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Study on the Functions of the Government in Building the Pengjiang Technological Innovation Platform

导  师: 范旭;吴焕泉

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 科技创新对于加速经济发展、提高区域竞争力的重要性,是当前世界各国、各地政府大力扶持科技创新的主要原因。面对激烈的科技与经济竞争,世界各主要发达国家都将建设一流的科技创新平台作为支撑创新活动的优先选择和实现跨越式发展的战略举措。近年来,随着经济的飞速发展,广东珠三角经济发达地区加快了科技创新平台的建设步伐,尤其是经历了2008年国际金融危机的冲击,地方政府深刻认识到加快转变经济发展方式的重要性和紧迫性,把增强自主创新能力作为应对金融危机冲击,加快转变经济发展方式的重要抓手,以前所未有的力度支持和推动科技创新平台建设。 政府是科技创新平台建设的重要推动力量,具有不可替代的作用。政府作为科技创新的组织引导者和协调服务者,需要在把握和遵循市场规律,充分发挥市场对科技资源的基础性配置作用的前提下,协调聚合科技创新平台中各个主体要素的力量,提高创新效率和效益。县区级地方政府在政府行政架构中虽然处于基层一线,但在推动科技创新平台建设的过程中发挥的作用不可小觑,应该得到重视和支持。县区级政府要把握当前经济转型发展的新机遇,充分运用政府有形之手和市场无形之手,加快创新资源的整合和优化,推动科技创新平台建设,在提高区域科技创新能力上有更大的作为。 本文综合采用文献法、对比分析法、实证分析法等多种研究方法,通过从理论分析入手,运用公共管理学和经济学原理分析政府为什么要干预和怎样干预科技创新平台建设,分析科技创新平台建设中的政府作用,借鉴吸收国内外先进地区推动科技创新平台建设的经验,并以蓬江区近年来推进科技创新平台建设为实例进行剖析,根据当前经济形势发展要求,对县区级地方政府如何发挥政府的导向、组织、协调、保障、控制作用,加强科技创新平台建设,促进区域自主创新能力的提升提出对策、建议。 The importance of Science and technology innovation for the acceleration of economicdevelopment and the improve of regional competitiveness, is the main cause that the localgovernments all over the world at present strongly support the technological innovationplatform. In the face of the fierce technology and economic competition, the main developedcountries have already known the construction of the top technological innovation platform as apriority selection of supporting innovation and strategic measures of realizing the leapingdevelopment. In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, the economic developedareas in the Pearl River Delta have been speeding up the construction of technologicalinnovation platform, especially in the impact of2008international financial crisis, the localgovernments deeply understood the importance and urgency to speed up the transformation ofeconomic development mode, and enhance the ability of independent innovation as theimportant means by which the financial crisis hit could been dealt with and the economicdevelopment mode change could been speeded up, so that the local governments support andpromote the construction of technological innovation platform in unprecedented efforts. As an important driving force in the construction of technological innovation platform, thegovernment has the irreplaceable effect. The government as a science and technologyinnovation organization, guide, coordination and service, needs to coordinate and polymerizethe subject strengths of technology innovation platform under the premise of following themarket rules and giving full play to the market basic function to configure science andtechnology resources, and improve the efficiency and benefits of innovation. The country levellocal government stand on the basic level in the administration system, but the effect onconstruction of technological innovation platform is so big that they should been attachedimportance and supported. The local government must grasp the opportunity of the countyeconomic transformation and development, and make full use of the visible hand of governmentand the invisible hand of market to speed up the integration and optimization of innovationresources, promote the technological innovation platform construction, and improve theregional technology innovation ability. The article used comprehensive methods of literature, comparative analysis, empiricalanalysis and so on, proceeded with the theoretical analysis, made use of public management andeconomics theory to analyze the reason, action and function of government intervention to thetechnological innovation platform construction, drew lessons from the experience of advancedareas in the technological innovation platform construction, with Peng Jiang district as an example for analysis, according to the current situation of economic development, proposed thecountermeasure and suggestions that the local governments should been how to give full play tothe government's guidance, organize, coordinate, security and control function, strengthen theconstruction of the technological innovation platform, promote the regional independentinnovation capacity.

关 键 词: 自主创新 科技创新平台 政府作用

分 类 号: [D625 G322.7]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [文化科学]


作者 林彩云
作者 魏建漳
作者 杨公齐
作者 刘云波
作者 吴靖


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 成然
作者 朱丽敏
作者 李明华
作者 杨春玲
作者 梅醒斌