导 师: 程建军
学科专业: 081301
授予学位: 博士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 近代岭南的人文精神表现为开放包容、开拓创新、开明务实和经世致用等,近代岭南建筑装饰也因此具有国际性、地域性、民族性交融演化的总体特征。论文从建筑装饰的基本认识着手,根据建造主体的不同,将近代岭南建筑装饰分为殖民建筑装饰、民间建筑装饰、官方建筑装饰三个类型,分别论述其动因、艺术和技术特征。 一、近代岭南殖民建筑装饰的异彩纷呈,研究早期近代到民国时期,西方文化单向输入为特征的殖民建筑装饰。通过贸易交往与建立租界、殖民地,岭南汇聚了中国近代最早的殖民建筑。受西方多个宗主国建筑装饰风格的影响,殖民建筑装饰风格异彩纷呈。艺术层面,殖民建筑装饰风格是西方宗主国艺术风格的写照,体现了国际性特征;技术层面,殖民建筑装饰材料则普遍务实地使用岭南地方材料,表现出一定的地域性。 二、近代岭南民间建筑装饰的固本求新,研究整个近代时期岭南民间建筑装饰。近代岭南民间建筑装饰仍然沿袭手工作业社会背景下传统的装饰技艺,建筑装饰与传统手工艺一体化,与建筑固有形态一体化,同时在近代化过程中主动吸收西方“洋”建筑装饰艺术。岭南民间建筑装饰一方面固守传统技艺,另一方面大胆求新,产生了应对地域文化、自然条件、审美的新形式。不论传统技艺,还是传统技艺基础上的求新形式,都表现出鲜明的地域性特征。 三、近代岭南官方建筑装饰的多元融合,主要研究民国时期岭南官方建筑装饰。官方建筑装饰通过多元的装饰动机、装饰风格、审美表达和装饰技术等手段表现民族性的价值观。总体来说,官方建筑装饰成为象征性的装饰,与建筑本体的关系比较疏远。艺术层面,“中国固有式”、新古典主义、装饰艺术派,以及现代主义建筑装饰,从政治性、商业性、经济性等多元目的角度表达以民族性为核心的岭南近代官方文化;技术层面,官方建筑装饰的材料和技术逐步实现了现代化和地方化,综合表现出中西融合的特征。 建造主体不同的价值观和审美取向决定了殖民建筑装饰、民间建筑装饰、官方建筑装饰各自的本原性特征,即国际性、地域性、民族性,它们发展演化、充分交融共同构成了近代岭南建筑装饰的总体特征。 建筑装饰的演化规律方面,不同的价值观和审美取向决定了三个类型的建筑装饰遵循不同的规律。殖民建筑装饰的演化以西方宗主国文化为主导,按照宗主国建筑艺术史的发展规律演化;民间建筑装饰的演化以岭南民间地域文化为主导,建筑装饰与建筑本体一体化关系演化为分离式的附属关系;官方建筑装饰的演化规律以岭南近代官方文化为主导,按照全盘西化——中西文化交融的发展规律演化。 建筑装饰的交融规律方面,殖民建筑装饰主要代表西方宗主国文化,民间建筑装饰主要代表民间岭南地域文化,官方建筑装饰主要代表岭南近代官方文化,它们相互影响相互渗透,交融发展。西方宗主国的装饰风格代表了强国强势文化,因此无论在艺术层面还是技术层面,殖民建筑装饰成为民间和官方建筑装饰的重要参照。民间建筑装饰对殖民和官方建筑装饰的影响主要表现在传统装饰材料、技术方面,在丰富地域文化方面起到重要的作用。官方建筑装饰对另外两者的影响力则相对较弱,但却是岭南近代化过程中推动中西文化交融的重要力量。 多元文化交融过程中,近代岭南建筑装饰传承创新,形成以国际性为视野,以地域性为依托,以民族性为动机的文化特色,成为全球文化的一份宝贵财富。 Lingnan traditional humanities can be attributed to the spirit of openness and tolerance,innovation, open-minded, pragmatic and statecraft several characteristics. Thesecharacteristics are also portrayal of modern the Lingnan architectural decoration overall.According to the owner of buildings, the Modern Lingnan architectural decoration is dividedinto the three categories——colonial architectural decoration, vernacular buildings decoration,official buildings decoration. The paper tries to study characteristics respectively. Firstly, the chapter of Colorful colonial architectural decoration studies of colonialarchitectural decoration by means of Western culture passive input. Through foreign tradeexchanges and colonial cultural input, Lingnan aggregates earliest modern churches andcolonial-style buildings affected by the architectural decorative arts in many Westerncountries, and characterized by all kind of styles. In terms of artistic level, the colonialarchitectural style is the portrayal of the Western sovereign state art style, embodying theinternational characteristics; In terms of technical level, the furnishing materials of colonialbuilding generally pragmatically using Lingnan local materials shows strong localization. Secondly, the chapter of Guben novelty studies Lingnan folk architectural decorationthroughout the modern period. Modern Lingnan vernacular architectural decorations stilladhere to the traditional decorative arts practices in the social context of artisanal decorationof the building and the integration of traditional arts and crafts, but at the same time take theinitiative to absorb Western architectural decorative arts. Folk architectural decorations stickto the traditional skills on the one hand, but boldly innovate on the other hand. Folkarchitectural decorations produce new forms, new materials and processes to adapt to localculture, natural conditions, and aesthetics. Both artistic level and technical level show distinctregional characteristics. Thirdly, the chapter of pluralism of official building decoration studies decoration ofLingnan official buildings during period of the Repulic of China. Official buildings featuredby the diverse decorative motives, decorative style, aesthetic expression and decorationtechnology show the national character of the theme. In terms of artistic level, diverse style arise including Western church advocating of Chinese form, the official governmentadvocating 'Chinese the inherent style', neoclassical, Art Deco and Modernism coexistence;In terms of technical level, building decoration materials and technology progressivelyimplement modernization and localization. On the basis of the above three parts, the final chapter6summarizes the evolutioncharacteristics of Modern Lingnan architectural decoration, to discuss the interactive effect ofthree parts——the colonial architectural decoration, the vernacular architectural decorationand the official architectural decoration, to reveal the law of evolution, to summarizecharacteristics of Modern Lingnan architectural decoration as internationalism, regionalismand nationalism. Finally, the paper takes a long view of the future development of the Lingnanarchitectural decoration in the context of globalization.
分 类 号: [TU238]
领 域: [建筑科学]