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Analysis of Poverty Alleviation Based on Efficiency of the Angle of View

导  师: 韦小鸿;蓝佛安

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 改革开放30多年来,广东省在经济社会取得举世瞩目成就的同时,积极推进扶贫开发工作,贫困人口比例下降到了5/%以下。广东省连片的区域性贫困问题已基本得到解决,贫困类型从普遍性贫困转变为阶层性贫困,从区域性贫困转变为分散性贫困,扶贫需要更加专业化和精细化。2009年底,广东省实施扶贫开发“规划到户责任到人”举措,动员全省力量开展有针对性的扶贫开发。三年过去了,其成效有待检验,其效率有待评估。 长期以来,由政府主导的扶贫工作一直注重宏观总体评估而不注重微观的个体评价,注重结果而不注重具体措施和过程,其效率一直受到质疑。扶贫开发必须注重效率,无效率或低效率的投入必然导致资源的浪费,陷入不可持续的境地。政府扶贫工作评价体系一直没有效率评价的相关指标。本文以江门市为例,将经济学中效率分析指标,如投入产出率,以及线性相关性回归分析等数学模型用于分析扶贫开发工作的效率,尝试构建扶贫开发效率的评价指标体系。 本文深层次地分析了政府主导扶贫开发效率不高的成因。各级政府扶贫开发工作的主要关注目标是通过上级政府的检查验收,完成上级布置的任务,而不是关注扶贫对象是否真正受益。目标的偏差必然导致行为偏差,这是政府主导扶贫开发效率不高的根本原因。在具体操作层面,扶贫开发项目管理粗放,项目立项随意,缺乏评估,扶贫开发工作考核指标不完善也会导致效率降低。在机制体制方面,政府主导型扶贫开发资金监管机制不健全,缺乏外部监督;扶贫工作只奖不罚,扶贫对象存在“逆选择”与福利依赖;社会配套机制体制不配套,社会保障不健全;社会参与不足等都不利于效率的提高。 本文就如何提高扶贫效率进行了具体的研究,在学习借鉴国内外扶贫开发成功经验基础上,提出完善扶贫开发“双到”政策的有关建议措施。扶贫开发是个社会系统工程,需要良好的社会氛围和配套机制。本文就如何构建有效率的扶贫开发工作体制和机制进行了探讨,提出有关政策建议,着力形成良好的制度与良好效果之间的良性循环。由于扶贫开发工作内外部条件和工作措施在全国有普遍性和相似性,本研究对全国扶贫开发工作有一定的参考意义。 Through30years of reform and opening up, the economy of Guangdong Province gainsthe success that attracts worldwide attention. But income gap expands, and unbalanceddevelopment between areas is still outstanding. According to international experiences, whenthe poverty rate falls to10/%, the issue of regional poverty is solved, the type of poverty turnsfrom universal to hierarchical, from regional to dispersive, and the poverty alleviation workneeds more professional and meticulous compared with large-scale in the past. At the end of2009, Guangdong Province began to implement the policy of “Plan to Home’ Responsibilieyto People” poverty alleviation mobilizing forces across the province to carry out targetedpoverty alleviation measures. Two years later, the efficiency of this policy and its relevantmeasures need to be assessed. Long-term since, government leading poverty alleviation work has been focusing onmacroscopic assessment rather than individual evaluation, focusing on results rather thanspecific measures and process, so its efficiency has been always the subject of suspicion.Based on the efficiency perspective, poverty alleviation work must obtain " efficiency ",otherwise another way is asked for. Long-term investment of " Inefficient " or low efficiencywill inevitably lead to the waste of resources, thus into unsustainable situation. This papertakes Jiangmen city as an example, trying to use indicators of economics analysis, such asreturn on investment, multiple linear correlation regression analysis and other mathematicalmodel to analyse and eval uate the efficiency of poverty alleviation work, trying to build upefficiency evaluation system and index for poverty alleviation work. This paper analyzed the underlying causes of low efficiency in poverty alleviation work.All levels of government takes steps aimed to pass over superior governments’ inspection, tocomplete the tasks assigned, rather than to alleviate the poverty itself. Target deviationinevitably leads to deviations in measures. It is the prime cause for low efficiency ofgovernment leading poverty alleviation. At the operational level, the extensive managementto poverty alleviation project,setting up project at random, lack of assessment, and imperfectindicators also lead to poor efficiency. As the mechanism of system, lacking of externalsupervision,administration for government dominant poverty alleviation fund is unsound. Poverty alleviation work only gets award but not punishment, and the object is selectedadversely just depending on social welfare. Social coordinated system is incomplete.Socialsecurity and participation is inadequate.All of these count against efficiency being conducive. This article makes specific research on how to improve the efficiency of povertyalleviation. It puts forward relevant suggestions to perfect the policy of "double to" povertyalleviation based on domestic and foreign successful experiences. Poverty alleviation is asocial system project, needing good social atmosphere and the related mechanism. This paperstudies on how to construct efficient working system and mechanism for poverty alleviation,putting forward relevant policy suggestions to help to form beneficial cycle between goodmechanism and efficiency. Because internal and external conditions and working measure forpoverty alleviation in our country are universal and similar, this research has certain referencesignificance on the issue throughour country.

关 键 词: 扶贫 扶贫资金 规划到户 责任到人 效率

分 类 号: [F323.8]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 陈友发
作者 廖起彬
作者 吴晨
作者 冯耀勇
作者 汪信尊


机构 广东金融学院
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟