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The Research of Public Library Guarantee Children's Cultural Rights and Interests

导  师: 杨兆禧

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 我国政府一向十分重视和关心未成年人成长工作,充分保障少年儿童的基本权益,是构建和谐社会的本质体现。作为公共文化服务体系的重要阵地,公共图书馆有责任和义务为改善少年儿童文化生活,保障少年儿童文化权益,构建和谐社会贡献力量。 本文通过国内外相关文献的调研,从法律渊源和图书馆学的角度梳理了公共图书馆保障儿童文化权益的理论基础,分别开展网络、实地两种形式的调查,包括选取全国50个省、直辖市、自治区、单列市公共图书馆为样本,对少儿图书阅览和外借、网络和多媒体、读书活动、培训班、图书馆利用教育等方面服务的网络调查以及对“广州地区儿童利用公共图书馆的现状”的实地调查,并结合广州图书馆的实例,客观分析了我国公共图书馆保障儿童群体文化权益工作的现状,在建设馆舍环境、构建特色资源、巩固少年儿童阅读行为、创新读者管理模式等方面取得了一定成果,但也存在如相关法律法规不完善、建设体制制约、员工素质参差、现代信息渠道多元化等诸多问题。针对这些存在问题,本文分别从政府层面和公共图书馆层面提出了完善我国公共图书馆保障少年儿童文化权益的具体对策,包括政府层面的加强图书馆相关法律法规建设,加大对公共图书馆支持力度,推动馆际合作,推行总分馆建设机制等;公共图书馆层面的增强馆藏、设施、人力等资源建设,加强少年儿童服务职能的宣传力度,拓宽针对少年儿童的服务方式,建立稳定的读者反馈机制等,使公共图书馆能够实现自身可持续发展,以更好地保障儿童文化权益。 The Chinese government has always attached great importance to and care for children’sgrowth. Guarantee children's cultural rights and interests is the Essence reflects of buildingaharmonious society. As the important position of public cultural service system, the publiclibrary has the responsibility and obligation to improve children's cultural life, guarantee thechildren's cultural rights and interests, and contribution strength to build a harmonioussociety. After researching the related literature at home and abroad and field survey, this paperreviews the theoretical foundation of the public library guarantee children's cultural rights andinterests respectively from the source of law and library science point of view.After networkand field investigation, including selected50provinces, municipalities directly under thecentral government, autonomous regions and cities public library as sample, investigatechildren's books to read and loan, network and multimedia, reading activities, training, libraryuse education etc,and field investigated the present situation of children use public library inGuangzhou area,combined with the example of the guangzhou library,this paper concretelyanalyzes the present situation that public library guarantee children's culture rightsobjectively, including the achievements such as Library construction environment,constructing characteristic resources, consolidate the young children's reading behavior,innovation the reader management mode. And the problemss such as related legal systemimperfect, construction system restriction, Staff quality shortage, the modern informationchannel multiplication,etc.In view of problems,this paper put forward to the specificmeasures to improve that public library guarantee children's cultural rights andinterests,including government strengthen library related laws and regulations construction,strengthen the public library support, promote interlibrary loan,and Implementation of thetotal branch libraries construction mechanism;The public library enhance collection, facilities,human resource construction, Strengthen children's service function of propaganda, broadenthe young children for the service mode, establishing stable reader feedback mechanism, tomake the public library realize own sustainable development, so as to protect children'scultural rights and interests.

关 键 词: 公共图书馆 儿童 文化权益

分 类 号: [G258.2]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 招建平
作者 林梦笑
作者 蔡楚舒
作者 席敏
作者 邵培德


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟