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The Study of Journalism and Communicaiton/&National Identity in Northwest Minority Areas

导  师: 石义彬

学科专业: 050302

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 武汉大学

摘  要: 本文以2008年、2009年在西藏、新疆爆发的“3,14”、“7,5”事件为切入点,从发展传播学角度提出西北少数民族地区新闻传播与国家认同的逻辑命题,从而使国家发展与民族团结成为本文理论意义与现实意义之所在。本文在西北民族社会发展与媒介变迁的时空中,用田野调查方法和定性分析方法以及理论思辨方法探讨少数民族新闻传播与国家形象形塑的问题,针对西北少数民族地区媒介市场化运作机制与国家认同出现矛盾与和谐这一认知关系,围绕西北少数民族地区新闻传播媒介发展呈现出二元竞争格局、非均衡发展态势的核心问题进行论述:一是以党报、党台为主的主流媒体/(汉文媒体/)和以党报、党台为主的主流媒体/(民文媒体/)形成二元竞争格局;二是以党报党台为主的机关报、台主流媒体与专业报、对象报、台等非主流媒体形成二元竞争格局。这种竞争格局,看似党报党台在起舆论导向作用,然而残酷的市场竞争使人们很容易忽略国家认同的最高追求,使娱乐消费成为生活的主流,而使国家认同甚或流于形式和偏失,形成国家所需的意识形态一手弱、市场经济放任自流的娱乐消费一手强的非均衡发展态势。这种市场经济中社会生活趋于娱乐消费和国家认同趋于柔弱的矛盾制约了西北少数民族地区新闻传播和国家认同的健康发展。因此,消化、克服并使其朝向有利于社会和谐、进步发展就成为我国新闻传播舆论引导的关键。 对此,本文认为西北少数民族地区新闻传播应建构、完善“一体两翼”的平衡机制,利用媒介作为党和政府舆论工具和喉舌机关的“一翼”与媒介市场化生存的“一翼”并统摄于社会主义市场经济体系的“一体”并将其和谐统一起来形成平衡机制,以此作为物质基础来负载国家认同,同时以公民教育通过大众传播加以导向和强化,使民族认同、文化认同、宗教认同等相关认同向以国家认同为主导的方向转化和转型。 本文在西北少数民族地区媒介市场化机制与国家认同方面有所新意或创新,认为应构建、完善“一体两翼”的平衡机制是增强国家认同的基础,同时认为大众传播所负载的公民教育是强化国家认同的关键,国家在媒介市场化中力戒其负面影响对少数民族地区媒介造成的伤害。 This paper takes "3.14"."7.5" events, which were broke out in Tibet and Xinjiang, as the starting point, and put forward the "news media and national identity of the Northwest Minorities" logical proposition from the perspective of Communication development, accordingly, national development and ethnic unity are the theoretical significance and practical significance of this paper. This paper adopts field investigation, qualitative analysis and theoretical argumentative approach, and probes the issue of "Journalism and Communication of the Minorities and national image shaping" during the period of Northwest Minorities developing and media evolving. According to the contradiction and unification relationship between northwest media operation mechanism and national identity, I deem that the development of northwest minority Journalism and Communication presents a situation of binary competition pattern and non-balanced:1. the binary competition pattern of mainstream media /(CPC newspaper and television/) presents in Chinese language and minority language;2. the binary competition pattern of mainstream /(CPC official newspaper and television/) and non-mainstream /(professional and target audience newspaper/).Based on this competition pattern, it is seemingly that CPC newspaper and television play the opinion guiding role, but the brutal market competition makes people easily to ignore the supreme pursuit of national identify and causes entertainment consumption becoming the main part of life, national identity is a mere formality, this binary competition pattern result in a non-balanced development trend that entertainment consumption caused by market economy overwhelm the national ideology. This non-balanced development trend restricts the sound development of northwest minority Journalism communication and national identity. Therefore, eliminating and overcoming this problem and leading society to a harmonious and progressive direction are the keys to news dissemination and public opinion guide in China. To this point, I consider that northwest minority Journalism and Communication should establish and improve the "one body two wings", an equilibrium mechanism. These two wings /(media as the public opinion tool and mouthpiece; information industry market survival/) are guided by the operation system and mechanism of socialist market economy "integration", in addition, two wings as the material basis to carry the national identity. At the same time, strengthen civic education via mass communication, ethnic identity, cultural identity and religious identity could transform and transit to national identity. The innovation of this paper is on the aspect of northwest minority Journalism communication and national identity. I argue that constructing and improving the "one body two wings" communication mechanism is the foundation to enhance national identity, at the same time, civic education cultivated by mass communication is the crux of national identity; nation should avoid the harmness to minority media during the process of media mercerization. The deficiencies of this paper may include:value relation between minority Journalism communication and national identity; the validity, reliability of field research methods, your comment is highly appreciated.

关 键 词: 西北地区 少数民族 新闻传播 国家认同

分 类 号: [G206]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 姜宗强
作者 成然
作者 许智
作者 曾志成
作者 潘瑛


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学旅游学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟