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A Historical and Morphological Study on the Transformation of Wuchang in Modern Times

导  师: 吴庆洲

学科专业: 081301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 武昌是位于长江和汉水交汇之滨的一座有近2000年历史的文化名城。自三国时期孙权筑夏口城始,历经郢城、鄂州城、武昌城的发展历程,由最初的军事城堡发展成唐宋时期的“东南巨镇”、元明清时期的“湖广会城”,集区域政治、经济、文化中心为一身,在区域城市体系中发挥重要作用。1911年,辛亥革命在武昌首先爆发,武汉三镇(武昌、汉口、汉阳)在其后一系列的军事、政治事件中被日益紧密地联系在一起。民国中期,三镇合一建立了武汉市,并一度成为国民政府的新首都。虽然其后分分合合,但在1949年新中国成立后,三镇还是稳定地结成同一个城市型政区——武汉市,武昌成为这个新的湖北省省会城市中的一个城区。作为“首义之城”以及华中地区的政治文化中心,武昌在区域城市体系中占据举足轻重的地位,然而在城市史的研究领域一直未能引起学术界的关注,缺乏综合而系统的研究。目前,国内外开始了新一轮的城市史研究。为了使这个研究更加深入,有必要建立起广泛的、涉及各个层面和类型的城市个体的基础研究。本文就是这个基础研究中的一个组成部分。历史发展到今天,在当代武昌的城市空间结构中仍然保留有相当大部份的近代城市空间格局与建筑,构成当前城市历史保护的重要组成部分。因此,关于近代城市空间形态的研究,无疑对丰富历史文化名城内涵、加强城市历史保护具有重要的现实指导意义。 论文以武昌城市发展以及武汉三镇关系的变迁为基础,重点研究近代武昌城市空间形态的演变。各章主要内容如下: 第一章,绪论。梳理了相关学术研究成果,分析了目前关于武昌城市史研究的不足,提出本文对相关问题的解决思路。基于城市形态的多层次含义,提出论文研究内容框架。第二章,古代城市发展历程与形态基础。以地方志、古地图等为依据,梳理了古代城市发展历程,并对明清武昌城市空间形态进行了多层次、多角度分析。第三章,区域视野中的城市近代化发展。梳理了武昌城市近代化的发展,表明晚清时期武昌城市开始由传统向近代转型,在这个过程之中,武汉三镇也日益紧密结合在一起。城市空间形态是城市政治、经济、技术等综合作用的结果,城市社会机制的转变最终导致城市空间形态的演变。第四章,近代武昌城市空间形态的演变过程。根据对影响城市空间形态的重大历史事件,将近代武昌城市空间形态的演变分为四个历史阶段,对武昌城市形态由传统向现代的演变过程作纵向梳理。第五章,近代武昌城市空间形态的综合分析。为使形态的分析更有针对性,论文借鉴西方形态类型学方法,建构了“从城市到街区再到建筑的三个层级系统,内含7个形态要素”的研究框架,以期通过对不同层次空间的解析达到对城市空间形态整体且深入的认识。第六章,近代武昌城市空间形态演变的影响因素。采用多影响因素分析法,从政治政策与军事、经济技术、环境与防灾以及社会文化四个方面对近代武昌城市空间形态演变的影响进行了综合分析。 论文的研究有三个创新点:第一,首次从区域视角分析、揭示了武昌城市近代化发展的典型性与特殊性。第二,基于对城市发展的关节点——重大历史事件的探析,以“突变”与“渐变”相结合的文化节点划分近代武昌城市空间形态演变的历史阶段,真实且清晰还原了演变的历史过程。第三,对于近代武昌城市空间形态的综合分析研究框架,是对借鉴西方类型形态学理论发展适合中国城市研究和对城市设计有指导作用的城市形态分析方法的初步探索,具有一定的理论意义。同时,对于城市空间形态演变综合特征的多层级解读,为深化和加强城市历史保护规划和景观管理提供了科学的支持,对于当前的城市历史文化保护与城市规划建设有现实指导意义。 Located in the intersection of Yangtze River and Han River, Wuchang is a famous culturalcity with nearly2000years history. From ancient Xiakou city built by Sunquan in the ThreeKingdom’s Period, Ezhou city of Tang and Song Dynasties, to Wuchang city of Ming andQing Dynasties, Wuchang city had undergone a process of military castle, then an importantcommercial town, finally a provincial capital city, concentrating with political center,economical center and cultural center. Wuchang First Uprising took place in1911. With seriesof military and political events subsequently, Wuchang has been closely connected withHankou and Hanyang. In the middle of the Republic of China, the three towns united to awhole city, and once became the capital of the National Government at1927. Although beingdivided and jointed over and over again, the three towns finally has been united to a wholecity stably since1949. Wuchang has became a main administrative district of the newprovince capital city—Wuhan. Without doubt, being the first place of the Revolution of1911and the political and cultural center of the middle region of China, Wuchang plays animportant role in the region urban system. However, it has been ignored seriously in the urbanhistory research field, lacking of comprehensive and systematic results. Today, a new round ofurban history research has being started at home and abroad. To further the research, it isnecessary to develop wide and deep studies of single cities involving various aspects andtypes. This paper is just one part of these basic studies. Since there are quite a big part ofspatial patterns and architectures of modern times stayed in contemporary environment, whichcomposes the essential contents of urban history conservation, it is of important realisticdirective significance to study on the spatial morphology of Wuchang in Modern Times. Basing on the study of urban development of modernization and the relation changes withWuhan three towns in Modern Times as clue, the paper detailed studies the evolution ofspatial morphology of modern Wuchang city. Main contents include six chapters. The firstchapter is the exordium, which introduces the research status and explains the aim andmeaning of the study. The second chapter generalizes the development course of ancientWuchang city and summarizes basic characteristics of urban spatial morphology. The thirdchapter unscrambles the urban development of modernization, indicates that in the late Qing Dynasty, Wuchang started the transformation from tradition to modernization. And in thiscourse, Wuhan three towns have been increasingly integrated together. Spatial morphology isthe results of integrative action of politics, economics technology and etc. The conversion ofurban social mechanisms finally leads to the transformation of spatial morphology. The fourthchapter explores the detail process of the transformation of spatial morphology of modernWuchang city. The fifth chapter is the comprehensive analyze of the spatial morphology ofWuchang city. Using for reference the western urban morphology theory and the typologytheory, the paper proposes a new framework consisting three levels and seven city elementsfor the typomorphological study of Chinese cities with consideration of the specificity of theChinese context. The sixth chapter explores the effects of political and military factor,economical and technical factor, environmental and disaster prevention factor, social andcultural factor on the transformation of urban spatial morphology. These factors work in anintegrative way, arousing a serial of significant historical events that cause the transformationof urban spatial morphology in direct and indirect levels. Also, each factor has differentinfluence in time and effects. The creative points in this paper include three facets. Firstly, it gives an in-depth researchon the modernization development of Wuchang from the perspective of regional system.Secondly, combined with the point of “mutation” and “gradual change”, summarizes thehistorical process of the evolution on spatial morphology of Wuchang in Modern Times.Thirdly, using for reference the western urban morphology theory and the typology theory, itproposes a new framework for the typomorphological study of Chinese cities withconsideration of the specificity of the Chinese context, which is of some theoretical value.And the research outputs with both theoretical and practical values of urban spatialmorphology of modern Wuchang will directly contribute to the urban history conservationplanning, which is of realistic guiding value.

关 键 词: 近代 城市发展 空间形态 武汉三镇 武昌

分 类 号: [TU-098.1]

领  域: [建筑科学]


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机构 广东省社会科学院


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