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A Study of Gender Language in Grey's Anatomy from the Perspective of Constructionism

导  师: 范莉娣

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北财经大学

摘  要: 语言是一种特殊的社会现象。同时又受到文化体系的支配。可以说,语言是一种强大的文化渗透力量,语言能反应整个群体的文化和历史特性。作为一种特殊的社会现象,性别语言可以向我们揭示特定的社会文化和背景;折射社会中的关系和概念,对性别语言的研究能帮助我们更好地了解社会。 从20世纪60年代的妇女解放运动开始,性别与语言之间的关系一直是语言学界讨论的热门话题。许多学者都曾专注于性别和语言关系的研究,但是语言学家们从中得到的数据和结果往往忽略了言语活动的特殊性,而使得整个研究过于笼统化。同时,对于性别语言差异的原因一直尚无定论。本文研究的主体是《实习生格雷》中的极具代表性的两种性别言语活动——八卦和辩论。本文从建构主义的角度,分析了该剧中性别语言的特点,从中在某种程度上可以反映出性别语言发展的趋势,同时,也期望能更深层次的挖掘性别语言各具特点的原因。 男女平等是现代社会一直提倡的概念,女性的思维方式也开始变得越来越开放,社会重构了人们的性别认同。在《实习生格雷》中,女性角色都是社会精英。她们敢于用尖锐的词汇去表达自己独特的想法,这一切都表明,现代社会中女性开始拥有更多的话语权。性别语言有一定的普遍性,但也不能忽略它的特殊性。语言会因为性别不同而有所差异,同时也会受到其他因素的影响,像个人认知模式、心理情绪和性格等。我们不能否认有像林黛玉一样说话的男人,也会有像张飞一样说话的女人。 本文共分六个章节。第一章是论文的绪论,阐述了研究的目的及其意义并介绍了论文结构。 第二章主要是对论文中涉及到的主要术语进行界定。同时还对国内外的研究成果进行了综述和评价。 第三章详细介绍了建构主义的发展背景,不同学派以及对应的观点。重点介绍了论文中用到的社会建构主义的相关内容以及社会建构学者对于性别与语言关系的代表观点。 第四章介绍本文的研究方法包括数据分析和数据处理。 本文的数据是从《实习生格雷》剧本中随机抽取的60个对话。其中30个是属于八卦的例子,另外30个则是属于辩论的例子。本论文采用的是定量研究法。通过会话分析和分布计算法组成的分析框架对60个对话从会话规则中的打断,沉默,话语量这三个方面分别进行分析。同时统计分析也被运用到分析理论框架中。 第五章着重阐述了对八卦和辩论研究的结果。并运用会话原则分析了这两种言语活动的特点。 研究的结果表明,在八卦中,男女都表现出了一定的合作倾向。他们很少打断对方的话语,更多的是去遵从会话原则,实现会话在一个相对和谐的环境中进行。在辩论中,男性和女性都会违背礼貌原则和合作原则。男人更多的运用打断做为获得发言的机会。并且研究还发现,打断的多少不仅受到性别的影响,权利也是一个必须考虑在内的因素。 最令人惊奇的发现是在13个随机抽取的男女混合的八卦例子中,男人的话语量明显多于女性。这与人们印象中女性才会八卦的刻板印象有着很大的出入。男人不仅也会八卦,而且八卦的要比女人多。但是在辩论中,女人的话语量明显大于男人,这似乎印证了人们的刻板印象女人比男人更健谈。 研究表明男女在对话中对沉默策略的运用方面使用的频率基本是相同的,但目的却相去甚远。男性倾向于运用沉默去表明他们强烈的情感和理解,而女性却常常在无话可说的时候以沉默代替。 第六章总结了此次研究的主要发现,指出了研究的局限性,并对以后的研究提出了建议。 Gender language is a special social phenomenon and it is dominated by the cultural system. It can give us some information about social culture and background; mirror the relationships and concepts in the society. The study of the gender language makes us learn more about the society. The relationship between language and gender has been a hot topic in linguistics since the emergence of women's social movement in1960s. A lot of scholars have made great efforts on the study of language and gender. However, the data and results they got from the study seem to suggest that they have neglected the specific characteristics of each speech activity, which makes the results of the researches too general. In addition, the reason for the difference in gender language is still under discussion and thus there is no way to reach a conclusion on this topic. This thesis aims to make a specific study of two highly gendered speech activities:gossip and argument in TV series Grey s Anatomy from the perspective of constructionism. And by this study we can, on the one hand, understand the characteristics of gender language in this TV series, which will to some extent reveal the trend of gender language; on the other hand, understand the underlying reasons for these characteristics. The ideas that men and women are equal have been greatly advocated in modern society, and women's way of thinking has become increasingly open. Therefore, the society has to reconstruct their gender identity. In Grey's Anatomy, all the girls are elites in the society. They dare to express their own opinions with sharp words, which indicates that in modern society, women are getting more and more discourse power. Gender language has certain generality, but it also has its particularity. The usage of language is influenced not only by gender, but also by other factors such as individual cognitive pattern, psychological emotions and personality. We cannot deny that there are men who speak like Lin Daiyu and women who speak like Zhang Fei. This thesis consists of six chapters: Chapter One provides a brief introduction to the background of the study and the organization of the thesis. In addition, the purpose and significance of the study are also presented. Chapter Two gives the definition of some basic and important terms in the thesis. It also gives an overview of previous studies on language and gender both at home and abroad. Chapter Three presents a detailed introduction to constructionism, especially social constructionism, which is the main theory used in the thesis, including the development, different schools of constructionism, and social constructionists'ideas on language and gender. Chapter Four makes an explanation of the research methodology, including data collection and data analysis. In this chapter, sixty mixed gender conversations are chosen randomly from the TV series Grey's Anatomy. Half of them are gossip examples and the other half are argument examples. This thesis adopts quantitative method. It makes an analysis of the randomly-chosen sixty conversations in terms of interruption, silence and amount of speech which are three rules in conversation based on the analytical framework of conversation analysis and distribution calculation. Chapter Five focuses on two speech activities:gossip and argument which are highly gendered. And meanwhile, conversation principles are employed to analyze the characteristics of these two speech activities. What the analysis shows is as follows:In the speech activity gossip, men and women are both relatively cooperative. They use fewer interruptions and are likely to obey the norms of conversation. In argument both men and women do not seem so friendly and cooperative. Men use more interruptions as a strategy to get the floor in argument. What is more, the use of interruption is not only influenced by gender, but also by power. As to the amount of speech it is surprisingly found that in the13randomly-chosen gossip examples men speak more than women. This is totally against the former stereotype in people's mind. Men do gossip and sometimes they gossip more than women do. But in argument sample analysis, the result seems to conform to the stereotype that women speak more than men and women are chatterboxes. From another perspective it shows that women get more and more discourse power in argument and they are as reasonable and intelligent as men. Also, it is found that the total amount of their use of silence is almost the same, but the purpose differs a lot. Men tend to use silence to show their strong emotions or their understanding while women use silence more frequently when they do not know what to say. Chapter Six summarizes the major findings of the study, points out the limitations of the research and gives further suggestions for the future study on language and gender.

关 键 词: 性别语言 建构主义 会话分析 言语活动

分 类 号: [H313]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 卢兆强
作者 肖满田
作者 周美芝
作者 袁萃
作者 罗虹


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学


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