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The Research on the University Students' Injury Accident Legal System

导  师: 黄保勇

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 自1999年高等学校扩招以来,随着高校学生人数的激增,高校学生伤害事故也日益增多,这给高校学生管理工作带来新的挑战和压力,随着一件件震惊全国的伤害事故的发生,学生的校园安全问题,已然成为社会、学校和家长关注的焦点。高校学生伤害事故,是指在高校实施的教育教学活动及其组织的校外活动中,以及在校方负有管理职责的校舍、场地、其他教育教学设施或生活设施内发生的,造成大学生人身损害后果的事故。 笔者自从2003年工作以来,一直从事思想政治工作,也经历了几起学生伤害事故的处理过程,感触很深。高校伤害事故的不断发生,不仅给学生及其家属带来极大的伤害和痛苦,而且直接影响高校正常的教育教学和管理秩序,给学校造成不必要的经济损失以及带来声誉方面的负面影响。究其原因就是因为现有的关于高校伤害事故法律规定方面存在问题,主要表现为高校与学生之间法律关系模糊,权利与义务规定不明确,事故发生后找不到明确的法律依据。为构建和谐社会、和谐校园,就有必要积极开展高校学生伤害事故法律问题研究,尤其是在伤害事故中校方民事责任的研究和探讨,进一步完善高校学生事故的立法工作,保障正在转型时期高校的发展与稳定。 在研究学生伤害事故方面,学术界学者们往往过多关注未成年的中小学生伤害事故的处理,而很少关注对于高校学生伤害事故问题的研究。从现有的研究成果来看,对于高校伤害事故的法律问题的研究,较为零散,缺乏整合性探讨,而且没有形成有机统一和相互衔接的体系,理论与实践相结合的策略研究并不多见,难以有效解决现实问题。 从立法层面来看,我国目前没有一部关于高校学生伤害事故的法律,只有教育部2002年9月1日颁布的《学生意外伤害事故处理办法》,而部门规章因为位阶低,法院在审理学生伤害事故时很少用到,更让人忧虑的是,在《学生意外伤害事故处理办法》中大部分规定的都是针对未成年的中小学发生校园伤害事故的处理,而关于高校学生伤害事故的处理,很少的涉及。 基于此,本文主要就实际遇到的法律问题和实际问题展开探讨和研究,主要包括高校学生事故的界定和特点;就校方在承担民事责任存在的问题进行分析,提出高校伤害事故中,高校与学生之间的关系,为双重法律关系,既具有行政法律关系与民事法律关系的双重性;校方承担的民事责任的性质为侵权责任,而非违约责任;得出在民事归责原则上校方承担的原则是在校方违反“注意义务”前提下的过错责任,特殊情况下适用无过错责任原则;根据过错的有与无、大与小来确定高校在学生伤害事故中应承担的民事责任.并同时对几种典型高校学生伤害事故中校方民事法律责任进行了认定,最后提出了完善高校学生伤害事故中校方民事法律责任的风险分担机制,即建立高校学生意外保险和伤害责任保险,抵御高校学生伤害事故造成的风险,合法、公平地处理高校学生伤害事故,努力构建和谐校园、和谐社会。 In recent years, with the growing scale of institution of higher learning,college studentsinjury accidents is showing a growth trend.The management of the college students facingtremendous pressure and severe challenges, the university's campus security issues havebecome the focus of attention of the society, schools and parents. Students' Injury Accidentsrefers to the implementation of education in teaching activities of universities in theirorganizations extracurricular activities, as well as management responsibilities in the schoolbuildings, sites, and other educational and living facilities, in order to attractstudents’attention about personal injury of College Students consequence of the accident. I has been engaged in the ideological and political work of college students experiencedinjury accidents of many students as well as the handling of the process deep feelings fromthe2003in the law graduate. Students' Injury Accidents occur frequently bringing a greatharm and suffering, not only do harm to the students and their families, but also directlyaffect the normal college teaching management order unnecessary economic losses to theschool and bring negative impact for reputation of school. College students take active in theschool's civil liability injury accident, further on college students' injury incident handlinglegislative perfection, maintenance is in a transition the objective requirements of theuniversity reform, development and stability; and effectively protect the Health of UniversityStudents growth and the legitimate rights and interests of the actual requirements; andmanage the school the essential requirements; and be more harmonious campus, harmonioussociety, complying with the inevitable requirement for the development of the times. Our study on the theory of student injury accident focuses on the primary and secondaryschool students to deal with the problem of injury accidents, and often ignores the theoreticalstudy of injury accidents of college students. For the study of college students' injury accidentin the school of civil liability from the existing literature,it has not formed the organic unityand the interface between the system and the theory and practice of combining strategies arerare, it is difficult to effectively solve real-world problems. From injury accidents legislativelevel students to study, especially Student Injury Treatment Injury Treatment college studentsless than normal number of laws and regulations and low level of effectiveness of aspecialized legal liability injury accident on College Students to regulate. Promulgated onSeptember1,2002by the Ministry of Education,'Student Accident Injury Treatment InjuryAccident students with certain provisions, but belongs to the departmental rules, comparedwith the national laws of the' Civil Law 'in China, the effectiveness level low, and therefore we should make a higher rank legislation. For that reason, this paper will analyze the type of injury accidents by college students,the specific characteristics of school civil liability by study specific circumstance andproblems with the relationship between administrative law,raising the legal relationshipbetween the university and students in the Students' Injury Accidents dual properties; natureof the school of civil liability and civil legal relations tort liability; imputation applies theprinciple of fault liability, special circumstances applicable to the principle of liability withoutfault; According to the fault or not be, large and small, in order to determine college studentsinjury accidents should bear civil liability. At the same time, several typical college studentshurt the school civil liability in the accident identified the perfect college students to hurt theschool civil liability accident risk-sharing mechanism, namely the establishment of thecollege student accident insurance and injury liability insurance resist college students therisk of injury by the accident.Deal with the Students' Injury Accidents With a legal and fairattitude, aimed to build a harmonious campus and a harmonious society.

关 键 词: 学生伤害事故 平等关系 过错责任 注意义务

分 类 号: [D922.16]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 王春伟
作者 黄馨瑶
作者 黄晓卉
作者 李乐玲
作者 张秋潮


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东财经大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚