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Optimal Performance Evaluation System of PETROGD Company

导  师: 周霞

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 绩效考核作为检验绩效运行结果的一种管理手段,与员工的个人利益息息相关,也牵扯着企业的生存命运。然而,由于国有企业的规模一般比较庞大且深受原计划经济的影响,造成很多国有企业并不能很好的运用绩效管理,在员工绩效考核、人力资源管理方面制度有缺失、执行不到位,员工的劳动积极性不高,职业晋升条件模糊,奖罚不分,工作强度与薪酬不相关的局面。 本文通过对PETROGD公司绩效考核管理的研究与探讨,分析其存在问题,根据目前经济增加值EVA的绩效考核先进理念,结合平衡计分卡原理对绩效考核体系提出改进措施,进行优化设计,从而解决目前国有企业绩效考核中普遍存在的问题,消除因此而带来的公司长远发展的不利因素影响,使企业的绩效考核管理工作更加的规范和科学。优化后的绩效考核体系能充分调动员工工作的积极性、主动性和创造性,发挥奖勤罚懒、优胜劣汰的作用,实现个人进步与企业发展相统一的最终目标。 在绩效管理理论基础上,结合PETROGD公司的实际绩效管理情况,通过重新设计KPI岗位相对应的考核指标优化绩效考核体系,通过指标客观量化的手段帮助绩效考核体系得以有效执行,通过绩效考核结果的有效运用使得绩效考核体系得以发挥作用,从而确保绩效考核体系能够有效地推动企业发展。 As a management means for test performance run results,performance evaluation isclosely related the benifit of the employees,Also involved with the fate of oneenterprise.however nationalized business has a large scale and deeply affected by the plannedeconomic system.they has a low application efficienty in use of performance management., itbecome a mere formality in the employee's performance evaluation and human resourcemanagement.low enthusiasm,fuzzy promotion,Rewards and punishments has no clearcircumscription. According to the research and discussion on the PETROGD 's performance evaluationmanagement,Analysis the problem.based on the the EVA of the performance evaluation.combined with the balanced scorecard principle measures for improving the performanceappraisal system,to optimize the design so as to solve widespread problem in the performanceevaluation of state-owned enterprises, to eliminate the hazards arising, performanceevaluation management work scientific, standardized and institutionalized, it really mobilizethe enthusiasm of the staff working in human resources management, initiative and creativitythe play Jiangqinfalan role in survival of the fittest, and promote the realization of corporateobjectives. On the basis of performance management theory combined with the circumstances of thethe PETROGD actual performance management By redesigning each post the assessmentindicators corresponding optimized performance appraisal system, by means of information tohelp the performance evaluation system for the effective implementation, through effectiveuse of the performance appraisal results makes the performance evaluation system is able toplay a role in ensuring the effective performance appraisal system to promote enterprisedevelopment.

关 键 词: 绩效考核 考核指标 考核结果

分 类 号: [F272.92]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 钟怡
作者 青先奇
作者 黄德安
作者 雷松松
作者 梁利萍


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


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作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟