;第三,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须与推进党的指导思想的理论创新紧密结合;第四,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须立足于不断增强党的先进性和提高党的执政能力;第五,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须使党员干部成为率先学习的典范和楷模;第六,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须加强科学、高效、强有力的制度设计和程序安排;第七,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须始终坚持、丰富和发展马克思主义学风;第八,建设马克思主义学习型政党必须以维护和发展最广大人民群众的根本利益为出发点和归宿。 第六章总结了建设马克思主义学习型政党的基本经验。在新的历史条件下,认真总结中国共产党90多年建设马克思主义学习型政党的基本经验十分必要的,这对深化马克思主义学习型政党建设规律性认识、增强马克思主义学习型政党建设自觉性和开创马克思主义学习型政党建设新局面具有重要意义。90多年来中国共产党建设马克思主义学习型政党的基本经验是:第一,明确学习使命,牢牢把握建设马克思主义学习型政党的根本方向;第二,营造学习氛围,激发广大党员干部的学习热情;第三,拓展学习阵地,整合建设马克思主义学习型政党的学习资源;第四,健全学习制度,保障马克思主义学习型政党建设的顺利推进;第五,重视学风建设,深化马克思主义学习型政党建设的成效。 第七章为马克思主义学习型政党建设提出了若干建言。建设学习型党组织为建设马克思主义学习型政党提供坚实的思想基础、可靠的组织基础和不竭的前进动力,是建设马克思主义学习型政党的切入点和抓手。建设马克思主义学习型政党必须以建设学习型党组织为抓手和最佳切入点,树立科学的学习理念,丰富学习内容、创新学习机制和培育学习文化。 最后,笔者指出建设马克思主义学习型政党尚待破解的理论与实践难题。 Study is the way to inherit civilization, the ladder to achieve personal progress,the basis for a political party to consolidate its governance and an essential for anation to achieve prosperity. The Communist Party of China has always held high thegreat banner of study and kept building the Party and prospering the Party during theprocess of study. Study has already become a great engine in promoting theprosperous development of the causes of our nation and the Party. More than ninetyyears since its founding, the Communist Party of China has always been devoted tobuilding itself into a study-oriented Marxist party. During the Fourth Plenary Sessionof the Seventeenth Central Committee, the Party pointed out that we should make itan important and urgent strategic task to build a study-oriented Marxist party. Such astrategic decision was made by the Communist Party of China on the basis of thechanging situation and it reflected the high self-consciousness of the Party under thenew circumstance. This essay aims to make a deep exploration into the study-orientedMarxist party from the perspectives of the time background, theoretical significance,scientific connotation, essential characteristics, ideological origin, philosophical basis,inherent mechanism, routing selections, historical investigation, principal experienceand construction plan and so on. It is hoped that this essay can contribute to thetheoretical development of the construction of the Party especially the theoreticaldevelopment of study in building the Party. Chapter one explores the background and significance of building astudy-oriented Marxist party. The task of building a study-oriented Marxist party wasproposed by the Party at this new stage in the new century based on the changes thathave taken place in the world, the country as well as in the Party. The proposal of thistask is of both theoretical and practical significance. The building of a study-orientedMarxist party is the theoretical crystallization of the experience of the revolution,construction and reformation of the Party, a deepened understanding and sublimationof the Party’s law of ruling, an important measure to improve the scientific level of the construction of the Party as well as a great innovation of the theories concerningthe construction of a Marxist party. The building of a study-oriented Marxist party isconducive to the improvement of the governing capability of the Party and it canprovide a solid basis for the establishment of a study-oriented society as well as set agood example for solving realistic problems inside the Party and promoting thesustainable development of the world. Chapter two mainly analyzes the scientific connotation and essentialcharacteristics of the study-oriented Marxist party. Firstly, the essay illustrates theconnotation of the study-oriented Marxist party on the basis of an exploration of thescope of study and study-oriented party. Secondly, the essay makes a summary aboutthe six characteristics of the study-oriented Marxist party as follows: thestudy-oriented Marxist party is a party armed with scientific theories; thestudy-oriented Marxist party is a party with ideas concerning scientific study; thestudy-oriented Marxist party is a party with innovative capability; the study-orientedMarxist party is a party with Marxist style of learning; the study-oriented Marxistparty is a party with a sound mechanism of learning and the study-oriented Marxistparty is a party which can reflect in the study and improve itself. It is a systematicproject to build a study-oriented Marxist party and the effect has to be tested from theperspectives of practice, the general public and history. Chapter three makes an analysis of the ideological origin and philosophical basisof building the study-oriented Marxist party. There are mainly four ideological originsof the study-oriented Marxist party. They are mainly as follows: the Marxist worldoutlook and methodology concerning party learning; the important expounding of thethree generations of central collective leadership of the CPC on party learning; thesummary of the experience concerning study proposed by the ancient Chinese andtheories concerning study-oriented society and study-oriented organization in foreigncountries. The study-oriented Marxist party takes it as the historical starting point toproceed from reality, considers the scientific practice outlook as the vehicle toknowing and deems the all-round development of people as the value orientation andthus has a solid philosophical basis. Chapter four mainly explores the inherent mechanism and the routing selections of building a study-oriented Marxist party. To emancipate the mind, seek truth fromreality and keep up with the times is the inherent logical starting point of building astudy-oriented Marxist party. The inherent motive mechanism of building astudy-oriented Marxist party can be divided into the subject-motive, theobject-motive and the basic motive. The three mechanisms are an organic and unifiedwhole and can not be separated from each other. It is the three mechanisms thatpromote the inherent construction of the study-oriented Marxist party. The historicaldevelopment of the Party demonstrates that the self-conscious study and strong pushof the political leaders as well as the whole staff participation of the party members isthe essential route to build the study-oriented Marxist party. Chapter five makes an investigation into the history of the Communist Party pfChina in building the study-oriented Marxist party. More than ninety years’ history ofthe CPC is not only a history to develop and struggle but also a history of study andexploration to continually forge ahead and gradually promote the construction of thestudy-oriented Marxist party. On the whole, the evolutionary process of such a historycan be divided into the following six periods: the period of loss and wandering; theperiod of revolution and war; the years before and after the founding of new China;the early period of reform and opening-up; the turn of the century and the period ofstrategic opportunities. Through a deep consideration of the evolutionary process, wecan draw the following conclusions: firstly, the building of a study-oriented Marxistparty must be closely related with the world, the country, the party, the society, andthe people. secondly, the building of a study-oriented Marxist party must be closelyrelated with the great causes of revolution, construction and reformation; thirdly, thebuilding of a study-oriented Marxist party must be closely related with promoting thetheoretical innovation of the Party’s guiding ideologies; fourthly, the building of astudy-oriented Marxist party must be footed on the continual strengthening of theParty’s vanguard nature and the improvement of the Party’s governing capability;fifthly, we should try to make our party members models of learning; sixthly, weshould strengthen the regulation design and procedure arrangement so as to makethem more scientific, more efficient and more powerful; seventhly, we should alwaysuphold, enrich and develop the Marxist style of learning; eighthly, we should make it both a starting point and a ultimate goal to preserve and develop the fundamentalinterests of the overwhelming majority of the people. Chapter six makes a summary of the basic experience of building thestudy-oriented Marxist party. Under the new historical settings, it is of great necessityto seriously summarize the experience of building the study-oriented Marxist partyover the past ninety years and it is of great significance to deepen our understandingof the law of ruling of the study-oriented Marxist party, to strengthen theself-consciousness of building the study-oriented Marxist party and to initiate newprospects of building the study-oriented Marxist party. The experience concerning thebuilding of the study-oriented Marxist party over the past ninety years are as follows:first, to have a clear and definite study task and firmly keep to the basic direction ofbuilding a study-oriented Marxist party; second, to create good atmosphere oflearning so as to stimulate the learning enthusiasm of the party members and cadres;third, to expand the learning position and organize the learning resources concerningbuilding the study-oriented Marxist party; fourth, to perfect the learning regulationsso as to ensure the smooth progress of the building of the study-oriented Marxistparty; fifth, to put more emphasis on the construction of the learning style in order tostrengthen the effect of building the study-oriented Marxist party. Chapter seven makes several suggestions concerning the building of thestudy-oriented Marxist party. The building of a study-oriented organization canprovide solid ideological basis, reliable organizational basis as well as inexhaustiblemotivation for the building of the study-oriented Marxist party and thus should be thestarting point to build the study-oriented Marxist party. To build a study-orientedMarxist party, we should start from building a study-oriented party organization so asto establish scientific learning ideas, enrich the learning content, innovate the learningmechanism and cultivate the learning culture. At the end of the essay, the author points out several theoretical and practicalproblems which remain to be solved in building the study-oriented Marxist party.

关 键 词: 马克思主义 学习型党组织 学习型政党 建设

分 类 号: [D261.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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