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Research on the Purchase Price of KXC Land Use Right in Guangzhou Luogang District

导  师: 张鹏;唐福权

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 2002年以来全国经营性用地基本采用招标、拍卖、挂牌方式出让方式,这彻底改变了土地供应市场的格局,加剧了房地产行业的竞争。近年来由于房地产市场的过度热火,房价一路飙升,房地产开发商拿地的时根本没有进行详细的分析,不在意地价的高低,竞买土地拍脑袋决定,导致拿地价格过高,这必然会承受未来市场较大的风险。在土地招标、拍卖、挂牌中,政府作为土地的供应方通过采取多种限制以达到稳定房价的目的,促使房地产健康稳定的发展,而作为土地的购买方房地产开发商来说,无论政府采取何种限制条件,获取合理利润是开发商进行土地投标的基本动力,因此房地产开发商要考虑在各种限制因素影响下确定自己的最高地价承受限度,使投资取得预期效益。 本文从房地产开发商角度,以广州萝岗区挂牌出让的KXC地价确定过程为例,首先介绍了广州萝岗区KXC地块项目概况及出让情况,分析了KXC地块出让特征,通过对KXC地块项目区域市场分析和项目定位,确定商品房预测售价,编制投资计划与资金筹措表、计算销售收入及销售税金,确定土地的基本报价方案,同时并对市场景气情况下、市场疲软情况下的报价进行了分析计算,最后根据问卷调查结果对基本报价、市场景气情况下报价、市场疲软情况下报价赋予权重系数,确定KXC地块项目最后报价。 在研究的过程中,本文务求定性与定量分析相结合,理论与实际相结合,本文所研究的广州萝岗区KXC地块竞买价格可以为房地产企业的土地投标提供可借鉴的模式和方法。 Since2002, the purchase methods of the business-purpose land use right are mainlypublic bidding, auction and public pricing. All these methods completely change the marketstructure of the land use right and increase the competition of the real estate industry. In recentyears, the real estate industry was extremely hot, the real estate companies had not analyzedthoroughly before they decided to buy the land use right. They thought little about thereasonableness of the price. As a result, the land use right was over pricing, which will bringin high market risk in the future. In the public bidding, auction and public pricing, as the land use right supplier, thegovernment took a lot of actions to restrict the price of the land use right and stable the houseprice to facilitate the health development of the real estate industry. As the land use rightpurchaser, the real estate companies’ driving power is to make profit during the land biddingno matter what kind of restrictions that the government implemented. So the real estatecompanies need to think about their endurance to the pricing to gain expected benefit. The essay is to analyze the process the public pricing project of the KXC land use rightfrom the point of view of the real estate companies. First, analyze the general situation of theproject and public pricing, analysis of KXC land plots sold. Secondly, analyze the marketsituation and position of the project to decide the predicted house price. Thirdly, It definedland basic biding price plan by raising the table, computing sales income and the sales taxthrough the establishment investment plan and the fund. Fourthly, analyze the pricing schemein positive market and the pricing scheme in negative market. Finally Weighted to theproportion of the basic pricing scheme of the project, the pricing scheme in positive marketand the pricing scheme in negative market according to the questionnaire results, then finalizethe bidding price of the project. During the research process, this paper combines qualitative analysis and quantitativeanalysis as well as cmbining theory and practice together. The analysis of the mode andmethod of the KXC project in this essay can provide a sample to the real estate companies inthe land use right bidding.

关 键 词: 地块出让 市场分析 项目定位 竞买价格

分 类 号: [F293.3]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 钟光辉
作者 张统武
作者 黄达妮
作者 许晓蕾
作者 李翔宇


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟