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Comparison on Singing Style between 'Six Dan' of Kun Opera and Soubrette Soprano of Western Opera

导  师: 李茵

学科专业: 050402

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 昆剧是我国传统戏曲中最古老的剧种之一,至今已有600多年历史,它是我国戏曲文化中的精品,拥有“百戏之祖”的雅称。昆剧的唱腔具有独特的艺术魅力,温婉细腻,格调高雅,不论是在咬字吐声还是呼吸的运用上都有独特的讲究。昆剧中的六旦是几百年来中国昆剧舞台上分量不轻的旦角之一,嗓音讲究清澈脆亮,灵活明朗,这种清新细腻的声腔恰好符合活泼机灵、机智勇敢的婢女形象,所以六旦大都扮演这类角色,无论是唱腔、白口还是身段,六旦总是演绎着机敏乖巧的人物形象和天真无邪的气质。 西洋歌剧同样是西方音乐史上最灿烂的文化之一,而美声唱法的演唱则是传承这一经典文化的艺术形式。在歌剧作品中,轻型抒情女高音却与昆剧六旦的演唱风格有了一定的“共鸣”,在歌剧表演中,轻型抒情女高音的角色的定位与昆剧六旦的角色定位非常相似,也大都扮演着迷人乖巧的女仆形象,都有着机灵活泼的性格。在唱法上也有异曲同工之妙,利用轻巧明亮的声线和细腻动人的表演将歌剧魅力展现得淋漓尽致。由此可见,两个角色种类是十分具有可比性的。二者在不同的时空里诞生、发展与传承,却有着相似的演唱风格,不得不说是让人惊喜的巧合。 本文将在歌唱技术与表演风格上,对昆剧六旦和歌剧轻型抒情女高音进行比较研究,进一步明晰这两种唱法的演唱机理和规范,总结出二者各自的演唱风格。昆剧唱腔与美声唱法的发声、呼吸、共鸣技术以及表演风格的差异,主要来自于不同民族音乐文化的传统习惯和审美情趣。昆剧唱腔强调了演唱的个人风格化,而美声唱法则强调的是演唱过程中声音共鸣的统一性和协调性。但由于在歌唱技巧、角色定位上存在一些共性,以及音乐细腻风格上的相似之处,可将二者演唱风格借鉴吸收,试图为今后中国声乐艺术的发展起到积极作用。 Kun Opera is one of the oldest Chinese traditional Opera, dates back to more than600years ago, it’s the essence of Chinese Opera culture, called by the good name as “mother ofall operas”. The music for voices in Ku Opera is unique in artistic charming, of greatelegance, and requires exclusive articulation and breathing. The “six tan” in Kun Opera is oneof the most important role in Chinese Kun Opera stage, it requirs ringing and nimble voice,which is fit for the role of smart and vivid maidservant in the opera. Therefore, most of the“six tan” performance this kind of role in voice, actor's lines or physiques, they can wellexpress the agility and innocence of the character. Western Opera is also among the most immortal culture in Western music history. ItsWestern style of singing is the artistic form to inherit this classical culture. Lighter lyricsoprano in Western Opera shares the same singing style with the “six tan” in Kun Opera, inrole playing; they have same character as smart and clever maidservant. Singing method isanother similarity compared Western Opera with Kun Opera, they adopt bright voicing andsubtle acting to express opera charm. Last but not the least, Lighter lyric soprano plays as therole that has much dialogue, also same as “six tan” in Kun Opera. Hence, there’scomparability between these2roles in Western Opera and Kun Opera. Born and developed indifferent times and place, but enjoy extraordinary similarity, that’s great coincidence certainly. This article is to compare “six tan” with “lighter lyric soprano” in singing technique andperforming style, try to specify the singing mechanism, give conclusion on their singing stylerespectively. Due to different musical culture and aesthetics in their nations, Kun Opera’s ariadiffers in voicing, breathing, resonance, compare with Western style of singing. Kun Opera’saria stresses in individual performing personality, Western style of singing stresses in onenessand harmony of sound resonance during performance. Because of the similarity in breathing,resonance, characterization, and subtle style in music, it may lay positive impact on thedevelopment of Chinese Vocality by learning and absorbing the performing style of them.

关 键 词: 昆剧 六旦 西洋歌剧 轻型抒情女高音 演唱风格

分 类 号: [J616]

领  域: [艺术]




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