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Application of SLP Method in General Layout of a Newspaper Printing Factory

导  师: 周永务

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 目前在国内报业印刷厂的实际建设中,大多追求规模和形象,而忽视以生产效率为中心对厂房的整体规划,导致运营阶段出现很多问题;在园区和厂房的布局设计中,设计人员往往仅凭感觉、经验进行设计,容易造成园区内的新闻纸输送难度大、效率低,厂房内作业面交叉混乱,发行区域不足,报纸装车效率低下等问题;另外,大型的报纸印刷厂产品种类繁多,对时效性的要求非常高。因此,如何在规划报业印刷厂时提出有效可行的方法,使得园区能够高效、快速、低成本的印刷出报纸并装车发运,是急需研究解决的问题。 本文首先对设施规划的相关文献进行综述。然后以N公司印刷基为背景,对报纸生产流程特性、目前印刷厂区的设施规划现状、存在的问题进行分析,寻找解决办法,在对新厂区规划设计时,把SLP方法应用在报纸印刷厂区设施规划中,采用加权因素评价法对候选方案进行评价,选择出最优方案。 最后,本文对SLP在报业印刷厂规划的应用中存在的缺陷做出了总结,以此为基础对报业印刷厂前景进行了展望。 Newspapers as traditional media, it was the most important means to guide publicopinion-oriented and national publicity and news reports. Printing was the last step ofReporting process as a whole. Every day factory used a lot of newsprint into a newspaperwithin the specified time, and then transported across the province and even the wholecountry portfolio distribution installed on a different issue of vehicles. Printing was the costcenter of the entire process and also was the most direct link affected the whole life ofnewspapers. Therefore, newspaper printing plant planning who need lots of money becameone of focus of Newspaper office and Design units. However, the actual construction of the domestic newspaper printing, some pursuit ofsize and image, resulting in a lot of problems during the operational phase, in the park andplant layout design, designers tend design based on themselves’ feel, experience, andarchitectural design specifications from subjective logistics and production point of view. Thiswas likely to cause the park newsprint delivery difficult, inefficient, plant operating insidesurface cross confusion, issue area newspapers loading, inefficient transport problem occurs. In addition, in a large newspaper printing plant, there has a wide range of variety ofnewspapers, products. Sometimes a newspaper stack multiple times, but production is onlyinformed of only a few hours before printing. And different newspaper must product between3:00to5:00, and some of them need special paper. Therefore printing plant required specificmethods and techniques in the storage, handling, transport, production information processing,scheduling. So It was an urgent problems need to study and solve to make the park capable ofefficient, fast, low-cost printed newspaper and loading shipping through propose a feasibleand effective method to plan newspaper printing plant (base). This article summarized the layout technology, and focused on analysis of the researchstatus of Systematic Layout Planning (SLP). Paper used the SLP method to project layout inthe field of industrial engineering, which was one kind of very rational technology, and had avery wide range of use in the field of factory layout design. Combined with logisticstechnology, paper studied the feasibility of SLP methods in the printing plane layout design,aimed to use the SLP technology as a theoretical basis in newspaper printing plant layoutdesign. Taken The N Company printing base as the background, considered newspaperfeatures, development status, future needs analysis, planning and design of the park facilities,combined with relevant statistical data and survey data to determine the size of the park, usedSLP method in the newspaper printing factory layout design. Based on the analysis, paper detailed design N Company printing plant layout planning implementation and optionsevaluation. Finally, this paper summarized the defects in applying SLP method in newspaperprinting plant planning and made prospects of a newspaper printing plant as the basis of it.

关 键 词: 设施规划 加权因素评价法 报纸印刷厂

分 类 号: [F426.84]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 蔡盛玮


机构 华南理工大学


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