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Study on the Socialized Transformation of the China Social Welfare Undertaking in the Cities and Towns

导  师: 丁建定

学科专业: 120404

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中科技大学

摘  要: 本论文研究中国城镇社会福利事业的社会化转型。研究框架由转型依据、政策分析与实证研究三部分组成,其中一至三章回应社会化转型的理论与现实依据,四至六章的政策分析回应社会化转型的具体路径与角色分工,第七章为社会化转型的实证研究,第八章为全文的结论部分。论文主要内容如下: 国外有关社会福利的理论与实践研究为我国社会福利事业改革提供了有益启示:福利多元主义、合作主义与供给学派的政府失灵理论构成了本研究的理论依据,而国外以非营利组织广泛参与为特点的弱势群体福利照顾模式亦值得我国作为参考。 通过对中国城镇社会福利事业的发展阶段进行梳理,可以发现,我国城镇传统社会福利事业受计划经济影响以官办、封闭单一式运作以及低层次救助为主要特点,伴随市场经济改革,居民福利需要呈现多元化、高层次发展趋势,而新的社会问题不断出现,更多弱势群体需要国家与社会给与福利照顾。质与量的缺乏导致传统模式已难以满足现实需要,新时期的社会化转型势在必行。 社会化转型要凸显“社会化”与“转型”双重含义,前者是目标,而后者是途径。要以福利所涉及的主体、对象、机制、效果、资金来源、付费渠道等为内容,以宏观、微观关系的理顺为保障,全面展开社会化改革,最终形成开放式、多元化的福利供给局面。 社会化转型的关键主体是政府与民间组织。“政府购买服务”作为社会化转型的新标志,是联系政府与民间组织的纽带。在城镇社会福利事业转型中,政府在行政部门以及发挥示范作用的公办事业单位中发挥主导作用,而在发挥骨干角色的民间组织中,政府应退位至扶持监督角色。政府转型主要体现在管理主体与管理客体两层面,以社工专业为依托的民间组织参与社会福利事业有岗位购买、项目购买与直接创办福利机构三种形式,后两种形式的生命力日益彰显。民间组织参与社会福利事业存有依附性高、理念差异、资源受限等问题,需要政府与民间组织共同营造平等协作的新型合作关系。个案考察为政府与民间组织在当前社会福利事业转型中的角色与互动关系提供了例证。 本研究主要结论如下:国内社会福利事业转型需要从国外理论与实践模式中吸收养分;我国社会福利事业转型需要形成以政府、民间组织为主、市场为辅的多元互补格局;国家与民间组织间构建平等合作的伙伴关系是实现社会化转型目标的理性选择。我国城镇社会福利事业转型的未来发展方向是,多元化福利供给方式呈现,社区照顾模式的地位上升;公办社会福利事业单位主动实现转型以及民间组织在数量和品质方面的不断提升。本研究在国外理论依据、国内政策研究以及个案深入性等方面仍存改进之处。 This thesis studies on the socialized transformation of the China social welfareundertaking in the cities and towns. The study covers three parts, the transformationbasis, policy analysis and empirical studies, of which the first to the third chaptersrespond to the theoretical and practical basis of the social transformation, the fourth tothe sixth chapters respond to the path and roles in the transformation, the seventh is theempirical research for the transformation, the last chapter is the conclusion of the thesis.The main contents are as follows: The social welfare theories and practice in western countries give us useful insightsfor our reform of social welfare cause. Welfare pluralism, Corporatism and PublicChoice Theory constitutes the theoretical basis of this study. Through the analysis of the development stage of the China Social welfareundertaking in the cities and towns, we can find that the traditional social welfare incities and towns affected by the planned economy,and the main characteristics weregovernment-operated, single, closed and the low relief. With the market-orientedreforms, the development trends of welfare needs among the domestic residents arevarious and at a high-level. New social issues are emerging, and more vulnerable groupsneed the welfare from the governments and the society. Because of lacking the qualityand quantity, the traditional model is difficult to meet the real needs; the new era ofsocial transformation is necessary. Socialized transformation should highlight double meanings of the 'socialization'and 'transformation', the former is the way, and the latter is the goal. The content of thesocialized transformation involve the subjects, objects, mechanisms, and the effects ofthe social welfare cause, the sources of fund and the channels of paying for services.The harmonious relationship among the subjects in macro-and micro-level provides theprotection for the transformation. Eventually, an open and diversified welfare supplypattern will be formed on the basic of the full socialized transformation. The key subjects are the governments and nonprofit organizations in the socializedtransformation. As the new logo of the social transformation, Government purchasingservice is the bridge that connects the government and nonprofit organizations. In the executive branch, the governments should play a leading role, as well as in the State-runinstitutions which are expected to play an exemplary role and in the area of nonprofitorganizations which are expected to play a main role, the function of the governments isto support and supervise them. The government transformation mainly reflects in themanagement of the subjects and the objects. There are three ways for the nonprofitorganizations which rely on the major of social work to participate in the socializedtransformation: purchasing jobs, purchasing items, and establishing social serviceagencies. The latter two ways have a greater vitality. The problems of the nonprofitorganizations in the participation of the social welfare undertaking are that the highdependence on the governments, the differences in ideas, and the resource-constraineddilemma. The governments and nonprofit organizations should cooperate to create anew partnership on an equal footing. The case study provides three examples for theinteraction relationship of the governments and nonprofit organizations in the socializedtransformation. Main conclusions of this study are as follows: the socialized transformation of theChina social welfare undertaking need to absorb nutrients from the theories and thepractices of the western counties; the transformation of the social welfare need to form amultiple complementary pattern in which the major roles are the government andnonprofit organizations, and the market play a supporting role. Building an equalitypartnership between the governments and nonprofit organizations is the rational choiceto achieve the transformation goals. The direction for the future development of socialwelfare transformation in Chinese cities and towns is that diversified supply of welfare,community care model will be extended; The State-run institutions will have moreinitiative to complete the transition, as well as nonprofit organizations in terms ofquantity and quality will be on the rise. The study has its own shortcoming; thetheoretical basis, the domestic policy analysis, and the case investigation need tocontinue digging in depth.

关 键 词: 社会福利事业 社会化转型 政府 民间组织

分 类 号: [D632.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 袁广盛
作者 袁广盛
作者 唐文玉
作者 曾辽广
作者 王绍西


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚