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The Government's Functions in the Development of Jiangmen City Federation of Industry and Commerce /(Chamber of Commerce/)

导  师: 郑方辉;王波

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 商会是为维护共同的合法经济利益而自愿组织的非营利性社会团体。商会作为市场经济体系的一个重要组成部分,经过多年的发展,已成为政府、企业、市场之间联系的纽带和桥梁。在配合政府维护市场经济秩序、制定行业标准、推进行业发展、合理配置资源、促进产业发展、自觉规范行业行为、维护合法权益等多方面做了大量工作,发挥了积极作用。 但是,作为后进的经济转型国家,我国目前的商会特别是工商联还带有相当浓厚的计划经济色彩和官办痕迹,未能适应经济全球化和现代市场经济发展的需要。因此,建立工商联和政府之间双向互动关系是社会主义市场经济的必然要求。 本文在分析了工商联与政府间的关系现状后,为推动政府与企业、市场的良性互动,促进利益的多元化探索,对商会协调企业主体的利益关系、反映市场对政府的要求和愿望、参与和影响政府公共政策的制定提出一些建议。文章以江门市工商联为例,研究江门市商会在促进政企分开,转变政府职能上扮演的重要角色。探讨政府要实现治理,变全能政府为有限政府,即进行政府职能转变,转移公共服务职能,对新形势下工商联如何推动民营经济发展作深入思考和积极探索,从而建立政府与企业相互准确定位、平等合作的平台,有效合理地利用社会资源,促进社会的和谐发展和进步。 The Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit community groups voluntary organizationsto safeguard the legitimate economic interests of common. Chamber of Commerce as animportant part of the market economy, after years of development, has become a contact linkand bridge between the government, enterprises, market. In line with the government tomaintain the order of the market economy, the development of industry standards, promotethe development of the industry, the rational allocation of resources, and promote industrialdevelopment, consciously standard industry practices, safeguard the legitimate rights andinterests, and many other have done a lot of work, to play a positive role. However, as the last in the economies in transition, the Chamber of Commerce in China,particularly the Federation of Industry and Commerce also with a fairly strong plannedeconomy and the government-run traces, unable to adapt to the needs of economicglobalization and the development of a modern market economy. Therefore, to establish atwo-way interactive relationship between the Federation of Industry and Commerce and thegovernment is the inevitable requirement of socialist market economy. This paper analyzes the status quo of the relationship between the Association andGovernment, to promote positive interaction, promoting the interests of the government andenterprises, market diversification exploration of the Chamber of Commerce to coordinate theinterests of the corporate body relationship, to reflect market demands and wishes of thegovernment, participate in and influence the formulation of public policy of the Governmentto make some suggestions. Jiangmen City Federation of Industry and Commerce, for example,the study of the important role played by the Jiangmen City Chamber of Commerce topromote the separation of government administration from enterprise management, thetransformation of government functions. Explore Government to achieve governancebecomes omnipotent government is a limited government, namely the transformation ofgovernment functions, and the transfer of public service functions for deep thinking andactively explore how to promote the development of the private economy, the Federation ofIndustry and Commerce under the new situation, the government and enterprises in order toestablish mutual accurate positioning, cooperation on an equal platform, effective andrational use of social resources, and promote the harmonious development of society andprogress.

关 键 词: 商会 工商联 政府作为

分 类 号: [D665.9 F203]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [经济管理]


作者 李晓萍
作者 雷丽珍
作者 王萍萍
作者 程国明
作者 罗来武


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 顺德职业技术学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚