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On Strengthening Science and Technology in Criminal Investigation in the Field of Criminal Evidence

导  师: 高中

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南大学

摘  要: “科技”特指刑事科学技术,是公安机关的刑事技术部门在刑事侦查活动中,按照刑事诉讼法的规定,运用现代科学技术的理论和方法,发现、记录、提取、识别和鉴定与刑事案件有关的各种物证、书证,为侦查、起诉、审判工作提供线索和证据的各种专门技术的总称。刑事科学技术是侦破刑事案件的重要手段,在公安工作中有着重要的地位和作用。科技强侦就是坚持刑事科学技术是第一破案力的思想,牢固树立向刑事科学技术要战斗力的意识,把刑事科学技术摆在刑事案件侦破工作中的重要位置,通过刑事科学技术在刑侦工作中的广泛应用,提高刑侦部门的破案率、战斗力。 随着信息化的发展,科学技术的突飞猛进以及法制保障的日益完善,面对越来越严峻的治安形势,面对犯罪分子的高科技犯罪手段,公安机关再靠过去的人海战术、手工操作、经验办案的传统刑事侦查模式已不能适应形势发展的需要。唯一的出路就是面对现实,立足现有,提高素质挖掘潜力,大力发展刑事科学技术,用先进的科学技术手段提高刑侦部门的整体战斗力,有效地打击犯罪,维护社会的稳定和繁荣。 刑事科学技术主要包括:痕迹检验;刑事照相与录相;文件检验;理化检验;法医物证检验;DNA技术;测谎技术等。目前DNA技术主要存在的问题有生物物证提取人员素质不高、工作不够细心;生物物证容易被污染;采样的程序存在不合法情况;DNA鉴定过程中还受若干因素影响等。测谎技术主要存在的问题是缺少具体相关法律规定;测谎在不征得被测试人的同意时有侵犯人权的嫌疑;学界对测谎结论能否作为证据使用存在争议;测谎人员水平参差不齐;测谎仪使用要求限制了测谎技术在基层公安机关的推广等。文检技术存在的问题是缺少全国统一的鉴定程序规则和技术性标准;鉴定文书有待完善;笔迹检验未实现检验自动化;缺乏全国性的文件物质材料库。对以上DNA技术、测谎技术、文件检验工作中存在的问题深入分析,找出解决的办法,无疑对刑事科学技术的发展具有很强的借鉴作用和指导意义。 Science and technology, especially of criminal science andtechnology in this thesis, is considered as a body of specificinvestigational expertise. In the process of criminal investigation, staffs ofcriminal technology department in public security organs make use oftheories and methods of modern science and technology, in accordancewith criminal procedure laws, for finding out, recording, abstracting andappraising of all kinds of material evidence and documentary evidence,which all together pave ways to provide materials and clues forinvestigating, suing and prosecuting. Criminal science and technology, asan important means in solving criminal cases, plays a significant role inthe work of public security systems. Strengthening science and technology in criminal investigation is tohold the belief criminal science and technology should be put on the firstposition, and to firmly implant the idea that criminal science andtechnology is effectiveness in mind, thus putting criminal science and technology on the important position in solving criminal cases. Throughextensive use of criminal science and technology in the work of criminalinvestigation, the effectiveness and fighting capacity of department ofCriminal Investigations can be thus improved. With the development of information technology, the rapid progressof science and technology, and the increasing perfectness of security oflaw systems, our society is faced with increasingly tough public securitysituations and high-tech of crimes. Therefore, public security organs cannot depend on traditional detecting ways such as: huge-crowd strategy,manual operation and experience-depended operation, which obviouslycan not meet the needs of new situation. The only way out is to face thenew situation, root in existing achievements, improve overall quality, tapexisting potentials, exert great efforts in developing criminal science andtechnology, and exercise advanced technology to improve the overallcombat effectiveness of the department of Criminal Investigations andcombat crime effectively, maintaining the stability and development of thesociety. Criminal science and technology mainly consists of mark inspection,photography and videotape on crime, documentary examination,physics-chemistry method inspection, forensic medical examination ofmaterial evidence, DNA technology and lie testing technology, etc. At present, there are some problems in DNA technology:disqualification of police who are in charge of abstracting biologicalevidence, easily contaminated biological evidence and illegal operation insampling procedure. Problems also exist in Lie Testing technology: lack ofrelated laws and regulations, the suspect of infringing upon human rightswhen testing are not permitted by criminal suspects, disputations uponadmissibility of Lie Detector evidence in the academe, irregular levels ofpolice who are responsible for testing, restriction by requirements of liedetector of promoting Lie Testing technology in Public security organs atthe grass-roots level. The problems of documentary inspection technology mainly include:lack of national unified testing procedure rules and technological standard;needing improvement of verification of documents; unrealized automatic inspection of verification of handwriting; shortage of national unifiedmaterial base of documents. This thesis thoroughly analyze problems existing in the work of DNAtechnology, Lie Testing technology and documentary inspection, findinganswers to these problems, which can undoubtedly be drawn lessons andinstructions for the development of criminal science and technology.

关 键 词: 刑事科学技术 科技强侦 刑事侦查

分 类 号: [D918]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 阳雁
作者 贾甲麟
作者 牛翠波
作者 陈德良
作者 梁惠萍


机构 广东警官学院
机构 广东司法警官职业学院
机构 广东警官学院侦查系
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚