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The Security Systematic Research of Continuous Long and Steep Downgrade Sections

导  师: 高建平

学科专业: 082301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 重庆交通大学

摘  要: 我国山区公路连续长大下坡路段占相当大比例,使车辆在长时间行驶过程中因制动器失效而引发交通事故,给公路的正常运营及行车人员的生命财产安全均带来了严重影响。改善连续长大下坡路段的平纵断面线形可很好地防治车辆制动失控,然而,由于地形和经济条件的限制,山区高速公路连续长大下坡路段不可避免。为改善山区高速公路连续长大下坡路段的交通安全状况,目前主要通过实施管理措施、交通工程措施和工程措施以保障失控车辆安全。 研究通过对连续长大下坡路段事故特性、驾驶员行驶及车辆受力特性进行分析,结合驾驶员行车过程中道路条件、交通管理、保障设施等多方面对行车安全的影响,建立了连续长大下坡路段安全保障设计整体思路,并由此提出道路线形改善、超载超速的管理及主动与被动防护措施的设置需求,分析了平纵组合路段失控车辆安全保障设施设置需求,同时,结合动力学仿真工具ADAMS//Car构建了连续长大下坡路段安全仿真评价系统,从而对不同纵坡、超高及行驶速度条件下车辆行车安全评价指标进行分析,得出不同纵坡条件下连续长大下坡曲线路段安全行驶评价及路段行车安全限速建议。 最后,针对保腾高速公路安全保障工程设施的设计,提出适合其连续长大下坡路段的危险地段识别及限速判定、交通设施设置、防护措施设置等安全保障实施系统。 There are a large proportion of continuous long and steep downgrade sections inmountainous highway, it will be easy to have an accident course of brake failure in thelong time driving, brought serious influence to the normal operation of the highwayand the safety of people's lives and property. Improve the plane and vertical section'sdesign can be avoid vehicle braking out of control in continuous long and steepdowngrade sections, however, Road conditions often limited in mountain area,single-minded perfect road design is unrealistic and uneconomical. In order to ensurethe safety of Vehicles on continuous long and steep downgrade sections, managementmeasures, traffic engineering measures and engineering measures are the majormeasures to solve the traffic safety problem. Through to the analysis of accident、 the driver and vehicle driving forcecharacteristics in continuous long and steep downgrade sections, Combined with theprocess of driving about road conditions, traffic management and security facilities tothe effects of driving safety, EsTablelished integral notion of security design aboutcontinuous long and steep downgrade sections, And then offered the improvement ofroad conditions, the management of overload and speeding, and the set needs ofpassive protection facilities, meanwhile, Combined with dynamic simulation toolsADAMS//Car building the safety simulation system, then analyzed the vehicle drivingsafety evaluation index in different slope, superelevation and running speed, draw thedriving safety advice and the speed limit conclusions in different slope conditions. At last, according to the safety design of baoteng highway, put forward to thesuiTablele security execution system in its continuous long and steep downgradesections.

关 键 词: 长大下坡 安全保障 交通管理 设置需求

分 类 号: [U412.3]

领  域: [交通运输工程]


作者 张雪晶
作者 邝平山
作者 曲进
作者 陈寒溪
作者 杜利娟


机构 华南理工大学
机构 东莞理工学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 张滨
作者 王丽娟
作者 罗谷松
作者 吴敏
作者 周晓津