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A Study on the Changement of Vocabulary in Newspaper Reading Materials of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language during30Years

导  师: 曾毅平

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 本文主要采用量化分析和描述解释的方法,研究30年来报刊阅读教材词汇更替状况,对近30年来报刊阅读教材词汇做一个纵向的静态、动态比较和统计分析。论文以10年为一个时期,分别选2‐3套报刊阅读教材,并建立了20世纪80年代、90年代和21世纪初3个时期的词库。 研究的内容主要有: 1.从词汇量、词类分布、词级、词汇的语域分等几个方面做一个宏观的统计和分析; 2.统计并分析共有词语在各个领域的分布情况; 3.统计并分析3个时期词库分别吸收的新词语。 研究得出的结论有: 1.30年教材在词汇量的控制上经历了一个从任意性主观性强到逐渐趋于稳定科学的过程,单课词汇量和课与课之间词汇数量平衡问题值得探讨; 2.报刊阅读教材词汇在词类上的比重与大纲分布走向大体一致,但受新闻语体特点的影响,不注词类者的比重远远高于大纲比重; 3.3个时期的词汇在社会生活类的比重都占绝对优势; 4.3个时期的报刊阅读教材超纲词汇比例高; 5.3个时期共有词语在社会生活、“其他”类领域所占比重较大; 6.3个时期报刊阅读教材对新词语的吸收量呈现出成倍增长的趋势,其在各个领域的分布状况波动较大,词语来源多以新造词语为主。 This paper mainly uses the method of quantitative,analyses,descriptions andexplanations,studies the changement of vocabulary in newspaper reading material of teachingChinese an a second language.Make an analysis of the vocabulary of the newspaper materialsince1980s. The paper takes10years as a period, choose4-5books of newspaper materials as therepresentative of a period, establishes lexicon of three period of the1980s,the1990s and the21century separately. The primary contents of this paper includes: 1.Make an macro statistics and analysis of the lexicon of three periods in three respects ofthe vocabulary, the level of the vocabulary、 the distribution and the semanticdistribution. 2Totals the common words and expressions of three periods, then make an statistic andanalysis of the distribution in all topics of the common words and expressions. 3.Totals the neologism absorbed of lexicon of three period separately, and then make adiachronic statistic and anlasis. The main conclusion of this paper as follows: 1.The newspaper material during30years has undergone a procedure from a higharbitrariness and subjectivity to becoming more stable and scentifical in vocabularycontrol. However, it is still necessary to investigate that the vocabulary control indifferent levels of L2students and the vocabulary of every lesson. 2.The percentage of every speech of vocabulary of newspaper reading material is similarwith the outline, under the influence of the news stylistic feature, the percentage of not indicated words of newspaper reading material is substantially higher than the outline. 3.The percentage in social life of vocabulary of three periods is in a dominant position. 4.The propotion of the part over the outine of vocabulary of three periods is very high. 5.In the field distribution of the common words and expressions of three periods, the otherclass is in a dominant position, followed by social life, economic and politics. 6.The absorption of neologisms of materials show

关 键 词: 对外汉语报刊阅读 词汇 更替

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 吴津
作者 刘美丹
作者 郭胜春
作者 梁霏
作者 彭淑莉


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏