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Research on the Relationship between Enterprise's Key Supplier Network Embeddedness and Purchasing Performance

导  师: 陈春花

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 企业的核心资源和能力是企业长期竞争优势的前提和基础,而网络经济条件下,核心资源可能跨越组织边界存在于企业外部。如何有效获取外部核心资源,并提高这些资源转移的效率和程度成为企业实践者关注的焦点。新的竞争环境下,企业的关键供应商网络是核心资源的重要提供者,其中最为重要的是一级关键供应商网络,有效管理关键供应商是提高企业竞争优势的重要保障。 针对我国企业获取外部核心资源效果与过程不尽如意的现状,本研究结合资源基础理论、组织间关系理论、网络嵌入性理论,基于关键供应商网络嵌入性视角对企业的采购问题进行研究,研究了企业与关键供应商的社会关系与经济关系对采购的影响过程与影响效果。 本研究在对相关文献进行系统梳理的基础上,提炼出用于衡量企业的关键供应商网络嵌入性(企业与关键供应商间的信任、信息共享、联结强度和企业在关键供应商网络的中心性)、供应链响应(关键供应商响应、企业对关键供应商的消费者响应)、采购绩效(采购成本绩效、采购时间绩效和采购质量绩效)、环境不确定性等研究变量的衡量维度。企业与关键供应商间的信任、信息共享体现了企业与关键供应商间的社会关系,联接强度体现了企业与关键供应商间的社会化交往,企业在关键供应商网络的中心性更多地体现了企业与关键供应商间的经济关系。依据企业的关键供应商网络嵌入性、供应链响应、采购绩效与环境不确定性相互关系的理论探讨,结合深度访谈结果,构建了研究的概念模型,并提出了28个研究假设。结合理论研究和访谈结果,本研究针对制造企业的一级关键供应商网络嵌入性进行调研,从珠三角洲地区获取了206份制造企业的有效样本数据,利用AMOS17.0和SPSS17.0统计软件对研究假设进行了检验。 本实证研究发现:(1)企业与关键供应商间的信任、信息共享和企业在关键供应商网络的中心性均对采购绩效有显著正向影响,企业与关键供应商间的联结强度对采购绩效有间接影响。(2)企业与关键供应商间的信任、信息共享和企业的关键供应商网络中心性对关键供应商响应有显著正向影响,联结强度对关键供应商响应有间接正向影响;信任、信息共享正向影响企业对关键供应商的消费者响应,联结强度正向间接影响企业对关键供应商的消费者响应,而企业的关键供应商网络中心性与企业对关键供应商的消费者响应间无显著影响关系。(3)关键供应商响应在信任、信息共享、企业的关键供应商网络中心性与采购绩效关系中起中介作用;企业对关键供应商的消费者响应中介了企业与关键供应商间的信任、信息共享与采购绩效的关系。(4)环境不确定性正向调节了信任、信息共享和联结强度与关键供应商响应的关系,环境不确定性正向调节了信息共享、联结强度与企业对关键供应商的消费者响应的关系。 本研究的创新表现在: (1)本研究证实了企业与关键供应商合作中社会关系与经济关系并存的事实,经济关系与社会关系均影响了企业采购过程与采购绩效,且社会关系的影响程度更大。 (2)本研究系统探索了企业的关键供应网络嵌入性对采购绩效的影响过程,创新性地将供应链响应作为企业的关键供应商网络嵌入性与采购绩效的中介变量进行研究,深化了企业的关键供应商网络嵌入性对采购绩效影响路径的认识。 (3)从供应商响应和企业对供应商的消费者响应两个角度对供应链响应进行研究,提出并检验了关键供应商响应和企业对关键供应商的消费者响应对企业的关键供应商网络嵌入性与采购绩效关系的中介作用。 (4)开发了企业消费者响应的测量量表,为企业消费者响应研究提供了实证支持。采用来自中国制造企业的样本数据进行实证研究,为企业的供应管理实践和供应商的客户管理实践提供了借鉴和指导。 (5)在企业与关键供应商合作研究中,首次提出并检验了环境不确定性对企业的关键供应商网络嵌入性与供应链响应关系的调节作用。 Core resources and capabilities are enterprises’ foundations of long-term competitionadvantage. In the condition of network economy, core resources may exist in the outside ofthe enterprise. Getting outside core resources and improving transferring efficiency becomefocus of managers. In new competition environment, enterprises’ key supplier networks arethe important suppliers of core resources and the most important suppliers are the first-orderkey supply networks. Effective management of the key supply networks is the basic guaranteeto improve competition advantage. To aim at Chinese manufacturing enterprise actual condition of acquiring outside coreresources, the study integrates resource-based theory, interorganizational relational theory andnetwork embeddedness theory to develop research. The dissertation studies purchasingproblem from the view of key supplier network embeddedness. The study aims to study therelations between trust, information sharing, link strength of purchasing enterprises and theirkey suppliers, network centrality of purchasing enterprise and enterprises’ purchasingperformance and effect process. On the basis of sorting out related papers, the study extracts dimensions of the studyingvariables, which include: key supply network embeddedness /(trust, information sharing, linkstrength, supplier network centrality/), supply chain response /(key supplier response,consumer response from purchasing enterprise to key supplier/), enterprise’s purchasingperformance /(purchasing cost performance, purchasing time performance, purchasing qualityperformance/) and environment uncertainty. Trust and information between purchasingenterprise and key suppliers express social relationship. Link strength between purchasingenterprise and key suppliers expresses social contact. Enterprise’s supplier network centralityexpresses economic relationship more. According to the discussion of relations between keysupply network embeddedness, supply chain response, purchasing performance andenvironment uncertainty, considering interview results, the study build research conceptualmodel and proposes28hypotheses. According to results of theoretical research and depthview, the study investigated embeddedness of manufacturing enterprise and their one-tiersuppliers. The author made an investigation in the Pearl River Delta region and acquired206manufacturing enterprise samples. The study tested the hypotheses using the Amos17.0andSPSS17.0analysis software. Through the empirical study, the study found following results:/(1/) Trust, informationbetween purchasing enterprise and key suppliers, supply network centrality of purchasing enterprise are all have positive effect on purchasing performance. Link strength betweenpurchasing enterprise and key suppliers has indirect positive effect on purchasingperformance./(2/) Trust, information between purchasing enterprise and key suppliers, suppliernetwork centrality of purchasing enterprise are all have positive effect on key supplierresponse. Link strength between purchasing enterprise and key suppliers has indirect positiveeffect on key supplier response. Trust, information between purchasing enterprise and keysuppliers are both have positive effect on purchasing enterprise’s consumer response to keysuppliers. Link strength between purchasing enterprise and key suppliers has indirect positiveeffect on purchasing enterprise’s consumer response to key suppliers./(3/) Key supplierresponse mediates the relationship between trust, information, supplier network centrality ofpurchasing enterprise and purchasing performance. Purchasing enterprise’s consumerresponse to key suppliers mediates the relationship between trust, information and purchasingperformance./(4/) Environment uncertainty has a positive mediating role in the relationshipbetween trust, information, link strength and key suppliers’ response. Environmentuncertainty has a positive mediating role in the relationship between information, linkstrength and purchasing enterprise’s consumer response to key suppliers. The innovation of this research lies in the following parts: First, the study verified that the social relationship and economic relationship betweenpurchasing enterprise and the first-order key suppliers are coexisted. Social relationship andeconomic relationship are both effecting purchasing process and purchasing performance, andthe effect of social relationship is more than economic relationship. Secondly, the dissertation explores the affecting process of supplier networkembeddedness. The study firstly puts forward the mediating affects of supply chain responseon the relationships between supplier network embeddedness and purchasing performance,which deepens the knowledge of supplier network affecting purchase mechanism. Thirdly, the dissertation proposes that supply chain response include supplier responseand purchasing enterprise’s consumer response to supplier. The study has proposed and testedthe mediating role of key supplier response and purchasing enterprise’s consumer respone tokey supplier in the relationship between supply network embeddedness and purchasingperformance. Fourthly, based on consumer response scale, the study develops enterprise consumerresponse scale, which lays the foundation of future research on enterprise consumer response. Fifthly, in the cooperation between purchasing enterprise and key suppliers, environmentuncertainty has been proposed and tested firstly as moderate in the relationship between key supplier network embeddedness and supply chain response.

关 键 词: 关键供应商 网络嵌入性 供应商响应 消费者响应 采购绩效

分 类 号: [F274 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 万艳春
作者 粟娟
作者 何燕华
作者 陈竹
作者 雷宣云


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟