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Research on the Development of Chinese Guiding Principles for Education

导  师: 邱均平

学科专业: 120403

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 武汉大学

摘  要: 作为与近现代中国集权型教育管理模式相副的教育方针,是一定统治集团在一定历史时期关于教育发展的总方针及其规范、引导和管理教育行为的政策活动,既是教育目的与内容、原则与途径、性质与地位、方向与任务等的有机结合,又是教育的个体本位与社会本位、教育的本体功能与社会功能、教育促进人的发展与社会发展的辨证统一,既是中国教育管理规制的核心内容,也是中国教育管理文化的传统特色。它集中体现了不同时代国家的教育意志及其关于教育发展的总方向、总目标、总纲领、总政策和总原则,具有主体意向性、历史发展性和规范统一性。19世纪末至21世纪初的中国,历经晚清、民国和共和国三个不同性质的政权形式,先后颁布了七块里程碑式的教育方针。其中,前清和民国习称教育宗旨,新中国改称教育方针,名异而实同,其概念的运演走过了由简单到宏富、抽象到具体的旅程,并共同构成100余年教育方针活动的全史。 中国共产党90年教育方针的理论与实践活动,始终围绕着党的中心工作服从服务于党的基本路线,既一脉相承,又与时俱进,既有宝贵的经验,又有深刻的教训,是一部寻求马克思主义教育原理同中国教育实际相结合、确定党在各个时期教育工作总指针的发展史。以1949年中华人民共和国建立为界,党的教育方针走过两段“之”字型路程。建国前28年,走过了从共产主义文化教育总方针到新民主主义文化教育总方针的“之”字路。建国后60多年,走过了由理想化的社会主义教育方针到社会主义初级阶段的教育方针的“之”字路。经过改革开放30多年的讨论,新时期的教育方针载明于2010年7月29日中共中央、国务院公布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要/(20102020/)》:“教育为社会主义现代化建设服务,为人民服务,与生产劳动和社会实践相结合,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。” 作为马克思主义教育思想中国化最新产物的现行教育方针,经历了曲折而复杂的修润丰赡过程。从“教育必须为无产阶级政治服务,教育必须同生产劳动相结合”旧的“两个必须”到“教育必须为社会主义现代化建设服务,必须与生产劳动相结合”新的“两个必须”,从“教育为社会主义现代化建设服务”的“一为”到“教育为社会主义现代化建设服务,教育为人民服务”的“二为”,从“教育与生产劳动相结合”的“一个结合”到“教育与生产劳动相结合,教育与社会实践相结合”的“两个结合”,从“使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展”到“德智体全面发展”再到“德智体等方面全面发展”乃至“德智体美全面发展”,从培养“有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者”到培养“建设者”“建设者和接班人”再到“社会主义事业的建设者和接班人”乃至“社会主义建设者和接班人”,等。其思维日益缜密,内容日趋丰厚,结构日渐整备,形式日臻完善,标志着中国共产党人对教育方针认识的不断深化。 应进一步解放思想,根据国内外教育发展的大势,按照依法治教的要求,通过一定的组织和法律程序,创造性地运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的理论思维,将邓小平1983年所题写的“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”明定为教育方针,载入《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国教育法》等法律,并制定各级各类教育的工作方针及实施细则,建设中国特色的教育方针政策体系,从而实现教育方针理论与实践的重大突破和创新。 本文系2010年国家社会科学基金教育类一般项目《党的教育方针研究》系列研究成果之一,项目编号BAA100012。 As a part of the intensive mode management of education in modern china, education policies are the aims, rules and activities of educational development that formulated by the ruling group in a specific period. They are the combinations of principles and channels, purposes and contents, quality and status, direction and tasks. Also, they integrated the individual-oriented and society-oriented of education, the standard function and society function. Further more, they can be seen as the core of education management system in china and the traditional feature of Chinese educational management culture. Obviously, the will of education, the aims and directions of education have a concentrated reflection in these specific and historic policies. In the late19th and early21st centuries, China experienced three regime forms /(the late Qing dynasty, the R.O.C and P.R.C/) successively and they promulgated seven different kinds of education policy, which were the milestones in the history. From simplicity to complexity, from abstraction to concreteness, people can read a history of Chinese educational activities from the change of the core concept of guiding principles for education /(as "educational aims" in Qing Dynasty and R.O.C and "educational policy" in P.R.C now/) during the last100years. As the activity of theory and practice for educational policy in90years, it has been worked for the key work and basic line of the Communist Party of China with experience and lessons, keeping pace with the times and carrying forward the good traditions. People could see it as a history of combination and development:the combination of Principles of Marxism and Chinese educational practice and, the development of educational policy during the different periods. The development of Chinese Communist Party's educational policy can be divided into two parts:the part before1949and the part after1949when PRC was founded, and both of them headed forward along zigzagged ways. During the28years before the foundation of PRC, the educational policy developed from so-called general policy on Communism culture to general policy on New Democracy; and during the60years since PRC was founded, it had experienced ideal socialism policy on education and educational policy for initial stage of socialism, both the experiences were zigzagged. After the long discussion for more than30years since the reform and opening-up policy was carried out, the educational policy for a new period was set out and edited in "National Education Reform and Development of Long-term Planning Programs/(from2010to2020/)"which was established by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. The policy can be described as "education should serve the modernization of socialism and people, and work with productive labor and social practice", and "makes students as builders and successors for socialism with all around development of morality, intelligence physique and aesthetic' As the educational thought of Marxism localized in China, the issue of current text in our party and country has experienced a devious and complex process of modification. The new educational policy was developed on the base of the old ones, but the differences should be attended to. For instance, the description of "education should serve the modernization of socialism and people, and work with productive labour and social practice" was developed from "education must serve proletarian politics and work with productive labour". And the description that "education only serves the modernization of socialism" has become "education serves both the modernization and people" in the new one. And another example, the description of "education should work with productive labour and social practice" came from the former sentence of "education should work with productive labour". For students, the sentence "make students have a all-round development of morality, intelligence physique and aesthetic" came from the old sentence of "make students have a all-round development of morality, intelligence physique, etc." The more earlier description was "make students have a all-round development of morality, intelligence physique" and the oldest one was "make students have a all around development of moral, intellectual, physical education".About the builders, the sentence of "workers with both socialist consciousness and culture" developed into "builders"/&"builders and successors", then "builders and successors of socialism career", and the latest description is "builders and successors for socialism". The content and thoughts of the policies are tending perfect and we could see the integrate structure and complete form of the policy in them.It means that the Communists have been continually deepening cognition of the essence of educational policy. To formulate educational working policies and rules of all levels and types,and to emancipate our thoughts and put the important thought of "Education must face modernization, face the world and the future"/(written by Deng Xiaoping in1983/) to "Constitution of the People's Republic of China" and "Education Law of the People's Republic of China" by legal procedure, we should manage education by law and make a good use of thoughts of dialectical materialism and historical materialism creatively. Further more, according to the prevailing tendency of education around the world, these activities could bring about a great breakthrough and innovation of educational policy and practice so that we could configure an educational policy system with Chinese characteristics.

关 键 词: 中国 教育方针 教育宗旨 特性 发展

分 类 号: [G40-058]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 李臣之
作者 王本陆


机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院学前教育系
机构 深圳大学师范学院教育技术学系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟