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导  师: 朱义坤

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 随着经济社会的发展,我国已成为全球第一大互联网国,截至2012年底,我国的互联网网民规模已达到5.64亿,手机网民4.2亿,网络媒体已成为传播速度最快、社会影响最广的主流媒体,新兴媒体的出现,使得社会公众可以更加自由、更加直接、更加多角度地参政议政。 随着我国民主法制不断进步,公民法律意识和素养的提高,对司法参与度越来越高,社会公众利用新兴媒体平台,可以更加平等、自由地与人民法院交流互动,但在舆论环境和媒体格局发生深刻变动,司法权威严重遭受质疑,网络法律法规还很不健全,社会思潮多元多样多变的今天,网民更加盲目、主观、随意地对法院工作进行评价,法院思想舆论引导更加不易。人民法院应如何充分利用网络快捷、方便、易扩散、互动性强等特点,自觉接受舆论监督,满足人民群众对司法工作的知情权、参与权、监督权,同时坚守依法公正办案,不为舆论所左右,惩治违法行为,倡导网民守法,规范网络行为,树立司法公信和权威。 本文除引言外,主体部分为三章,第一章问题的提出:从法院书记员“虐妻”舆情事件进行概述,引出当前法院网络舆情乱象,法院网络舆情的主要特点,现状及其对扰乱社会秩序、损害公民人身权利、损害司法公信、司法权威的危害。第二章问题分析,指出因网络虚拟性对现行法律适用带来巨大挑战,网络规制的缺失及法院自身瑕疵,应对舆情意识欠缺及经验不足,造成法院网络舆情泛滥,应对不当引发法院工作被动,提出在新形势下,人民法院运用媒体提高司法形象和司法公信,弘扬社会正气、沟通社情民意的任务更加紧迫。第三章问题的解决,法院作为司法审判机关,在打击网络犯罪,惩处网络侵权,规范和引导正当的网络行为具体特殊功能,尤其是在网络法律法规还很不健全的情况下,法院要加强自身建设,树立媒体意识,积极适应新兴媒体发展的新趋势,引导社会舆论、提升司法宣传和舆情应对水平,充分发挥审判职能引导规范网络行为,开拓创新,奋发有为,促进营造良好的法制舆论氛围,为建设一个既充满活力又和谐稳定的社会提供保障。 With the development of economy and social, China hasbecome the country with the largest internet users of the world.By the end of2012, the number of internet users of China hasreached564million, including420million mobile users. Thenetwork media has become main media of communication inour society, which covers the widest area and spreads fastest.The emergence of new medias gives public the opportunity toparticipate in the political and administrative managementaffairs more freely and directly and thoroughly. With the progress of the democracy and legal construction,the improvement of the citizens' legal consciousness andaccomplishment, more and more people could participate injudiciary. The public communicate with the people’s courtwith the use of internet media. However, for the sake of thechanges of the environment of public opinions and mediasystem, the judicial authority has been weakened by the publicseriously. Because of the distempered law and the diversethought of the society, internet users evaluate the people’scourt casually, scientific and randomly. The people's courtshould make a full use of the network, which is convenient,interactive, easy to spread, to consciously accept the supervision of public, to secure the people’s right ofacknowledge, to participate in, to supervise public affairs. Inthe meantime, the people’s court should stick to the justice andshouldn’t be affected by public opinion. The duty of thepeople's courts is to advocate to obey the law, to punish illegalactivities, to regulate the behavior of the network users, and toset up the judicial authority. In addition to the introduction, the main body of this articleincludes three chapters. The first chapter is mainly about “thecourt clerk abusing his wife”. The environment of public opinionand media pattern is in a mess. The second chapter aim toanalysis the reason of the court will be overwhelmedby network public sentiment. The third chapter is mainly tosolve the problem of the people’s court, i.e. how to respond tonetwork public opinion.

关 键 词: 网络舆情 法院舆情 应对机制

分 类 号: [D926.2]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 李志金
作者 侯东阳
作者 白续辉
作者 瞿卫东
作者 刘兴莉


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 深圳大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚