导 师: 梁慧
学科专业: 050101
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 浙江大学
摘 要: 进入20世纪,圣经批评呈现出前所未有的繁盛局面,其研究突破宗教的传统维度,在历史和文学的向度获得深入发展,大量的新近文艺批评方法被圣经研究所采纳,圣经的社会学批评、精神分析批评、女性主义批评、后殖民批评等在最近二、三十年取得丰硕的成果。马克思主义圣经批评即出现于1970和1980年代解放神学、政治和唯物主义释经浪潮的余波中,并逐渐向文学理论领域和社会科学领域发展。澳大利亚学者罗兰·玻尔/(Roland Boer/)的马克思主义圣经解读关注的是马克思主义的文学理论对于圣经研究的贡献,其兼采众家之长,运用马克思主义者的理论进行圣经解读,将文学理论领域和社会科学领域结合起来,使圣经研究从孤立的状态中解放出来,将文学批评置于一个更为宽广的语境中,实现了文学理论和社会科学之间的双向互动。 本文重点分析了罗兰·玻尔对旧约圣经《路得记》的马克思主义解读。西方马克思主义学者伊格尔顿/(Terry Eagleton/)曾将马克思主义、女性主义、精神分析等结合起来,从家族渊源、性别和阶级的角度分析《呼啸山庄》和理查德森/(Samuel Richardson/)的小说。罗兰·玻尔借用了这种方法,将马克思主义同女性主义结合起来,运用马克思女性主义方法,解读《路得记》,关注阶级和性别主导的生产模式转变在文本间所产生的矛盾与张力。 作为一个同以色列有世仇的摩押女子,路得外邦人的身份被反复地提及。罗兰·玻尔注意到,尽管她一次又一次地表明自己对上帝的忠诚/(1:16-17/),但在以色列,她仍旧被视为一个外邦人。路得的性别也决定了她最终要成为被剥削的对象,虽然她能够同时满足生育和生产的需要,却不能成为所生的孩子俄备得的母亲。玻尔指出,在以色列整个的社会体系中,她处于最下层,却偏偏对以利米勒家族的财产构成了� Since1970s, the theory of Marxist Criticism has aroused great attention due to its strong ideological and political sense. Written by Roland Boer, The Marxist Criticism of the Bible, is a critical introduction on Marxist biblical interpretation studies, which makes a more interaction between the Marxist literary criticism and the social-scientific studies of the Bible. In this essay, we will analyze his interpretation of the Book of Ruth in the Hebrew Bible, which is titled as "Terry Eagleton:The Struggles of Ruth" in his book. He adopts the approach made by Eagleton whom combines Marxist criticism and Feminism together to do the literary reading. In the above chapter, Roland Boer points out that Eagleton considers The Rape of Clarissa as an effort to bring together Marxism, feminism and psychoanalysis in his interpretation of Samuel Richardson's novel. He also treats Wuthering Heights as a study of class and ethnicity. Even though Eagleton is failed to have a full integration of Marxism, feminism and ethnicity, Bore argues that he provides a possible way of interpreting the Book of Ruth in a new perspective. In his reading of the Book of Ruth, Bore finds out that there are three areas which are ethnicity, gender and class that could provide an ideological solution of the problem of succession in the biblical texts of the Book of Ruth. This essay will make analysis on these areas. With the evaluation on Roland Boer's Marxist feminist reading of the image of Ruth, this essay will comment the advantage and disadvantage of his biblical interpretation.
领 域: [文学]