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The Analysis of the Path of Settlement for Intellectual Property Conflict among China's Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao

导  师: 梁玉霞

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 我国内地与港澳知识产权冲突的存在有其特定的历史、经济、文化等原因,不论是在知识产权的实体法方面还是程序法方面内地与港澳的知识产权制度都存在差异,在实质上制约着区域间的经济交流合作。粤港澳更紧密合作区的建立和实现要求在实践中建立一套从根本上解决知识产权冲突的协调机制。通过逻辑分析和比较分析,借鉴国际上的先进经验,设想在我国粤港澳地区进行先试,法律先行,从《宪法》、《立法法》、《地方组织法》等从上到下的法律赋予地方政府签订此类协议的权利,并对其生效条件、生效程序、争端解决等做出原则性和相对具体性的规定。同时辅之以一套相对完整的协调机构,即建立一套包含有决策机构、常设机构、争端解决机构等在内的完善机构组织,辅之以优先权制度、转换申请制度和专门法院管辖等制度的复式知识产权制度,同时充分发挥专业团体以及民间组织的作用,以期望为解决我国内地与港澳知识产权冲突提供帮助。 The Intellectual Property conflict among China's mainland, Hong Kong and Macaoexists at a specific historical, economic, cultural and other reasons, there aredifferences both of the substantive law and procedure law of intellectual property law.All these differences restrict the inter-regional economic exchanges and cooperationin essence. To establish and realization of the closer cooperation area of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao requires to establish a system of coordination mechanism toresolve the intellectual property conflicts in practice fundamentally. Through logicalanalysis and comparative analysis, learn from international experiences, imagine totry first in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, Legal first,to complete Constitution,Legislation Law, Local Organization Act and other relevant laws. Give localgovernments the right to conclude intergovernmental cooperation agreement, andmake principled and relatively specific provisions to its entry into force, effectiveprocedures, dispute settlement. Complemented by a relatively complete set ofcoordinating bodies at the same time, which is to establish a double intellectualproperty system which is to 'Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao IntellectualProperty Rights Coordination Bureau' as the core, complemented by priority system,the conversion application system, special jurisdiction of the court system and othersystems. And also give full play to the role of Professional groups and civil societyorganizations at the same time, expecting to help the resolution of intellectualproperty conflicts in China mainland, Hong Kong and Macao.

关 键 词: 知识产权冲突 冲突立法与实践 解决路径

分 类 号: [D923.4]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 罗超云
作者 汤素娥
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作者 卜凌嘉


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学亚太研究院港澳珠江三角洲研究中心
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚