导 师: 叶农
学科专业: 060104
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 明清天主教艺术,尤其是《圣经》故事版画,在耶稣会来华后发展显著。明末清初,《圣经》中译受到罗马教廷传信部严厉管制。编印经典教义书和版画《圣经》成为基督宗教在华福传、与中国其他宗教竞争的重要途径。透过基督宗教版画圣经诸版本,将“视觉语言”与《圣经》文字翻译进行比较研究,探讨《圣经》在中国图像传译的特征及其文化功能。版画《圣经》演绎成为基督宗教面向中国大众及其他诸宗教对话交流的文化载体。版画《圣经》有其欧洲基督宗教艺术和根源,其在中国的境遇多变。《圣经》故事版画附有注解,丰富了《圣经》汉译文本。 本课题试以“耶稣降诞”和“耶稣受难”故事版画为中心,比照同时期耶稣会士四福音书故事之译述,就版画《圣经》图像传译展开实证研究。故事本身含有“圣母童身生子”、“三位一体”、“降生救世”等教义。天主教“耶稣降诞”故事版画的欧洲性、“耶稣降生救世”信仰的受容及《圣经》图像传译与文字汉译之关系为《圣经》故事版画研究的三个面向。圣像画的叙事功能在于向大众宣讲教义和福传故事,与欧洲流传的基督宗教布道经典文本互动,形成渐趋模式化的图文传译。本文意图透过耶稣降诞故事版画研究,有助于深入理解中文《圣经》的多元文本及其社会文化处境。 The Catholic art in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially for the biblical woodblocks, experienced a great development. In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the Chinese translation of the Bible was strictly controlled by Congeregatio pro Gentium Evandelizatione. Printing of the evangelical scriptures and Biblical woodblocks by the Catholic missionaries were used to compete with other religions in China. This thesis, based on the biblical woodblock printings, is to analyse visual language with the Chinese Bible texts and examine the cultural meaning biblical visual interpretation of Bible in China. The Biblical woodblock printings became the cultural carrier of communication between Christianity and other Chinese religions. Annotations of the biblical woodblocks enriched Bible of Chinese versions. This study focused on the woodblock printings of the stories of the Nativity and the Passion of Jesus, which include doctrines of the virgin birth, Trinity and Salvation by Christ's Incarnation. The Biblical woodblocks have three dimensions of its own Europeans, reception of the doctrine of salvation, and relationships between the Chinese Bible texts and Christian visual arts. The Chinese iconography was used to preach Christian doctrines and evangelical stories, and to interact with European Christian scriptures to form a model of transmission of Christian visual culture and texts in characters. The study endeavors to explore reproduction and transmission of the biblical woodblock printings, and hopes to understand the relationships between multi-texts of Chinese Bible and Chinese context in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
关 键 词: 明清时期 天主教 圣经 故事版画 图像传译 基督宗教艺术
分 类 号: [K248 J217 B978]