导 师: 朝红阳
学科专业: 081202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
摘 要: 近年来,由于视频网站、微博等共享平台的兴起以及随着计算机技术、多媒体技术的不断发展,越来越多人选择在web上分享视频,既可以分享所看到的有趣的东西,也能借此记录生活的点滴,展现自己的生活圈。目前的视频共享平台只提供观看和评论功能,存在以下不足:1.视频浏览用户并不认识视频中的人物,但又想取得其相关信息,只能通过联系上传者获取,无法随时通过视频直接获取;2.上传者在没有得到视频中的人物同意的情况下上传视频,容易造成对视频中人物的肖像权和隐私权的侵犯,目前的视频共享平台没有提供相应的功能供用户对视频进行加工编辑,用户只能自己通过软件进行编辑再上传,从而造成不便。 本文的主要工作是针对上面提出的问题,设计并实现了一个基于人脸跟踪的视频共享网站。整个系统的开发包括需求分析、架构设计、以及数据库设计都遵循软件工程规范,同时采用J2EE技术和SSH框架实现了一个视频共享网站。系统具有上传视频、播放视频、查询视频、编辑视频以及用户信息管理等基本功能。与一般视频共享网站不同的是,系统通过使用Adaboost+camshaft算法实现人脸检测和跟踪,用户可以根据需要对系统分析视频所得到的人物列表对人物进行添加信息或遮挡人脸,既可以方便其他用户获取视频人物的信息,也可以做到隐私保护。 目前已经完成一个视频共享网站的原型系统,该系统除了具有视频网站的基本功能外,还能让用户根据需要对视频中人物添加信息和实现遮挡。系统基本满足实际应用需求,同时也可以作为一个测试平台用作视频人脸跟踪算法的研究。 In recent years, with the rise of sharing platform such as video-sharing sites,microblogging, and development of computer technology and multimedia technologycontinues, more and more people share the videos on the web, not only to share interestingthings, record their life, but also to show their friends. The current video sharing websites,which provide watching and commenting, have the following problems:1. Users who donot know the characters in the video, can just get information of the characters bycontacting uploaders. They cannot get it through the video directly at any time.2. Usersuploading videos without permission of people in the videos may lead to violation of therights and privacy of the characters. The existing systems do not provide function for userto avoid this problem, so users can only edit their videos before uploading, which isinconvenient. The main work for this paper is to design and implementation a video sharing sitebased on face tracking. Development, including requirements analysis, architecture designand database design of the system follows the software engineering standards. And we useJ2EE technology to implement the web site. Besides basic function like uploading video,video query, video maintenance, playback video and user management, the systemimplement face recognition and tracking by using Adaboost and camshaft. User can editthe character list produced by the system or block the faces of the characters accordingtheir needs, which can solve the problems above. A video-sharing website prototype system has been completed, the system providesbasic functions of a video site, and allows users to add video information for characters orblock their faces as their need. The system has been able to basically meet the actualdemand, but also can be a test platform for exploration and research for video face trackingalgorithm.
分 类 号: [TP393.092]
领 域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]