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Application of the Wavelet Analysis in the Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machines

导  师: 朱一中;唐航浩

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 开发区是区域产业发展和城市化的有效方式,各类开发区作为现代工业的集聚地,应该体现土地利用的集约效用,单位面积的资金集聚度和产出率应大大高于其他地区。 广东省地处全国经济快速发展的前沿,城市化、工业化发展更加快速,全省的人地矛盾更加尖锐。为保证社会经济可持续发展,适应建立节约型社会的需要,缓解土地供需矛盾,必须改变建设用地粗放利用、低效率利用的局面。 对开发区土地的集约利用程度和潜力进行评价测算,可为认识并最终解决上述问题,有着非常重要的意义:1.引导土地由粗放化的利用模式向集约化的方向转变。2.为政府制定有关开发区土地集约利用的政策法规提供依据。3.为城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划协调提供理论依据。4.通过南沙开发区土地集约利用评价,服务于广东省积极探索节约集约用地的新思路、新办法、新举措,不断提高我省土地使用效率,为广东省更好地推进节约集约用地试点示范省建设做好服务保障,进而着力服务保障好广东省经济社会又好又快发展。 国家“十二五”规划纲要将广州南沙新区开发提升到“深化粤港澳合作,建设中华民族共同家园”的新高度;中共中央政治局委员、省委书记汪洋提出“以南沙新区开发为突破口,打造一个新广州”的战略构想,表明南沙新区正站在新的发展起点上,需要以更科学、更从容的姿态承担新的重任。 本文通过调查南沙开发区土地利用状况和区位特点,选择科学的评价指标进行土地利用潜力分析,进而提出提高南沙开发区土地集约利用水平的对策。为确定开发区今后土地集约利用的方向提供有价值的依据,并在此基础上出台规范开发区用地和管理的政策,促进开发区健康发展和土地集约利用。 Development Zone is the development of regional industry and city to change way,various development zones as a modern industrial cluster, should reflect the intensive use ofland utility, per unit area of the capital agglomeration degree and yield rate should besignificantly higher than other regions. Guangdong Province is located in the rapid economic development of the frontier city,industrialization, development is more rapid, complete province person ground contradictionis more acerb. In order to ensure the sustainable development of society and economy, tobuild a conservation-oriented society needs, alleviate the contradiction of land supply anddemand, must change the construction land extensive to use, low efficiency utilizationsituation. On the Development Zone land intensive use and potential evaluation measure forunderstanding, and ultimately solve the above problem, has a very important significance:1guide land by extensive use of the pattern to intensive change of direction.2for thegovernment to formulate relevant land intensive use of development zones to provide basisfor policy and regulations.3for the city overall planning and land to use overall planning andcoordination and provide a theoretical basis. In4by the Nansha Development Zone landintensive utilization evaluation, service in Guangdong Province actively explore of landsaving and intensive use new thinking, new approaches, new initiatives, and continuouslyimprove our province to Guangdong Province land use efficiency, better promote savingsintensive land use demonstration pilot province construction good service guarantee, andstrive to service guarantee good Guangdong Province economy social development. National '925' plan would Guangzhou Nansha new district development to ' deepenthe GHM cooperation, construction of the Chinese national common home' new height; thePolitical Bureau of the CPC Central Committee member, Wang Yang of secretary ofprovincial Party committee puts forward 'it is with the Nansha new district development isbreach, build a new Guangzhou ' strategic conception, that Nansha District Station in the newstarting point of development, needs to be more scientific, more leisurely attitude assumednew responsibilities. In this paper, through the investigation of Nansha Development Zone land use status andgeographic features, selecting a scientific evaluation index of land use potential analysis, andthen put forward to improve the level of intensive utilization of land in Nansha developmentzone the countermeasure. In order to determine the land intensive use of Development Zone in the future direction and provides valuable evidence, and on the basis of introduction ofnormative developing zone land policy and management, health of stimulative developingzone development and intensive land use.

关 键 词: 开发区 土地集约利用 对策

分 类 号: [F301.24]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 温斯婷
作者 肖白玉
作者 黄奕华
作者 卓文秀
作者 任艳敏


机构 华南师范大学地理科学学院
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域研究中心
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 广州大学地理科学学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟