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导  师: 张乃根

学科专业: 030109

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 复旦大学

摘  要: 本文旨在研究WTO协定等条约或法律文件框架下的过境货物相关知识产权问题,以欧盟法及其实践为例。引言界定了研究对象,强调应注意“过境货物”定义与海关实践的衔接问题,同时明确研究思路。正文共四章,最后是结论。 第一章探讨多边条约框架下有关过境货物知识产权保护的规定。第一节梳理了GATT第五条关于过境自由的规定;第二节重点厘清TRIPS协定边境措施制度的适用范围和要求。由于WTO成员“无义务”对过境货物适用边境措施,因此TRIPS协定第四节各条款未考虑到过境货物的特殊性所引起的法律问题;第三节简述TRIPS协定生效后的有关边境货物知识产权保护制度的若干新发展。重点分析了《反假冒贸易协定》的合法性问题及其带来的挑战。 第二章先探讨了WTO协定与欧盟及其成员国的法律的关系,进而从立法和司法两个维度考察欧盟法下过境货物知识产权保护的边境措施,重点分析了欧盟《关于海关就涉嫌侵犯和侵犯知识产权的产品采取行动和措施的第/(EC/)1383//2003号理事会条例》在TRIPS协定下的合法性,指出其中的简易程序不符合TRIPS协定第五十五条,并对晚近的欧盟相关立法的修改提案作了评述。 第三章首先梳理、评述了海关执法与法院司法实践中涉及普通过境货物扣押的五个典型案例,对案件中的两大共性问题展开详细分析:/(1/)过境货物是否“过而不入”;/(2/)司法实践中的“生产假设”理论是否合法。然后本章重点评析了通用名药品扣押的典型案件,指出通用名药品相关的三个认识误区,论证了欧盟对通用名药的扣押违反了TRIPS协定。 第四章在前三章基础上,探讨一个合法合理的边境措施的六大原则性要求:/(1/)尊重知识产权的私权性和知识产权保护利益的平衡;/(2/)应认识到学理定义与海关具体实践之间的衔接� This thesis focuses on the intellectual property issue regarding in-transit goods under the legal framework of WTO. After briefly defining the research scope, the preamble emphasizes the discrepancies between in-transit goods and corresponding definition in custom practice, and clarifies the research method used throughout the whole thesis. This thesis is divided into four chapters and ends with conclusions. In Chapter one, all relevant provisions pertinent to the intellectual property protection at the border under the multilateral legal framework are examined. Section one first addresses the provisions on freedom of transit under Article V of GATT1944. It then takes a close look at the application scope and procedural conditions of border measures under TRIPS, and concludes that because WTO members have 'no obligation to' apply border measures to in-transit goods, all wordings under 'Section4:Border Measures' of TRIPS fails to cover the legal problems results from the unique feature of in-transit goods. Section three briefly reviews several new movements of intellectual property protection of in-transit goods post TRIPS. In particular, it analyzes the legality of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and challenges posed by it. Chapter two starts with the relationship between WTO agreements and EU regulations, and then goes on to analyze the border measures in EU. In particular, it examines the legality of relevant EU legislation, i.e. Council Regulation /(EC/) No1383//2003of22July2003concerning customs action against goods suspected of infringing certain intellectual property rights and the measures to be taken against goods found to have infringed such rights. It concludes that this Regulation fails to comply with Article55of TRIPS, and also reviews the newly proposed amendment to the aforementioned EU regulation. Chapter three is to analyze five typical cases concerning seizure of common in-transit goods in EU. It focuses on two issues common to these cases:/(i/) an important preliminary issue of w

关 键 词: 过境货物 知识产权 边境措施 欧盟法

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 王璐瑶
作者 樊雪
作者 陈红彦
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机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院


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作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
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