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The Study on the Behavior of Jiangmen Government in Attracting Investment

导  师: 范旭;刘晓捷

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在改革开放以来,江门市招商引资工作在各届政府的不断努力下取得了较大的成就,政府主导型招商引资对于推动地方经济发展发挥了十分重要的作用。而在现有经济体制下,江门市政府的招商引资行为暴露出越来越多的问题,过度竞争,产业同构,较大的资源浪费,甚至滋生了政府腐败,一定程度上也阻碍了招商的效能化和经济社会的科学发展。 本文以制度经济学理论、公共选择理论、博弈论等为基础,构建研究理论框架:地方政府积极介入招商引资是经济体制转型背景下的行为选择,是在市场机制不完善的条件下,政府降低招商引资交易成本的一种制度创新,但同时也强化了地方政府的介入动机,形成了路径依赖。由于在招商引资这一竞争性领域,基于公共选择中的地方政府并不是理性的行为主体,面临着日益严重的成本与收益的失衡、经济的外部性与信息不对称等问题,因此需要进行制度创新,规范政府行为,以适应新形势的需要。 本文按照“提出问题—分析问题—寻求对策”的基本思路展开,主要通过对江门市在招商引资中的政府行为归类分析,并从江门发展现状出发,对政府行为产生的效应进行分析,以寻找招商引资中政府行为与地区经济发展的内在关系,揭示政府行为在带来经济效益的同时,政府行为也存在不少问题,进而揭示江门市政府行为选择的内在机理和本质规律:在现有制度背景下,由于受到特殊的财政体制、权力监督体制、绩效考核机制等的约束,市级政府与县级政府之间、各县级政府之间,以及政府与投资企业间形成了特殊的行为互动,形成了行为选择的非良性路径依赖,影响了招商引资的科学决策和资源优化配置。本文借鉴了国内外政府招商引资的先进经验做法,提出规范江门市政府招商引资行为的意见建议,从规范政府行为入手,纠正行为互动中的路径依赖,以最终达到科学招商引资的目标。 Since reforming and opening, Jiangmen government has made great efforts in attractinginvestment, and the government-led investment plays a very important role to promote localeconomic development. However, In the current economic system, the government-ledinvestment Jiangmen City leads excessive competition, industry isomorphism, the larger theresource waste and the breeding ground for corruption in the government, it’s hard to drive thedevelopment of local economy into a higher level. Based on the theory of institutional economics, public choice theory, game theory as thefoundation, constructs the theory frame on: local government intervention in investmentpromotion is an institutional innovation to reduce transaction cost, but such interventionsimultaneously intensifies local government’s motivation of intervention, path dependence thencome into being. Facing increasingly severe problems like imbalance of cost andbenefit,economic externality and information asymmetry, local governments are no longerrational behavioral bodies in such a competitive field as investment promotion,a new round ofinstitutional innovation is required to meet the needs of new situation. The paper develops along with the route of “raising questions–analyzing reasons–countermeasures”. Showing the current behavior of Jiangmen government in attractinginvestment, investment government behavior in regional economic development and theinherent relations, reveal the government behavior in economic benefits at the same time, thegovernment behavior also exists many problems, which have caused a series of negative effects,and further reveals the behavior choice of Jiangmen city hall and the internal mechanism oflaws of nature: Due to the special finance system, supervision system, performance appraisalmechanism and other constraints, there is special behavior interaction in the local governmentsin Jiangmen city, forming the behavior choice of benign path dependence, affected theinvestment decision and the optimization of resource allocation. After studying the domesticand foreign government investment of advanced experience, the paper puts forward theinnovation path, makes correct choice of government behavior in the path dependence, toultimately achieve the goal of scientific investment.

关 键 词: 政府行为 招商引资 江门市 路径依赖 制度创新

分 类 号: [F127]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 范修斌
作者 徐琳瑜
作者 魏雅丽
作者 卢效坚
作者 曾志军


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟