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On the Credit Card Crime and Its Prevention Countermeasures

导  师: 胡学相

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 信用卡是社会经济交易活动日益频繁、经济生活日益繁荣的一种金融领域的重要工具,信用卡在我国的发展已经有着将近三十年的历史。在信用卡产业不断拓展,信用卡对人们经济生活影响越来越重要的同时,与信用卡相关的犯罪也层出不穷,给我国的信用卡管理秩序带来了冲击,造成了社会经济的巨大损失。 本文包括六个部分: 第一部分是本文的绪论。此部分简述了论文选题的理论意义和写作的背景。 第二部分是对信用卡犯罪的概念和基本特征,以及国际上有关信用卡犯罪的立法经验和我国信用卡犯罪的立法进程的简要概述。 第三部分是对广州地区信用卡犯罪现状的概述。通过梳理广州地区在“天网2011”专项行动中信用卡犯罪案件的受理、立案、破案等多方数据,总结广州地区信用卡犯罪案件的主要类型和手段以及信用卡犯罪的趋势,分析该地区信用卡犯罪多发、高发的原因,以及广州公安在本次专项行动中取得可喜战绩所采取的措施。 第四至第六部分则分别对在“天网2011”专项行动中重点打击的网络信用卡诈骗犯罪、套现类信用卡犯罪和克隆信用卡犯罪这三大类信用卡犯罪的特点、成因进行解读,从司法打击和立法的难点这一角度进行研究,并就此提出相应的防控对策。 The credit card is the social economy trading activities have become increasingly frequent,economic life is becoming prosperous an essential tool in the field of finance, credit carddevelopment in China has a history of nearly thirty years. In the credit card industrydevelopment, the credit card on the economic life of the people is becoming more and moreimportant at the same time, associated with the credit card crime also along with emerge in anendless stream, to our country's credit management order brought concussion, caused hugeeconomic losses. This paper consists of six parts: The first part is the introduction of this article. This part briefly introduces the researchsignificance and writing background. The second part is on the credit card crime concept and the basic characteristics, as well ason international credit card crime legislation experience and China's credit card crimelegislation process brief overview. The third part region of Guangzhou credit card crime present situation overview. Throughthe analysis of Guangzhou area in ' net2011' special action in crime of credit card of theadmissibility of the case, case detection, various data, summing up Guangzhou area credit cardcrime types and methods as well as the credit card crime trends, analysis of the area of creditcard crime, the causes of the high incidence of multiple, and the Guangzhou public security inthe special action to obtain delectable success measures taken. Fourth to sixth part in ' net2011' special action key blow network crime of fraud of thecredit card, cash credit card crime and clone card crime that the three types of credit cards crimecharacteristics, causes of justice, from combat and the difficult points of the legislation of thisresearch point of view, and puts forward the corresponding prevention and control measures.

关 键 词: 信用卡犯罪 网络信用卡诈骗犯罪 非法套现 克隆信用卡 防控

分 类 号: [D917]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 杨燕斌
作者 田彦群
作者 闫庆生
作者 黄庆均
作者 费婷


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广东警官学院侦查系
机构 广东财经大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚