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Analysis of Mechanism and Routes of Regional Urban Space Restructuring in Northeast China

导  师: 李诚固

学科专业: 020202

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北师范大学

摘  要: 区域城市空间既是区域发展的产物,又是支撑区域发展的核心与基本骨架。在区域经济社会发展的不同阶段,需要与之相适应的不同的区域城市空间。现阶段,在社会经济转型不断加快和全球化与地方化的博弈过程中,我国的城市与区域发展的矛盾也不断加剧。区域城市之间要素流动不畅、中心城市过度集聚、城市群体空间发育水平低、城市空间体系外向化发展落后等问题逐渐突出,严重限制了区域城市空间对区域发展支撑效应的发挥。探讨区域城市空间转型,促进“城市-区域”系统的整合协调发展是当前我国区域发展面临的重大研究课题。 区域城市空间研究是城市与区域相互作用理论体系的重要研究内容和重要组成部分,也是当前国内外许多学者倡导的研究领域。针对国内相关研究主要集中于区域城市空间自身的发展特征,而对区域城市空间的区域效应研究不足的状况,本论文提出,区域城市空间重构是区域城市空间体系根据外界发展环境的变化而做出的响应,重构的基本方向是促进区域城市空间外在功能的强化。强调应从区域经济学视角对区域城市空间的组成要素、结构模式、外在功能效应进行研究,建立区域城市空间重构研究的理论框架。 基于上述实践背景与理论研究需求,本论文提出了区域城市空间重构的研究主题,初步建立了区域城市空间重构的概念与特征体系,对区域城市空间重构进行了系统解析。并以东北地区为例,综合运用多种数学统计方法,研究了区域城市空间发展的过程和现状特征,并对区域城市空间重构的驱动机制进行了深入探讨,综合分析了东北地区区域城市空间重构的基本趋势与目标格局,最后提出了实现东北地区城市空间重构目标的具体路径。全文共分为六章: 第一章:区域城市空间重构研究的基础理论。在相关概念了解的基础上提出了区域城市空间重构的概念与内涵,总结了区域城市空间重构研究可资借鉴的相关理论,并且对国内外区域城市空间的理论与实践研究进行梳理。为接下来具体研究的展开奠定了基础。 第二章:区域城市空间重构研究的理论框架。本章主要是架构区域城市空间重构分析的一般理论框架,包括区域城市空间重构的过程与动力机制。区域城市空间重构的过程可以概括为工业化以前、工业化初期、中期和后期;区域城市空间重构是系统内外各种动力的耦合作用结果。 第三章:东北地区区域城市空间发展过程与现状特征。本章开始了东北地区的实证分析。首先将东北地区城市空间发展演变划分为四个阶段,分别探讨了不同阶段区域城市空间构成要素、空间结构以及功能效应;其次,从区域城市空间系统各组成要素出发,概括目前东北地区城市空间存在的突出问题。 第四章:东北地区区域城市空间重构的动力机制。总结当前促进东北地区城市空间重构的动力包括不同尺度区域合作分工发展、区域经济地位提升与产业结构转型、重大交通基础设施建设布局、国家发展战略与政策制度调整、区域空间发展规划的编制与实施等方面。为东北地区城市空间重构实践提供理论依据。 第五章:东北地区区域城市空间重构的趋势格局。根据东北地区城市空间发展的现状问题,结合经济全球化、区域一体化、国家发展战略转变等新型发展背景,明确新因素影响下东北地区城市空间重构的目标与趋势;在此基础上,预测东北地区城市空间重构的目标框架格局。 第六章:东北地区区域城市空间重构的路径保障。根据东北地区城市空间重构的趋势与目标,针对地区城市空间功能发挥的限制性要素,从系统内部构成出发提出实现东北地区城市空间重构目标的基本路径;同时,提出了促进东北地区城市空间重构顺利进行的保障对策。 Regional urban space is not only a product of regional development, but also thecore and the basic skeleton which support the regional development. In differentstages of regional development, there needs different regional urban space withdifferent spatial patterns. At present, in the process of socio-economic transformationand the game between globalization and localization, the contradiction of China'surban and regional development has recently intensified. Poor elements flow betweenthe regional cities, excessive agglomeration of the central city, low development levelof urban agglomerations, slow growth of urban space system’s externalization arebecoming more and more apparent, which severely limits the effect of regional urbanspace on regional development to play. Thus, explore the regional urban spacerestructuring, and promote the coordinative development of urban-region integrationis a major research topic of regional development. Regional urban space is an important part of urban-region theory and a researcharea which is currently advocated by many scholars at home and abroad. Against thecondition that existing research mainly focused on the evolution of regional urbanspace under the influence of external environment and there is little research on theeffects of regional urban space’s variation on regional development in China, thispaper proposed that the restructuring of regional urban space is the response ofregional urban space system to the external environment, the basic direction of therestructuring is to promote regional development. The author emphasized to researchelements, structural model, external function of regional urban space from theperspective of regional economics, and establish the theoretical framework of regionalurban space restructuring. Based on the above-mentioned practical background and theoretical researchneeds, this paper put forward the research topic of regional urban space restructuring;established the system of regional urban space restructuring’s concept andcharacteristics; and systematic analyzed the restructuring of regional urban space.Take Northeast China as a case, used several mathematical and statistical methods;studied the development process, the status quo, and the restructuring mechanism ofthe regional urban space; then, analyzed the trend and the target pattern of regionalurban space restructuring in Northeast China comprehensively; finally, promotedspecific routes to achieve the target of regional urban space restructuring in NortheastChina. The full text was divided into six chapters: Chapter I: Basic theory of regional urban space restructuring. Firstly, based onthe analysis of the relevant concept, the paper put forward the concept andconnotation of regional urban space restructuring; then, the author introduced therelevant theory that the study of this paper can learn from, sorted out the theory andpractice research of regional urban space at home and abroad. The aim of this charpteris to lay a foundation for the specific study of regional urban space restructuring. Chapter II: Theoretical framework of the study of regional urban space restructuring. This chapter is mainly to build a theoretical framework for regionalurban space restructuring, including the process and the driving mechanism ofregional urban space restructuring. General progress of regional urban spacedevelopment can be summarized as before industrialization, early industrialization,middle industrialization and late industrialization; regional urban space restructuringis the result of coupling effect of every driving power within and outside the system. Chapter Ⅲ: Develop process and status characteristics of regional urban spacein Northeast China. This is the beginning of this paper’s empirical analysis. Firstly,the author divided the evolution of the urban space development in Northeast Chinainto four stages, and discussed the elements, geographical pattern and functionaleffects in different stages respectively; secondly, summed up the outstandingproblems of regional urban space in Northeast China from the aspects of its elements. Chapter IV: Driving mechanism of regional urban space restructuring inNortheast China. Summarized the promote power of the regional urban spacerestructuring at present in Northeast China, which include: regional cooperation atdifferent scales, upgrading of regional economic status and transform of industrialstructure, layout and construction of the major transportation infrastructure,adjustment of national development strategies and policies, draw up and implement ofthe spatial development plan. This part provided a theoretical basis for the practice ofNortheast China’s urban space restructuring. Chapter Ⅴ: Restructure trend and target of regional urban space in NortheastChina. According to the current problems of the regional urban space, combined withthe new background of economic globalization, regional integration, and the changeof development strategic in China, the author cleared up the trend and the target ofregional urban space restructuring in Northeast China; then, sketched the newframework of the Northeast China’s regional urban space. Chapter VI: Routes and securities of urban space restructuring in NortheastChina. According to the trend and target of regional urban space restructuring inNortheast China, against the factors which restrict the regional urban space’s functionto play, the paper proposed the basic routes to achieve the target of regional urbanspace restructuring from the inner construction of regional urban space system and putforward securities to make sure a smooth progress of the regional urban spacerestructuring in Northeast China.

关 键 词: 区域城市空间重构 区域城市空间 机制与路径 东北地区

分 类 号: [F127]

领  域: [经济管理]




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