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Based on SLP to the Layout Program and Evaluation of D Company's Roller Assembly Workshop

导  师: 马艳华;马铸

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 21世纪的今天,经济的发展势如破竹、社会的进步日新月。随之而来的竞争也逐渐全球化,因此我国制造企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈。在这样的社会大背景下,一个企业若想生存下来,就必须从提高自身竞争力这方面着手。而常规的降低生产运营成本的方法,如降低营销成本、降低原材料和能源消耗等来降低企业的的方式已经无法达到提高竞争力的目的。因为生产过程中的“油水”已经几乎被榨干了,因此就必须寻求其他途径。这时大家逐渐将眼光转向了生产系统的物流设计与布局设计,生产车间布局直接影响到整个工厂的生产效率、生产能力、生产成本、生产安全以及工厂投产后的市场竞争力,良好的车间布局可以使生产工艺流程更合理,从而大大降低了物料搬运费用,故此布局设计被认为是影响生产率的决定因素之一。 本文主要运用系统布置规划方法(SLP),同时基于从至表和相关图的物流分析和作业单位关系密切程度分析相结合的技术进行分析研究。本文阐述了系统布置设计法的基本理论,包括其起源、概念、基本要素、设计阶段结构、程序步骤;并利用所搜集的数据资料,根据工艺的流程划分作业单位、进行基本要素分析;最后综合作业单位物流分析与非物流分析,得到作业单位的综合关系、绘制位置相关图—线形图。结合实际情况,得到两个改善方案,和初始方案放在一起进行评价,分别采用了层次分析法(AHP)和定量与定性相结合的层次分析(AHP)—模糊综合评价方法对三个方案进行评价,两种方法得出的结论基本一致,最后选择最优方案,得到了D公司压路机装配车间最优布局。 With the development of economy, the progress of the society and the economicglobalization competition intensifies, increasingly fierce competition betweenmanufacturing industry. In the face of the fierce competition, we must start from theenterprise internal. Production workshop layout directly affect the entire factoryproduction ability, production safety, production efficiency, the production cost andfactory after the production of the market competitive power, good workshop layoutcan make the production process flow more reasonable, and greatly reduce thematerial handling fee, so layout design is considered to be one of the decisive factorsto affect productivity. This paper Mainly used system layout planning method SLP, and based on the tableand related graph from to the logistics analysis and operation unit close analysis of thedegree of combining the technology were analyzed. This paper describes the systemarrangement design method of the basic theory, including the origin and concept,basic elements, design phase structure, procedures; And the collection of data,according to the process of the work unit, are divided into process basic factoranalysis; The last comprehensive work unit with the logistics logistics analysis isanalyzed and the comprehensive relations, work units related graph drawingposition-line graphs. Connecting with the practice, get two optimization scheme, andinitial plan put together to evaluate, AHP and quantitative and qualitative combinationof AHP-the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation are used for the analytic hierarchyprocess method to evaluate the three schemes, the conclusion of the two methods ofbasic consistent, finally choose the optimum scheme, obtained the D company rollerassembly workshop optimal layout.

关 键 词: 压路机装配车间 布局规划 评价 系统布置设计法 层次分析法 层次分析 模糊综合评价法

分 类 号: [F426.4 U415.521]

领  域: [经济管理] [交通运输工程]


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作者 黄向辉
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作者 徐淑琴
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机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东工业大学


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作者 王丽娟
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作者 黄晓宇