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Research on Cold Logistics Distribution Planning of the A Group

导  师: 曾敏刚;李满玉

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在农产品行业中,供需矛盾使“菜高伤民”、“菜贱伤农”等问题出现引起了社会广泛的关注,究其原因在于农产品流通环节太多。据商务部调查表明,农产品流通每增加一个环节,至少会加价5/%到10/%,经过这一轮流程下来,农产品的价格翻倍。其中,物流成本约占菜价的八成,所以物流问题直接关系着卖菜难、买菜难的问题。“农超对接”模式成为了代表农产品流通发展新方向的新模式,也逐步体现出相对于传统模式的优越性,农超对接在使利益向生产者和消费者“回流”的同时,减少了超市的采购成本,可以实现生产者、消费者、零售终端的三方共赢,也是政府做好农产品流通和农产品质量安全工作的重要手段。 虽然有效的农超对接能极大降低物流成本,但目前农超对接的瓶颈很大一部分集中在物流成本与物流技术方面。因为这种新的流通模式需要资金流、物流、信息流的整合,不仅需要现代物流发展的支撑,还需要运输、仓储、配送、包装等基础环节的合理规划,同时还要考虑农民、各级供销社、超市和消费者之间信息的畅通。因此建立效率高合理化的冷链物流是农超对接解决困局的有效途径之一。本文主要强调合理化冷链物流中的合理化配送。 广东省供销合作联社(以下简称A集团)是集体所有制性质的合作经济组织。是广东省农业社会化服务体系的重要组成部分和农村商品流通的重要渠道,且正努力地成为广东省农超对接骨干带动力量。本文以A集团为例研究它冷链物流的配送规划。由于目前A集团的冷链物流才刚刚起步,它在配送中存在配送标准不高,货损严重;配送技术不成熟,忽视预冷;信息技术落后,及时配送难;缺乏统筹规划,分散配送成本高等问题,提出适合A集团的冷链物流配送规划的措施和建议,以达到优化配送路线,降低冷链物流成本又不降低物流服务水平的目的,然后对改善后的预期效果与原有的情况进行对比,就A集团的冷链物流配送规划的持续优化进行分析和展望。 In the agricultural product industry,The contradiction of supply and demand that Issuessuch as 'food high hurt people','food low injury farming' widely concerned by the society,Investigate its reason depends on agricultural products circulation links too much。Accordingto Ministry of Commerce survey, circulation of agricultural products for every increase of onelink, at least5/%increase to10/%, after this round of flow down, agricultural product pricesdoubling. Among them, the logistics cost accounting for about80/%of the price of vegetables,so the logistics problem is directly related with sell food difficult, buy dish to difficultproblems.“Agricultural super docking” mode has become a new direction of the developmentof the circulation of agricultural products on behalf of the new model, Also gradually reflectthe relative to the traditional mode of superiority, Agricultural super docking in the benefits toproducers and consumers 'backflow' at the same time, reduced supermarket procurement cost,can realize the producer, consumer, retail terminal three win-win situation, is also thegovernment do a good job in the circulation of agricultural products and agricultural productsquality and safety work the important means. Although effective agricultural super docking can greatly reduce logistics costs, but atpresent the agricultural super docking bottleneck focused in large part of logistics cost andlogistics technology. Because the new circulation mode need capital flow, logistics,information flow integration, not only the need of modern logistics development support, alsoneed to transport, warehousing, distribution,packaging and other basic aspects of the rationalplanning, but also to consider the farmer, supply and marketing cooperatives at all levels,supermarkets and consumers between the smooth flow of information. Therefore theestablishment of high efficiency cold chain logistics rationalization is super agricultural oneof the effective ways to solve the predicament of docking. This paper emphasizes therationalization in cold chain logistics rationalization of distribution. Guangdong Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association /(hereinafterreferred to as A group/) is the collective cooperative economic organization. GuangdongProvince is agricultural socialization service system and an important component of the ruralcommodity circulation channel, And are trying to become the province of GuangdongAgricultural super docking shaft drive force. Taking A group as an example to study the coldchain logistics distribution planning. Due to the current A group cold chain logistics has juststarted, It exists in the distribution in the distribution of the standard is not high, the serious;distribution technology is not mature, ignore the precooling; information technology is backward, timely delivery difficult; the lack of overall planning, scattered distribution ofhigher cost,put forward for the A group cold chain logistics distribution planning measuresand suggestions, in order to achieve the optimal delivery route, reduce the cold chain logisticscost and does not reduce the level of logistics services purpose, and then to improve the effectwith the original did not improve before the condition carries on the contrast, the A groupcold chain logistics distribution planning for continuous optimization analysis and prospect.

关 键 词: 农超对接 冷链物流 农产品 配送规划

分 类 号: [F252 F721.2]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 徐馥
作者 廖江军
作者 张永喆
作者 达庆利
作者 肖霄


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东科技学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟