导 师: 靳文舟;元桦辉
学科专业: 0823
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 港口是区域经济社会发展的枢纽,而航道是港口航运发展的大动脉,是港航经济发展的重要基础设施。纵观国际港航发展经验,要建成国内、国际交往的重要枢纽港口体系,港口出海航道建设是其中一个最重要的环节。只有航道适应船舶大型化的发展趋势,满足煤炭、石油、矿石、集装箱等主要货种的运输需求,才能适应区域经济发展的需求;只有以深水航道为主要纽带,优化港口布局,整合港口资源,完善港口集疏运体系和物流支持系统,才能满足港口推动经济发展的需要。 广州港深水航道即广州港出海航道是广州港、深圳西部港、虎门港及中山港的进出港公共航道,是珠三角港口物流和航运发展的重要基础设施,是优化珠三角地区产业布局,加快产业转型升级,构建现代产业体系的重要支撑。航道是港航经济发展的大动脉,广州港深水航道的等级、通过能力等运行指标,对珠三角区域港口布局的优化,港口资源的整合,港口集疏运体系和物流支撑系统的完善,区域经济的发展具有重要的推动作用。随着珠三角地区经济发展对现代物流要求的不断提高,以及广州港、虎门港、深圳港西部港区及中山港的不断发展,广州港深水航道作为现代港口物流的重要基础设施,其与区域经济发展的适应性越来越受到人们关注。 本文通过阐述广州港深水航道建设及区域经济发展现状,对深水航道通过能力进行量化计算分析,通过分析深水航道与区域经济发展的关系,论述深水航道建设在区域经济发展中的地位和作用,选取港口货物吞吐量、进出港船型及地区生产总值(GDP)作为适应性的评价指标,通过选取指标与深水航道通过能力量化指标的对比分析,研究深水航道运行指标与区域经济发展是否相适应,并为深水航道的建设提供决策参考。 Port is the hub of the regional economic and social development, and channel is the mainartery of shipping development, as well as the important infrastructure of port and navigationdevelopment. In view of international experience, in order to build an important pivot port fordomestic and international exchange, port channel construction is one most important link.Only when the channel adapts the trend of upsizing ship, supplies transportation demand ofprincipal commodities like coal, petroleum, mineral and container, can it meets the needs ofregional economic development. Only with deep channel as the primary link, to optimize theport layout, to integrate port resource, and to complete port transportation systems andlogistics support system, can the port promote the economic development. Deepwater channel of Guangzhou Port is the channel of public channel amongGuangzhou Port, Western Shenzhen Port and Zhongshan Port., also the importantinfrastructure of the Pearl River Delta ports’ logistics and shipping development, as well as animportant support to optimize the port layout, to speed up industrial restructuring andupgrading, and to build a modern industrial system. Channel is the main artery of port andnavigation economic development. Guangzhou Port deepwater channel’s operation indices,like classification and traffic ability, play an important role in optimizing the Pearl River Deltaports’ layout, integrating port resource, and completing port transportation systems andlogistics support system. Guangzhou Port deepwater is the important infrastructure of modernport logistics. With the continuous improvement on the requirements of modern logistics onPearl River Delta economic development, and continuous development of Guangzhou Port,Humen Port, Western Shenzhen Port and Zhongshan Port, Guangzhou Port deepwaterchannel’s adaptability for regional economic development arouses more and more attention. This paper expounds the current situation of Guangzhou Port deepwater channelconstruction and regional economic development, evaluates the channel’s current trafficability, and analyzes the relationship between deepwater channel and regional economicdevelopment, in order to discourse the position and effect of channel construction on regionaleconomic development. It selects port cargo throughput, the ship type and regional GDP asevaluating indicators. By comparing and analyzing these indicators and quantitative indicatorof channel traffic ability, it discusses whether the channel operation indices adapt regionaleconomic development, which provides reference for deepwater channel construction.
分 类 号: [U692 F127]