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A Research on Communication Effects in the Context of New Media Public Service Activities

导  师: 曾建雄

学科专业: 050301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 20世纪90年代以来,中国的公益事业迎来了快速发展时期。2008年的汶川地震发生后,民间的踊跃捐款和大大小小公益组织的快速援助,使公益活动迅速升温。然而2011年郭美美事件让红十字会等官方背景的公益组织陷入了信任危机,中国的公益事业发生了根本转折,同样发生在2011年还有“随手拍解救被拐儿童”、“免费午餐”等一系列反响热烈的微博公益活动,它们为公益组织提供了新的发展模式。新媒体的运用,透明公开的运作,有效的第三方监督等,让微公益大放光彩,产生了巨大的社会影响,也吸引了研究者的关注。 本文从传播学视角出发,综合运用内容分析和个案分析等研究方法,对新媒体背景下的公益传播的机制、策略和效果进行分析研究。绪论部分具体阐释本文的研究背景、研究目的和意义、研究现状和本文的创新点;然后对公益及相关概念进行界定,从公益定义的溯源、公益的基本特征到微公益的含义等,都做了必要解读,并对我国公益组织的发展历程和公益传播的现状作了简略回顾。在个案研究部分,以“免费午餐”为例,先介绍“免费午餐”产生的国内外背景及基本情况,再对“免费午餐”整个传播机制进行分析,从传播主体、传播媒介、传播对象和社会环境四个维度依次展开,接下来,对“免费午餐”的传播效果从认知、态度、行为、政策等四个层面进行详细分析。在效果研究的基础上,笔者对影响并总结该案例中值得借鉴的传播机制和传播策略。最后在结语部分,归纳全文核心观点,并对中国公益事业的未来趋势作出展望。 Since the1990’s, China's public welfare undertakings ushered in a period ofrapid development. After the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake in2008, thanksto the private donations and kinds of the public welfare organization, public welfareactivities had heated up fast. The “Guo Meimei incident” in2011has severelydiscredited the Red Cross Society of China /(RCSC/), which marks the fundamentaltransformation in China's public welfare undertakings. In2011, many Sina Microblogpublic welfare activities, such as “Free lunch”,“Taking photos at hand to rescue theabducted children”, provided new developing patterns. The use of the new media,project operations as transparent as possible and efficient supervision system makeMicro public welfare to shine, which also had great social influence. From the perspective of communication studies, through comprehensive contentanalysis and case analysis, this paper has analyzed public communication effect underthe background of new media. The introduction part explains the research background,research purpose and significance, research status and innovation points. And then todefine the related concepts, from the basic characteristics of public welfare, publicdefinition to the meaning of public welfare and so on, and the development of publicwelfare organization in China and made a brief review of the present situation ofpublic communication. Case study part, the first to introduce the background of the"free lunch" and basic situation at home and abroad, and then analysis the effect onthe spread of free lunch from the cognition, attitude, behavior, policy, and so on fouraspects. Studied the effect of the foundation, the author analyzed the effect factorsinfluence the spread of "free lunch", from the subject, medium, object and socialenvironment in four dimensions. The final conclusion part, summarized the full textcore idea, and to outlook the future trend of China's public welfare undertakings.

关 键 词: 公益传播 媒体公益 传播机制 传播效果 免费午餐

分 类 号: [G206]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 杨伟龙
作者 郭媛
作者 陈坤明
作者 曾金
作者 丁亦佳


机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学传播与设计学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟