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Studies of the Government's Promotion in Community Corrections in Xinhui District

导  师: 张凤凉;刘芳

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 社区矫正是与监禁矫正相对的行刑方式,作为一种经济、有效、人道的刑罚执行方式,代表着我国刑罚执行制度、方式改革的方向。因此,社区矫正是社会管理体制改革创新工作的重要组成部分。其目标就是充分利用社会各方面力量,将罪犯置于社区并加强教育矫正和帮扶服务,促使他们顺利回归社会。我国从2003年开始推行社区矫正工作,经各地政府、职能部门以及社会力量的推动和努力,取得了一定成效,但也存在立法滞后、部门不协调、矫正措施流于形式等问题。在目前的政治体制下,如何发挥政府及其职能部门的作用,充分调动社会力量的积极性,更好地对在社会服刑的罪犯开展社区矫正工作,促进他们顺利回归社会,实现法律价值、社会价值和经济价值已成为亟待研究和探索的课题。 新会区自2008年8月开展社区矫正工作以来,在吸收周边地区成功经验的基础上,在社区矫正方面进行了许多实践、探索和总结,积累了不少具有自身特色的经验,形成了较为完整的工作、管理体系,取得了较好的社会效果。但是,由于在主观上,政府对刑事一体化、公共治理和社会管理创新等理论缺乏认识,对司法行政机关实施社区矫正这一刑罚执行活动缺乏重视,在客观上存在着司法行政机关管理社区矫正工作缺乏法律依据、以政府为主导的多元主体参与教育矫正和帮扶解困等社区矫正工作的机制不健全、社会力量和社会资源得不到有效运用等原因,导致目前新会区社区矫正工作存在着以下问题:政府推进社区矫正工作的制度和体系不完善、司法行政机关监管社区矫正工作权威不足、政府在社区矫正工作中缺乏准确定位和社区矫正管理模式缺乏创新,以至社区矫正工作已取得的成效与当初实施社区矫正工作所制定的目标有一定的差距。 针对上述存在的问题和原因,本文在分析研究新会区政府、职能部门推进社区矫正试点工作现状、存在问题的基础上,借鉴国内外在社区矫正工作的有益做法和先进经验,在刑事一体化、公共治理和社会管理创新等理论的指导下,就如何发挥新会区政府的主导作用,在社会组织、社区和民众等社会力量的共同参与下,整合社会资源,深入推进该区社区矫正工作提出了具体的对策和建议:准确定位政府在社区矫正工作中的角色;完善政府推进社区矫正工作的制度和体系;以刑事一体化理论为指导,加强司法行政机关刑罚执行的权威;以公共治理和管理创新理念为指导,创新社区矫正管理模式等。 In contrast to imprisonment correction, community correction, being an economic,effective and moral method of sentence execution, represents the punishment executionsystem and reform direction in China. Therefore, community correction plays a significantrole in innovation of social management system and is aiming to make full use of all socialpower, to ensure social prisoners have settled down in communities and to enhance educationcorrective and supporting services in order to help them return to society positively. SinceCommunity Correction Plan has been launched in China in2003, some success has beenachieved through the promotion and efforts of local governments, functional authorities andsocial forces; however, some problems are still remained, for example, lag in legislation,uncoordinated communication among governmental authorities and non-practical correctivemeasures, etc. Under current political system, how to urge the Government and its functionalauthorities to play an effective role and to mobilize fully the enthusiasm of social forces inlaunching community correction activities, in order to reach the goals of helping socialprisoners return to society and to realize legal, social and economic value, has become anurgent topic for research and discussion. Since Community Correction Project was launched in Xinhui District in August2008, alot of practical work and procedures of exploration and review in regard to CommunityCorrection Project has been carried out continuously based on successful experience ofsurrounding areas; therefore, we have gained a lot of experience with own characteristics andhave formed a relatively complete operation and management system. As a result, theCommunity Correction Project has achieved positive social effects. Nevertheless, thegovernment subjectively lacks of understanding of the criminal integration, publicgovernance and social management innovation theories so as to pay less attention tocommunity correction activity implemented by the judicial administrative organ. And thecommunity correction management work by the judicial administrative organ objectivelylacks of legal basis, the government as the leader of plural subjects participating in educationcorrection and supporting, and the community correction work mechanism is not sound,social forces and social resources can not get effective use. The aforsaid reasons lead to someproblems existed in Xinhui community correction work: imperfect operation system ofcommunity correction activities, lack of authority in judicial supervision, failure of accuratepositioning of the role of government and lack of innovation in management mode, whichhave made some discrepancy between the result achieved and the original target. Aims at the above-mentioned existent problems and reasons, this thesis addresses thefollowing specific countermeasures and suggestions in regard to further promotion ofcommunity correction through the point of public governance by analyzing the presentsituation and existing problems that involved in Community Correction Project and bydrawing on domestic and overseas experience, as well as the guidance of criminal integration,public governance and social management innovation theories, under the leadership ofXinhui District government and under common participation of social organizations, civiliansand communities: To position the government accurately in community correction; To improve the operation system of community correction that the government promoted; To strengthen and enhance the authority of punishment execution by the Judicial Supervisionunder the guidance of criminal integration theory; and to innovate the management mode of community correction under the guidance of publicgovernance and management innovation theories;

关 键 词: 新会区 社区矫正 社区 刑事一体化 公共治理

分 类 号: [D926.8]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 陈明亮
作者 温淦荣
作者 蓝艾青
作者 植宝
作者 王先庆


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东司法警官职业学院
机构 华南师范大学法学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚