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An Empirical Study on the Turnover Interntion Factors Based on the Job Embeddedness Pattern

导  师: 黄爱华

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 企业关注员工的离职问题,学术界也将雇员离职作为研究热点。至今研究离职的理论林林总总,本文引入Mitchell和Lee/(2001/)的从网络化的社会生活现实出发的“工作嵌入”(Job Embeddedness)理论。 本文以研究工作嵌入和员工离职倾向之间的关系为研究目标,通过文献阅读法、问卷调查法,多元统计分析法(利用分析软件SPSS20.0)等研究方法,在充分了解国内外相关知识后,推导出本文的理论模型:基于Mitchell和Lee的基于雇员留职的工作嵌入模型,将工作嵌入作为整体概念并作为本研究模型的自变量,离职倾向作为因变量,同时考虑到员工的人口学变量即个体因素也会对工作嵌入和离职倾向之间的关系产生影响,因此将其个体因素作为调节变量,来从理论上研究它们对离职倾向和工作嵌入关系的影响。 本文的研究结果是:工作内嵌入的三个维度与离职倾向显著负相关成立;工作外嵌入的三个维度与离职倾向显著负相关部分成立。其中居住环境太好或者太差均会引起雇员离职倾向的程度增加,这是符合中国国情的。工作内嵌入和工作外嵌入在年龄上差异显著;年龄与离职倾向显著负相关部分支持,处于“现实阶段”的雇员更加倾向于向外寻求工作机会。升迁状况与工作内嵌入显著正相关成立;升迁状况与工作外嵌入显著正相关成立;升迁状况与离职倾向显著负相关成立。工作内嵌入、工作外嵌入在婚姻状况上显著正相关成立;婚姻状况与离职倾向显著负相关。工作内嵌入、工作外嵌入在不同工龄上差异显著,是正相关。工龄与离职倾向显著负相关成立。 不同类型的企业应充分认识自己企业的特点,采取合适的措施来留住适用人才。雇员年龄不同,婚姻状况不同会影响他们的工作状况,企业应根据雇员的年龄和婚姻状况,采取相应的福利活动来做到保持员工,如未婚员工联谊会等。雇员的升迁状况会影响他们的离职倾向,企业应拓宽获得升迁的条件和更多的学习机会,如一些发展计划包括导师制、辅导、工作轮换以及学费资助等。雇员的工龄越长,离职倾向越低,据此,企业除了设法留住适用雇员,同时应有良好的长期雇佣福利计划,如企业年金、退休计划等。 The enterprise pays close attention to employee turnover problem, academia also putemployee turnover as a research hotspot. So far there are a large number of studies employeeturnover theory, this paper introduces Mitchell and Lee /(2001/) from a network of socialrealities of life for the ' Job Embeddedness '. Based on the study of job embeddedness and turnover intention of the relationshipbetween the research target, through reading literature, questionnaire survey method,multivariate statistical analysis method /(using analysis software SPSS20.0/) and otherresearch methods, in full knowledge of the domestic and foreign related knowledge, deducedfrom this model: Based on Mitchell and Lee’s based on employee retention and jobembeddedness model, will work as the overall concept and Job Embeddedness as theindependent variable, turnover intention as dependent variable, taking into account theemployee demographic variables that individual factors will be on the job embeddedness andturnover intention among impact, so the individual factors as moderating variables, totheoretically study them on turnover intention and job embeddedness relationship. The results of this study are: three dimensions in on-the job embeddedness andturnover intention significantly negative correlation was established; three dimensions inoff-the job embeddedness and turnover intention negatively correlated portion formed.The living environment is good or bad will cause employee turnover intention level increase,this is in line with China's national conditions.Both on-the job embeddedness and off-the jobembeddedness are different in the age difference; age and turnover intention negativelycorrelated partially supported, in a ' realistic ' employees are more likely to seek jobopportunity. Promotion state and on-the job embeddedness work are embedded within thesignificant positive correlation was established; promotion status and off-the jobembeddedness significant positive correlation was established; promotion and turnoverintention significantly negative correlation was established. The marital status and both on-thejob embeddedness and off-the job embeddedness significantly positive correlation wasestablished; marital status significantly negative correlation with turnover intention. Bothon-the job embeddedness and off-the job embeddedness are different in the lenth of servicedifference;which is positive correlation. Seniority and turnover intention significantlynegative correlation was established. Different types of enterprises should fully understand the enterprises of their owncharacteristics, to take appropriate measures to retain talent. Employees of different ages,marital status would affect their work situation, enterprises should be based on the employee'sage and marital status, take corresponding the welfare activities to keep employees, such asunmarried Employees Association. Employee promotion situation will affect their turnoverintention, enterprises should broaden the promotion condition and more learning opportunities,such as some development plans include mentoring, counseling, job rotation and tuitionassistance. Employees length of service longer, lower turnover intention, accordingly,enterprise besides trying to apply to employees, should also be a good long-term employmentwelfare programs, such as the enterprise annuities, retirement plans.

关 键 词: 工作嵌入 员工离职倾向 员工个体因素

分 类 号: [F272.92]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 白卫东
作者 龙凤
作者 梁瑾
作者 刘文松
作者 刘正安


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟