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The Research of XX Air-condition Company Technology-roadmap Establishment

导  师: 赖朝安;金听祥

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 中国的空调业在经过十多年的快速发展之后,现已进入整合期,品牌集中度不断提高,主要空调厂商的产能仍然在急剧扩张,规模优势将进一步挤压其他的品牌的生存空间,市场竞争相当激烈。北美是除中国之外的全球最大的空调消费市场,年需求量达1000万套以上。目前北美市场的份额主要为美的、格力、LG和海尔所占据,海关数据显示2011年1月9月这四家空调厂商出口至美国的空调数量分别为256.8403万套、189.3590万套、181.1753万套和103.8546万套。而作为中国家用空调行业前四强,同时也是最早进入美国市场的XX空调公司2011年全年预计出口至美国的销量仅11万套左右,不及美国前三强的十分之一。由此可见XX家用空调在市场正处于发展的关键期,面临着企业内外环境的重大变化,所有的产品、服务和业务都需要依赖与迅速变化的技术。产品变得更加复杂,而消费者的需求也变得更加苛刻。产品的生命周期变得越来越短,从产品到市场的时间也越来越短。企业急切需要制定与企业市场目标相适应的技术发展规划。 本文依据“市场需求—企业目标—技术壁垒—研发需求”的内在联系,建立起空调企业技术路线图模型。首先进行市场需求分析,主要包括行业发展现状分析、企业市场现状与地位分析、市场需求要素分析。然后通过问卷调研,头脑风暴凝聚企业干部专家的对企业未来发展方向的判定及企业目标要素和市场需求要素之间的关联关系,从而确定企业在近,中,远期所要达到的空调技术发展目标。紧接着针对确定的企业在近期,中期,远期的技术发展目标,按市场需求分析中凝练出的市场需求要素进行深入分析,识别企业技术发展的瓶颈,企业薄弱环节所存在的关键技术问题,经过对各要素进行完善,补充,统计分析和总结以及企业技术壁垒要素与企业技术发展目标要素之间的关联分析,确定不同时间节点存在的制约企业技术升级,阻碍企业技术发展目标实现的技术壁垒要素及优先解决顺序。在总结市场需求分析、企业目标分析、技术壁垒分析的基础上,通过问卷调研和头脑风暴会议,凝练出不同时间节点的研发需求要素,并进一步对得到的研发需求要素进行优先研发需求分析、研发组织主体分析和技术发展模式分析,最后将空调技术所涉及的市场需求、企业目标、技术壁垒、研发需求、研发主体与技术研发模式等进行整合、关联,建立企业空调技术发展技术路线图,综合反映出企业发展空调技术在近、中、远期分别需要重点解决的技术问题、解决方式及预期实现的目标。 本论文将高度概括、高度综合、应用灵活且具有前瞻性的技术创新管理工具—技术路线图引入到企业空调技术发展规划中,以XX企业的空调技术为研究对象,通过对市场需求、企业现状的深入探讨与分析,确定企业空调技术路线图的制定起点及工作流程。绘制出企业空调技术发展技术路线图,突破制约企业发展的关键技术壁垒,解决企业发展中存在的关键问题,并有效地整合企业资源,确定企业空调技术的研究与发展方向。 The Air conditioning industry Of China after ten years of rapid development, it is inintegration period now, the brand concentration is improving, the main air conditioningmanufacturers still Increase production capacity, the scale advantage will further extrusionother brand of living space, market competition is intense. North America is the world'slargest air conditioner r market in addition to China; the demand is up to more than10millionper year. The North American market share mainly for MIDEA, GREE, LG and HAIERoccupied, customs data shows that in January2011September the four air conditioningmanufacturers exports to America the number is MIDEA2.568403million, GREE1.89359million, LG1.811753million and HAIER1.038546million, But as China's homeair conditioning industry first four strong company, and also the first entering the U.S. marketcompany XX air conditioner company the whole year is expected to export to the U.S sales ofjust about110000sets in2011. Less than one over ten of the top three companies. XX airconditioning in the north American market is in the critical period of development, facing amajor change in the enterprise internal and external environment, all of the products, servicesand business needs to rely on and rapid change of technology. The product has become morecomplex, and the demand of consumer is also becoming more demanding. The product lifecycle is becoming more and shorter; the time from product to market is also more and moreshort. Enterprise urgently needs to make the technology development planning, adapt to thedevelopment of market. This paper According to 'the market demand enterprise goal technical barriersdevelopment demand,' the inner link, set up air conditioning enterprise technology roadmapmodel. First of all market demand analysis, mainly including industry development presentsituation analysis, enterprise market situation and status analysis, market demand factoranalysis. Then use the questionnaire investigation, brain storm condensed enterprise cadreexperts to the enterprise future development direction of the decision and the goal ofenterprise elements and market demand between elements of the relationship, so as todetermine enterprise in close,, forward to achieve air conditioning technology developmentgoals. And then according to certain enterprise technology development goals in the nearfuture, intermediate, and long term,and analyzed the market demand elements whichmarket demand concise out deeply,identification of enterprise technology developmentbottleneck, and the enterprise existing key technical problems in weak link, determine thedifferent time nodes exist restriction enterprise technology upgrade, enterprise technology development in realizing the goal of the technical barriers elements and priority order tosolve,after these elements be on perfect, supplement, statistical analysis and summary andenterprise technology barrier factors and enterprise technology development goals betweenelements of correlation analysis. At the conclusion of the market demand analysis, enterprisetarget analysis, technical barriers on the basis of analysis, use the questionnaire survey andbrain storm meeting, concise out different time node development demand factors, and furtherto get development demand factors priority development demand analysis, research anddevelopment organization subject analysis and technology development mode analysis, andfinally will air conditioning technology involved in market demand, the goal of enterprise,technical barriers, research and development demand, research subject and technologyresearch and development mode, integration, correlation, the establishment of enterprise airconditioning technology development technology roadmap, comprehensive reflect enterprisedevelopment air conditioning technology in nearly, medium and long term respectively isimportant to solve the technical problems and solving way and the realization of the expectedgoal. The highly generalization, highly integrated, application flexible and forward lookingtechnology innovation management tools technology roadmap is introduced into theenterprise air conditioning technology development planning in this paper,use the XXenterprise air conditioning technology as the research object, determine enterprise airconditioning technology roadmap for the starting point and the working process,by discussingand analy the demand of the market, the enterprise of the present situation deeply. Draw outenterprise air conditioning technology development roadmap, break through the keytechnical barriers which restriction enterprise development, and effectively integrate theresources, determine enterprise air conditioning technology research and developmentdirection.

关 键 词: 技术路线图 空调企业 分析 技术规划

分 类 号: [F273.1 F426.6]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 刘凌晓
作者 余传鹏
作者 林春培
作者 吴承洲
作者 李新曦


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟