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Analysis Changes of the Eunuch's Costume in Ming Dynast

导  师: 刘晓东

学科专业: 060106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北师范大学

摘  要: 服饰是一种身份地位的象征,通过服饰可以判断一个人地位的高低贵贱。礼是维护并规范这一制度的工具。 本文的结构和主要内容包括四大部分: 第一部分,明初的礼治。该部分简单论述了明初统治者的礼治思想。以礼来维护森严的等级秩序,进而维持统治的稳定。 第二部分,明代的宦官服饰制度。在这一部分,主要是介绍宦官服饰的形制以及宦官的补服。宦官服饰的基本形制与外廷官员服制一样,按照品级高低着衣。但是宦官服饰也有自己的特色。宦官的补服是在节日所穿的应景服装,不同的图案代表了不同的含义,图案也是用以区分一个人的官阶。 第三部分,宦官服饰的变化。宦官服饰从永乐时期开始发生变化,直至明朝末年。这一部分分析了宦官服饰的变化状态以及变化原因。宦官服饰的变化状态主要有三方面,一是皇帝赏赐蟒服、飞鱼服、斗牛服等超越法定等级规定的服饰;二是宦官对服饰的自主更改;三是违礼逾制的程度越来越深。宦官服饰变化的原因同样有三方面。首先是皇帝的直接作用,皇帝对宦官的重用以及纵容;其次是宦官权力的扩张;最后是商品经济的发展对社会奢靡消费观的影响。 第四部分,结语。在结语部分,主要是对全文一个总结。明代宦官服饰的变化也是明代礼制的实践过程。宦官服饰的变化对明代礼制是一个冲击。 Clothing is a status symbol, can judge a person by dress of high and low status. aperson can be judged through the clothing of the high and low status. Ceremony is thesystem tools of the maintenance and regulate. The structure and main contents of this article includes four parts: PartⅠ: Beginning of Ming dynasty's ceremony of governance. This part brieflydiscusses the rulers of the Ming dynasty’s ideology of rule by ceremony. Maintain thestrict hierarchical order through ceremony, thus maintaining the stability of rule. PartⅡ: The eunuch clothing system in Ming dynasty. In this part, mainly introducesthe clothing’s shape and the complement services of eunuch. The eunuch’s clothing’sbasic shape like the officials, dressed according to officials’ grade level. But eunuchsdress also has its own characteristics. Complement of eunuchs serving in the festiveoccasion worn clothing, Different patterns represent different meanings, patterns are usedto distinguish between a person's ranks. PartⅡ: Change of eunuch’s clothing. Eunuch clothing began to change from theYongle period, until the end of the Ming dynasty. This part analyzes the changes in thestate eunuch clothing and causes of change. There are three change states of eunuchapparel. First, the emperor bestowed python clothes, clothes flying fish, Bull beyond thestatutory level of service requirements such as clothing. Second, eunuch changed clothingaccording their own desire. Third, violate the ritual of degree over the system more andmore. The reason for the change of the eunuch’s dress also has three aspects. The first isthe direct effect of the emperor, who connivance the eunuchs and put them in an importantposition. The second is the expansion of the power of eunuchs. Finally, the developmentof commodity economy affected the social extravagant consumption’s concept. PartⅣ: Conclusion. In the conclusion part, it is mainly a summary of the full text.Ming dynasty eunuch clothing change is also the process of practice of ritual. The eunuchdress’s change is a shock of Ming dynasty’s ceremony.

关 键 词: 明代 礼制 宦官 服饰

分 类 号: [K248 TS941.1]

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理] [轻工技术与工程]


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机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系


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