导 师: 张从容
学科专业: 030103
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 巡回审判作为人民法院方便人民群众诉讼的一种审判方式,从建立至今,一直发挥着其自身独特的优势与价值。但是,伴随着社会的不断发展,当前我国的巡回审判制度,无论是在立法层面还是具体实践中,都存在诸多问题,主要表现在立法方面缺乏实际操作性,相关保障制度缺失,审判活动过于随意,与基层司法组织缺乏沟通,结案时过分追求调解的方式。究其原因,主要在于传统法律观念与现代司法制度的冲突,法官素质的差异及外在环境的影响。为完善我国基层法院的巡回审判制度,必须进一步完善相关制度以规范实践操作,落实经费保障与庭审安全,明确法官权责并对其多方监督,搭建与基层组织的长效沟通机制,坚持调解优先与诉调对接相结合。 As a litigation trial of the people's court proceedings for the masses, assizes has beenplaying its own unique advantages and value from the establishment up to now. However, alongwith the continuous development of society, the current assizes system of our country has manyproblems whether it is in the legislation to the concrete practice. It mainly reflects in the lack ofactual operational performance in the legislation, the missing of relevant security system, theoptional proceedings, the lack of communication with grass-roots organizations of Justice,over-pursuing the way of mediation in concluding the case. The reason of the above phenomenonlies in the different conflicts between the traditional legal concepts and the modern judicialsystem, the different quality of judges and the impact of the external environment. To improvethe assizes system of China's grassroots courts, it is necessary to further improve the relevantsystems for regulating the practical operation, implementing the security for the funding and thetrial, defining and supervising the rights and responsibilities of judges, building a long-termcommunication mechanism with the grass-roots organizations, adhering to the combinationbetween the mediation priority and the intermediation mechanism.
分 类 号: [D926.2]
领 域: [政治法律]