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Research and Implementation of Production Planning Al-Gorithm in Virtual Enterprise

导  师: 黄敏;李伯基

学科专业: 081202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 目前,各行业面临着全球性竞争愈演愈烈的整体局势。制造业同样面临着全球性的资源、市场、技术等竞争,需求的多样化使得市场变得难以预测。外部环境的改变,使得传统制造模式已经不能再适应当前制造业市场的竞争。在这种市场机遇稍纵即逝的环境下,企业之间需要密切合作、共享资源、发挥各自内部核心资源。敏捷制造的出现为当前制造业的发展注入了新动力,虚拟企业作为实现敏捷制造的主要组织形式为制造业发展提供了更高的平台。 伙伴选择和生产计划的制定是虚拟企业运作的两个核心内容,是虚拟企业的实际运作的重要组成部分。本文分析了虚拟企业伙伴选择和生产计划的组织运行特点,研究了伙伴选择的相关理论,为后面的生产计划制定奠定了盟友基础;分析了虚拟企业生产计划的两层模型,并以此为基础重点讨论了基于时间-成本的生产计划模型,以及全局优化的生产计划;基于前面研究的理论,开发了一个虚拟企业原型系统,为虚拟企业的实际运作提供了一个高效的途径。本论文的主要工作和成果如下: (1)针对虚拟企业伙伴选择的特点,采用逼近理想点法,建立了以时间、成本和一致性为指标的评价模型,并用启发式算法进行求解。综合考虑正理想点和负理想点两方面因素建立目标函数,应用蚁群算法对模型进行了求解。 (2)针对虚拟企业全局生产计划,建立了时间-成本最小的生产计划模型,并用启发式算法求解。然后,以虚拟企业全局作业时间最小为目标建立了优化模型,综合应用遗传算法和模拟退火算法,提出了改进多种群退火遗传算法。最后,用此算法对模型进行了求解。 (3)根据研究的虚拟企业相关理论基础,开发了一个虚拟企业伙伴选择和生产计划制定原型系统。着重实现了伙伴选择和生产计划制定两个方面,有效地解决了虚拟企业实际运作中的基本流程控制问题。 Nowadays, industry is under the dramatically global competition environment which ismore and more fierce. Manufacturing, as a kind of industry, is also facing the global competi-tion in the field of resources, marketing, and technique and so on and the various categories ofrequirements make the market become more unpredictable. Because of the change of the out-er environment, the traditional market is not suitable for competition of manufacturing marketat present. With the environment that changes never wait for you, the enterprises need to cor-porate closely, share resources, and utilize the core resources. The appearance of agile manu-facturing creates new impetus to the development of nowadays manufacturing, and virtualenterprise, as the main organization form of implementing agile manufacturing, provide ahigher plant of the development of manufacturing. Selection of partner and produce plan making are two core aspects of the business of thevirtual enterprise, and provide the theory guideline for actual procedure. This paper beginswith the features of enterprise partner selection and produce plan making. We study the relat-ed theory of enterprise partner selection and build the ally foundation of produce plan making;and then, we analyze the two-layer module of virtual enterprise producing and use it as thebasic important point to discuss the time-cost producing plan model and optimize global pro-ducing plan; Based on the previous researches, we implement a origin system of virtual en-terprise which provides a effective way for virtual enterprise to run its real business. The mainwork and achievements are shown below: (1)Aiming the characteristics of virtual enterprise partner selection, we use the ap-proximation of ideal point method to establish an evaluation model based on time, cost andconsistency and use heuristic algorithm to solve the problem. Creating a objective function bytaking positive ideal point and negative ideal point into consideration and use ant colony al-gorithm to solve the model. (2)Aiming the characteristics of virtual enterprise global producing plan, we estab-lished a minimized time-cost producing plan model and use the heuristic algorithm to solvethe model. Then, we create an optimized model aiming to minimize the enterprise globalwork time by using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm. Meanwhile, weproposed a improved multi-group simulated annealing genetic algorithm to solve the model. (3)Based on studying the related theory of virtual enterprise, we implemented a originsystem of virtual enterprise partner selection and producing plan making, especially focusingon these two aspects–partner selection and producing plan making, which solve the basic producing flow control problem during the real business running of virtual enterprise.

关 键 词: 虚拟企业 伙伴选择 理想点法 蚁群算法 生产计划 改进多种群遗传算法

分 类 号: [TP301.6 F270.7]

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 卫国亮
作者 陈宝山
作者 刘秋莲
作者 崔增收
作者 吴其震


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 杜松华
作者 李文姬
作者 邵慧君
作者 周国林
作者 邢弘昊