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Academic Misconduct Behavior Management Countermeasure Research

导  师: 孟祥娟

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 学术不端行为败坏科学界的声誉,阻碍科学进步。当前我国学术不端的主要阵地是各类高等院校,现象也日趋恶劣,出现了抄袭剽窃、盗用他人研究成果、科研立项和学术评审过程中行贿受贿等腐败现象。因此,本文认为从高校这一人才培育的摇篮着手遏制学术不端的行为,防患于未然,是打击学术不端、保证中国学术研究能够健康发展的一个重要措施。希望本文的研究结果对高校现行学术不端的治理有所裨益,并净化高校的学术环境。 本论文从学术不端的主体和表现方式着手研究,揭示学术不端给高等院校和社会带来的沉重危害,阐述了遏制学术不端行为的必要性。结合学术不端的不同表现形式分析了现阶段我国规制高校学术不端行为的法律体系,并以《著作权法》为视角,通过实证分析法着重分析了高校学术不端行为的各种侵权表现。本文第四章结合实例,通过矛盾分析法对高校学术不端行为进行内外因分析,认为学术不端者缺乏正确的人生观和价值观和基本学术素养缺失是造成不端的内因,而高校内部监管机制不健全、外部法律规制不完善、教师学术评价体系不科学、教育经费配比不公平和社会和高校学术造假产业链的客观存在是造成学术不端的外在原因,并对高校学生、高校教师和高等院校自身作了相关责任认定。 最后,针对学术不端成因分析的结果,重点从法律体制完善方面提出解决方案,认为可通过完善行政法律规制、加强民事调整力度和发挥刑法辅助功能等多种法律渠道多管齐下,遏制学术不端的蔓延之势。同时,也针对法律对于学术不端行为调整的局限性,提出了高校内部体系调整和引入道德机制约束两方面的设想,对约束我国高校学术不端行为提供了若干可行性建议。 Academic misconduct ruins scientific reputation and impede scientific progress.Currently, academic misconducts in our country mainly happen in colleges and universities,and this phenomenon is deteriorating, such as plagiarism, stealing others' research results,bribery and corruption in research projects and academic accreditation process. Therefore, thispaper considers that universities and colleges, which being the cradle of talent cultivation, isan important measure to combat academic misconduct and provide an wholesomeenvironment for China’s academic research. I hope the results of this research will benefit thepresent academic misconduct administration, and purify the academic environment. This paper starts research from the body and ways of academic misconduct, thus toreveal severe impact that misconduct have brought to higher education institution and society,as well as to elaborated the necessity of preventing academic misconduct. By combiningdifferent forms of academic misconduct, this paper analyze present legislation system thatregulate academic misconduct in universities, and also analyze various infringement behaviorof academic misconduct through empirical study which based on . In thefourth chapter of this paper, I analyze both the internal and external cause that lead touniversities academic misconduct through the method of contradiction analysis, and reach anconclusion that the internal cause is that misconductors lack correct value and outlook on life.At the same time, unsound internal monitoring mechanism, imperfect outside legislationsystem, unscientific academic evaluation system, inequity education spending and existenceof the academic cheating product chain are all external causes of academic misconduct.. Finally, by focusing on the result of cause analysis of academic misconduct, this paperput forward resolutions mainly from the aspects of perfecting legislation system. It is believedthat by multiple legal channels, such as improving administrative legislation, strengtheningthe civil law adjustment and fully display the assistance function of criminal law, the spreadof the academic misconduct can be curbed. At the same time, according to the limitation thatlaw has for academic misconduct adjustment, this paper proposes ideas from perspectives ofuniversities’ internal system adjustment and introduction of moral monitoring system, in orderto provide some feasible suggestions to constrain China’s academic misconduct behavior.

关 键 词: 高校 学术不端 法律体系 著作权法

分 类 号: [G644]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 何惠予
作者 钟瑞栋
作者 刘冬生
作者 李文珊
作者 王俊哲


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 东莞理工学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟